The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1897: Too much limelight!

"Yang Fei! Be careful!" Chen Mo shouted at his back.

This is a crossroads, and the cars have just started and are not going very fast.

Seeing someone appear on the street, the car behind them honked their horns.

Yang Fei kept making "I'm sorry, please give way" gestures while rushing towards the street quickly.

He and Avlica haven't seen each other for a long time!

Yang Fei has been unable to contact her, and she has not contacted Yang Fei.

I unexpectedly saw her on the streets of New York today, and of course Yang Fei didn't want to miss it.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei got off the car in the street regardless of everything.

Mouse drove the car across the street, pulled over, got out of the car with Chen Mo, and turned around to look for Yang Fei.

The streets of New York are packed with people!

When Mo Zi and Chen Mo came back to look for him, Yang Fei was gone.

"What's going on? He was clearly walking this way just now! Why did he disappear?" Chen Mo asked anxiously.

The mouse looked around, but no one was in sight.

He took out his cell phone and called Yang Fei, but no one answered.

This is a downtown area, and all kinds of noises can be heard. It is really too noisy. You have to listen carefully to hear clearly when you are talking face to face. The ringtone of your mobile phone will almost be ignored by others.

Chen Mo said: "The Avlica he is looking for is not a vixen, right? Has she turned Yang Fei into a ghost?"

The mouse wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Last time in China, Yang Fei just went to the bathroom, but was kidnapped!

This is New York!

Yang Fei stole the show at the auction yesterday, spending a lot of dollars and setting a new record in the history of bronze auctions! He just met with George W. Bush again. The conversation lasted so long that many American and international media were on hand to interview him.

Yang Fei's limelight was too great!

It's too easy to become a target for kidnapping by bad guys!

The two of them searched around the area.

Still nothing.

The best news is that Yang Fei's phone can still be connected, but no one answers.

Mo Zi didn't know whether to call the police immediately, so he called Ma Feng to discuss it.

Ma Feng didn't dare to make the decision without permission and told Ning Xin about Yang Fei's disappearance.

Ning Xin was so anxious when she heard this.

Fu Heng said thoughtfully: "It's broad daylight and it's on the streets of New York. Nothing will happen, right? The boss is looking for a friend. Maybe he and his friend went to talk somewhere? Let's call the police later! You don't have to worry. Boss Auspicious people have their own destiny."

Wang Yuanzhi smiled and said: "I think Yang Fei's appearance is rare in the world. There are many people who want to hurt him, but those who can succeed are probably not born yet."

Ning Xin had seen the tricks of the magic stick Hu Xuanlin, so she didn't believe in the art of physiognomy.

However, after the two old men said this, her mind became much calmer.

Fu Heng's guess was good. Yang Fei had indeed met his friends and found a place to talk.

Let's say that after Yang Fei got out of the car, he ran rampant, rushed to the sidewalk, and then ran into the crowd while gesturing.

He kept his eyes on Avlica and ran towards her, shouting at the same time: "Avlica! Avlica!"

The tall beauty with long hair tied around her waist turned around and looked at Yang Fei in astonishment.

"Mr. Yang!"

"Avlica! It's really you!"

Yang Fei laughed.

Avlica's eyes were sore, then she ran over and threw herself into Yang Fei's arms.

Yang Fei hugged her, turned around in circles, and said with a smile: "It's really you! I thought I was dazzled and recognized the wrong person!"

Avlica smiled and said: "I thought I was dreaming too! Mr. Yang! Why are you here?"

The street was crowded with people, Yang Fei said: "Let's find a place to talk."

Avlica hummed, and she happily held Yang Fei's hand, looking at him with her eyes constantly, as if she had endless things to say, but she didn't know where to start.

The two turned around a small alley, found a cafe, and went in to talk.

Avlica asked: "Mr. Yang, why are you in New York?"

Yang Fei said: "I'm here to do something, what about you? Why did you come to New York?"

Avlica said: "I escaped from Europe."

Yang Fei asked: "When did it happen?"

Avlica said: "I just entered the United States three days ago. I don't have a passport or identity document. I came here illegally. I am penniless. I keep walking on the street because I I want to find a job that suits me. However, I have asked many recruiting companies and small shops, but they all don’t want me.”

"Why don't you go find me?"

"I want to find you. But I don't know how to get to your country. It's easy to sneak into the United States from Europe. I want to settle down first, find a job, make some money, get a passport, and then I'll go find you. .”

"Haha! What a fate! Let me see you on the street! How did you escape?"

"They live in a big castle in Europe and they have very strict control. Not only do they have mercenaries on guard, but they also have many man-eating giant wolfdogs to guard the surrounding area. I usually don't have a chance to come out. But because I behaved too tamely, They finally let down their guard, and a while ago, they arranged for me and others to go out to buy ingredients, and I took the opportunity to run away from my companions."

"so close!"

"Actually, I was not abused when I lived in that castle, but I just didn't have freedom."

"Afrika, let's do this. I have many friends in the United States. I will arrange your work, and leave your identity and passport to me."

"Really? Thank you so much! Mr. Yang, I'm so happy to see you again! Can you take me out of the United States and go to your country? I really want to go to your country. I can Work and live there.”

"I'll settle your life here first, and then I'll arrange for you to go to our country after you have your identity, okay? I'm leaving the United States today, and the plane is waiting for me at the airport. I'm on my way to the airport. On the way, I saw you, so I jumped out of the car to look for you."

"Ah? We just met, are we about to break up again? I can't bear to leave you! I will miss you!"

"Avlica, don't be sad. I will ask my friends to take good care of you. After your identity and passport are obtained, I will arrange for you to come to our country. At that time, I will apply for a work visa for you. You stay and work in our country.”

"Okay!" Avlica nodded helplessly, "You have to lend me some money. I haven't eaten in two days."

Yang Fei said pitifully: "Don't worry, I will arrange everything."

At this time, the news was playing on the TV in the cafe.

What happened to be released was the news that Yang Fei had photographed the sky-high price of Fang Lei.

Avlica looked at the TV and asked in surprise: "Is such a thing worth so much money?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "That's an antique."

Avlica said: "In Europe, the castle I lived in had countless antiques like this! I have seen many utensils similar to this! I only knew they were exquisite, but I didn't know they were so valuable. ! If I had known earlier, I would have brought one out for you."

Yang Fei heard an important piece of information, became interested, and asked: "Evelika, where is the European castle you mentioned? What do the appliances inside look like? Can you tell me in detail? ?"

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