The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1927: The fighter among scum!

Yang Fei recovered from his sadness and said with a smile: "Brother Li, I made you laugh."

Li Zhengyang smiled slightly and said: "Yang Fei, you are a person of temperament! Seeing this gatha can produce such a big emotional fluctuation. It shows that you are a very emotional person."

Yang Fei said: "Ashamed, modern people say that being affectionate is actually synonymous with being flirtatious."

Li Zhengyang laughed and said: "Famous heart? In ancient times, this was called talent! Which poet and lyricist is not associated with the word Chong Er?"

The two of them went to the other side of the small temple and saw that someone had also left a verse:

He planted green rice seedlings all over the field, and when he lowered his head, he could see the sky in the water. Only when the heart is pure can we follow the path, and retreat is actually forward.

Li Zhengyang smiled and said: "This song is also very interesting."

Yang Fei said: "The person who wrote this gatha is obviously not the same person as the one just now. These two people are quite interesting. On the left and right sides of this small temple, they each wrote a gatha. The Zen philosophy and meaning are very profound. They must also be two people. Someone who has made somersaults in the world."

The two of them chatted and laughed and came to the edge of the peak.

Ahead is a cliff.

Yang Fei said: "Brother Li, now that you are here, can you better understand the artistic conception of the poem 'Regress turns out to be forward'?"

Li Zhengyang said: "Yes, when life comes to this point, taking a step forward is an abyss. Only by retreating can we move forward again!"

Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, facing the spring breeze, and looked at the green mountains in the distance.

Li Zhengyang said: "The string of Buddhist beads you gave my mother was the one you bought at the auction last time, right?"

Yang Fei said calmly: "No. I asked someone to escort that string to Beijing to put it in a private museum. What I gave to my aunt was a very ordinary string of Buddhist beads. It happened to be a coincidence. I went there once In Mount Emei, when I went to the temple to worship the Buddha, an old nun saw that I had donated a lot of merit, so she gave me this string of Buddhist beads. Later I asked at the mountain gate that such Buddhist beads cost fifteen yuan a string."

Li Zhengyang was startled. He didn't expect Yang Fei to answer like this. He pondered for a moment and said, "You have your heart."

Yang Fei said: "We treat each other as brothers, this little thing is not worth mentioning."

Li Zhengyang said: "What a pity!"

Yang Fei said: "What's the pity?"

Li Zhengyang glanced at him,

Said: "It's a pity that you are not with Li Juan!"

Yang Fei: "..."

Li Zhengyang said: "Although you are already married, I still think that your best match is Li Juan."

Yang Fei coughed lightly and said, "Brother Li, don't mention this matter again."

Li Zhengyang said: "You don't know something..."

He hesitated to speak.

Yang Fei was about to ask when he heard Li Juan shouting from behind: "Okay, you two came here to play! You won't take me with you either!"

Li Zhengyang said: "If you don't have a barbecue down there, what are you doing up here?"

Li Juan said: "It's nothing, I was just walking around, and then I met you."

Yang Fei and Li Zhengyang laughed.

The three of them enjoyed the scenery on the mountain for a while and then went down the mountain.

Yang Fei always felt that Li Zhengyang still had something to say.

On the way back to the city, Li Zhengyang called Yang Fei to get in his car.

The car went around the mountain and halfway down the mountain, Li Zhengyang said: "Yang Fei, do you really not know?"

Yang Fei said: "What is Brother Li talking about?"

Li Zhengyang said: "Someone wants to pick the peaches of you, the richest man - or, more appropriately, someone wants to cut your leeks."

Yang Fei was shocked in his heart, thinking that it might be difficult to tell whether it was true or false if it came from someone else's mouth, but when it came from Li Zhengyang's mouth, it was definitely true!

The Gao family hasn't been completely defeated yet, and now there's another one?

Li Zhengyang said: "Before you and Li Juan dated, they were intimidated, so they never took any action. Now that you and Su Tong are married, they know that you have nothing to do with my Li family, so they are already ready to take action. "

Yang Fei raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Who is it?"

Li Zhengyang said: "You haven't heard anything about it?"

Yang Fei shook his head and said: "I have been very busy during this period, and I really didn't know about this matter."

Li Zhengyang said: "There is a man named Wang Lei, have you heard of him?"

"Wang Lei? Never heard of it." Yang Fei said, "Does this person have any background?"

"You don't know Wang Lei? Then you must have heard that someone once lost 300 million in a casino in Australia, right?"

"I really haven't heard of this. I rarely pay attention to these gossips."

"It's not that you don't pay much attention, you've never paid attention to it!" Li Zhengyang shook his head, "Even an old antique like me has heard about a 300 million bet, but you, a young man, have never heard of it?"

"Ashamed, I am indeed a little behind. For a while, I was looking for antiques for a private museum, and I felt like I was living in another time and space."

Li Zhengyang said: "This Wang Lei can be considered a legend. Like you, he is also an ordinary citizen. Don't mind it. The word ordinary people is not derogatory here."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I am an ordinary citizen, there is nothing taboo about this."

Li Zhengyang said: "He is not as diligent and motivated as you. He only graduated from college. The turning point of his life was that he pursued a girl in college."

Yang Fei said: "That girl looks like a fairy?"

Li Zhengyang said: "No, it's very ordinary, very ordinary. If you throw him into the crowd, you won't even look at him. And Wang Lei is so talented that even the school's belle is pursuing him."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Brother Li, how do you know so much gossip?"

Li Zhengyang said: "I didn't know about it originally, but when I heard that he wanted to cut your leeks, I tried to learn more about him."

Yang Fei said: "Then he leaves the school beauty alone and pursues an ordinary girl. That girl must have a great background?"

Li Zhengyang said: "Yes! That girl is the only daughter in the family, and her parents are both leaders in the banking industry! Her family is a real wealth empire."

Yang Fei said: "Did he catch him?"

"The girl couldn't stop lusting after him. Wang Lei once deliberately broke up with her, but the girl forced him to die, and he almost died."


"After the two got back together, Wang Lei successfully controlled the girl's emotions, and the girl only followed his orders. Wang Lei didn't go to work, and spent all day doing nothing, drinking and gambling. When he ran out of money, he asked the girl for money. The girl asked her parents again If her parents don’t give it, she will force her to die!”


Yang Fei lamented endlessly that the infatuated girl met Bo Xinglang, and the innocent rich girl gave up her hundreds of millions of net worth for love!

If this was written into a legendary story, it would probably be featured in a story fair or a modern and ancient legend.

Li Zhengyang said: "He is such a scumbag! He wants to cut your leeks."

Yang Fei said: "Haha, how does he plan to cut it? I'm very curious! Why does he do it?"

Li Zhengyang said: "Do you think he is just a bad gambler? A piece of mud that cannot stand up to the wall?"

Yang Fei said: "Isn't it?"

Li Zhengyang said: "Let me tell you one more thing. The 300 million he lost was actually lost on purpose. After the 30 million casino commission, the other 270 million belongs to Wang Lei! He is so Once it changes hands, the money from the father-in-law’s family becomes his money.”

Yang Fei heard this and sneered: "This man is simply a fighter among scum!"

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