The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1925: Coordinate the overall situation and look at the world

Yang Fei straightened his back and said seriously: "Tang Taizong said, Wei Zheng, husband, use copper as a mirror to dress your clothes; use history as a mirror to know the ups and downs; use people as a mirror to know gains and losses. Mr. Wei, you are like the Ming Xiang of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It’s also my mirror!”

Wei Xinyuan was so moved that he said repeatedly: "I never speak through my brain. I just say what I have to say. The boss doesn't mind my verbosity and is willing to listen to me. This shows that the boss is wise. I am lucky to have such a boss."

The two came to sit on the sofa.

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Wei, you are one of the people around me who dares to speak out and give suggestions, and you speak skillfully. You don't refute my face or quarrel with me in public. This is really commendable!"

Wei Xinyuan patted his leg and said with a smile: "Shame! I'm just too straight-tempered. I wasn't treated well by others in the energy factory before."

Yang Fei said: "You just said that the drug store and Meili Supermarket are suspected of duplication of construction. In fact, I have also seriously considered this matter."

Wei Xinyuan said: "The boss considers things more comprehensively than I do. I guess you have your own ideas?"

Yang Fei said: "Compared with beautiful supermarkets, drugstores are more mobile and flexible. They can be opened in any corner, and they can attract others to join. The most important thing is that the products sold in drugstores are all sold by our group. The products produced have unified signboards, unified decoration, unified publicity, and unified delivery. This is the living sign and living advertisement of Meili Group! The functions of drugstores are unmatched by small supermarkets. It is just like the supermarkets and convenience stores that are now everywhere. However, there are still many professional cosmetics stores opening in communities and streets.”

Wei Xinyuan said: "The truth is like this, but would it be too aggressive to expand 3,000 stores within a year? Choose a few big cities and open dozens of stores first to see the situation? What if consumers respond well? , it will not be too late for us to expand. Planting plane trees will attract phoenixes. When our store business is good, people will naturally join us.

Yang Fei nodded in agreement.

Wei Xinyuan said: "The main thing is that opening a drug store is different from opening a supermarket. The location and employees of the two are completely different. As long as a supermarket has an intersection with traffic, it can definitely be opened. And a drug store has very different requirements for location selection. The requirements are higher, and it must be a well-established community with a stable passenger flow, which is more suitable.”

Yang Fei said: "Yes, that makes sense."

Wei Xinyuan said: "Another point is that when hiring employees in supermarkets, you don't have to care about how much education and ability they have. You can just hire them. Drug stores, on the other hand, have much higher requirements for salespeople. There are three thousand stores and two shifts. At least three people are needed per shift, right? Each store needs an average of six employees, right? Plus regional managers, logistics personnel, distributors and other employees, there are at least 20,000 to 30,000 employees. The training of so many people is very difficult. It takes time. The location selection, decoration, and stocking of the store; the recruitment and training of personnel. All these things add up. Can so many stores open this year? Even if they can open, we can guarantee that all stores can do the same. Get up? If there is a wave of bankruptcies, it will have a profound impact on the reputation of Meili Group."

Yang Feidao: "There are a total of 660 cities in our country, 36 first-tier cities, 237 second-tier cities, 364 county-level cities, and 239 prefecture-level cities. According to population, cities in our country can be divided into four categories. Those with an agricultural population of more than 1 million are megacities, those with 500,000 to 1 million are large cities, those with 200,000 to 500,000 are medium-sized cities, and those with less than 200,000 are small cities.”

Wei Xinyuan was startled, wondering what the boss's purpose was in discussing urban issues?


He admired Yang Fei's comprehensive statistical ability very much.

Yang Fei seemed to pay special attention to and know all the cities, populations and other situations in the world.

Wei Xinyuan was very puzzled, how could the boss know so clearly?

Is it true that a scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out?

Yang Feidao: "660 cities, this is also the number of cities in our country, and the three thousand stores I mentioned are worldwide. How many cities are there in the world? 13,810!"

Wei Xinyuan said: "Thirteen thousand cities? So many!"

Yang Fei said: "There are so many countries! There are only 3,000 stores in more than 10,000 cities. If you calculate it like this, is it still too many? Too many? Not too many!"

Wei Xinyuan laughed.

Yang Fei said: "Even if there are 660 cities in China, 3,000 stores are not too many! In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, one city can open dozens or even hundreds of stores."

Wei Xinyuan said: "This? From a global perspective, three thousand stores are indeed not many. But no matter where they are opened, we are responsible for the management. This is a big test for the group's internal execution capabilities."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Wei, you just said something very good, planting a sycamore tree will attract phoenixes. I would also say something similar, when flowers bloom, butterflies will come!"

Wei Xinyuan said: "Business is in full bloom, and butterflies come! What an artistic statement! Boss, I understand what you mean. We opened the drugstore and opened it more. It's like flowers blooming in spring, and butterflies will naturally fly here."

Yang Fei said: "The butterflies I'm talking about are firstly consumers and secondly franchisees. If we don't open many stores, franchisees will just wait and see, and they will definitely not join in casually. When we bloom everywhere, they see business opportunities. Naturally, they come to make another alliance. The same is true for consumers. One or two stores are inconspicuous. When others see them, they are not impressed and have no characteristics. However, if there are the same stores everywhere, consumers’ curiosity They will be mobilized and will definitely go into the store to spend money.”

There are many ways to do business.

Yang Fei plays the quantity card.

Suddenly a spring breeze comes overnight, and thousands of pear trees bloom!

Gives people an amazing feeling!

This is also the fastest way to introduce drugstores to the world!

Yang Feidao: "We mentioned before that the main task this year is to open up the European market. The UK is the first to bear the brunt. There are now 66 municipalities in the UK. In each city, there are two to five drugstores, which means there are hundreds of them. . If several other large European countries open a few hundred drugstores each, this number will be astonishing. The three thousand drugstores I mentioned are actually a conservative estimate. The actual number of drugstores opened is probably even more than this. Much more!”

Wei Xinyuan was silent for a long time and said: "If the boss must promote the drug store, then I suggest that the expansion plan of Meili Supermarket be postponed? After the drug store is established, we can fully promote the Meili Supermarket, okay?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Okay, of course I will listen to Mr. Wei's suggestion. Our mission this year is to open a drug store."

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. Wei, our Meili Jahwa Group has basically completed the merger, acquisition and reorganization and entered a stable production stage. After the drug store is opened, the products of Jahwa Group can also be integrated into the store. It will be helpful to open sales for the products of its Jahwa Group and Pharmaceutical Group. This is why I am eager to build drug and cosmetic stores."

Wei Xinyuan said: "The boss coordinates the overall situation, looks at the world, and has a global mind. I can't match it!"

Yang Fei said: "A good man has three gangs, and one idea has three suggestions. Mr. Wei, I hope you can still maintain this kind of disciplinarian spirit in the future. This is the blessing of Beautiful Group, and it is also the blessing of me, Yang Fei."

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