The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1930: I like your unruliness!

After getting in the car, Gao Qin laughed heartily, leaned on Yang Fei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Oh, I'm really going to laugh to death from you."

Yang Fei asked: "Do you think it's funny?"

Gao Qin covered his mouth and said with a smile: "It's funny! It's so funny to watch two handsome guys fighting! Why do you dislike him so much? You keep pinching him as soon as you meet him."

Yang Fei said: "You are wrong. It's not that I wanted to pinch him, but that he pinched me as soon as we met. When I shook hands with him, he squeezed my fingers with all his strength! Fortunately, his full strength was used to pinch me. It's just a kid playing house."

Gao Qin pursed his lips and smiled: "I can see it too, he seems to be very hostile to you. Have you had any festivals before?"

Yang Fei said: "He and I met for the first time today. Where did we celebrate the festival?"

Gao Qin said: "That's strange. Yang Fei, this person is not easy to mess with. You shouldn't offend him."

Yang Fei said: "Haha, I'm not someone to mess with! He shouldn't offend me either!"

Gao Qin's eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile: "I just like your unruly look! You are so handsome!"

Yang Fei said: "Like me? Then come home with me!"

Gao Qin opened his eyes suddenly and looked at him in disbelief.

Liu Yu, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help but turn her head, and then quickly sat upright.

Gao Qin smiled slightly: "Okay!"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "Director Gao can still joke, which is good. He is not pretentious or reserved."

Gao Qin said quietly: "I am not a little girl anymore. Pretentiousness and reserve are the rights of a little girl."

Yang Fei muttered: "Wang Lei comes to see you for something?"

Gao Qin said: "You may not believe it, he wants to acquire the Gao Group's shares in the SARS company!"

Yang Fei's eyebrows flashed: "Really? Has he talked to you?"

Gao Qin said: "He mentioned it to me on the phone, but he didn't discuss it in depth. We made an appointment to discuss it in detail during dinner today."

Yang Fei said: "Then why did you call me over?"

Gao Qin said: "I don't want to talk to him, so I asked you to come over and disrupt the situation."

Yang Fei said: "How did you know that I would disrupt the situation?"

Gao Qin said: "If you don't disrupt the situation, I will also find ways to guide you to disrupt the situation. I didn't expect that you two would start fighting as soon as they met."

Yang Fei said: "Why did he buy the shares of the SARS company? Doesn't he not invest in industry?"

"How do you know he doesn't invest in industry?"

"Isn't that what you said? He does banking and investment. Investors generally look down on industrial people. Industrial people make money too slowly."

"Oh. I don't know why he bought these shares. I'm also curious. Even if he wants to invest in industry, there are so many industries worth investing in. With his ability, investing in oil or roads and bridges are both good projects. Why should he? How about jumping into the water of Rihua?"

"You really don't know?"

"Should I know?"

Yang Fei looked into her eyes for a long time and then said: "I guess he has taken a fancy to you and wants to use an excuse to get close to you?"


Then I'm going to die laughing! Gao Qin said, "I don't know how many yellow-flowered girls there are in the world!" Who would fall in love with me, a useless person like me? "

Yang Fei said: "Then he is interested in the Gao Group."

Gao Qin was startled.

Yang Fei said: "That's what I guessed. His acquisition of the SARS company's shares is just a front-end and a test of your reaction. With his ability, it's impossible for his ambition to only care about the SARS company's shares, right?"

Gao Qin said: "That makes sense. He wants to acquire the Gao Group?"

Yang Fei said: "Isn't this exactly what you want? Why don't you hurry up and make this happen?"

Gao Qin said: "Not good."

Yang Fei said: "Why is it bad? You don't want to harm the Gao Group anymore?"

Gao Qin said: "I want the Gao Group to collapse, but it cannot be acquired like this! The Gao family will still have money and the ability to build another group after selling the group. This is not my purpose."

Yang Fei said: "Then what are you going to do?"

Gao Qin said: "I have my own plan!"

Yang Fei said: "Wang Lei can skip you and negotiate directly with the directors of the Gao Group."

Gao Qin said silently: "They probably won't agree."

Yang Fei said: "I hope he can buy your Gao Group from you."

Gao Qin said: "Why?"

Yang Fei said: "Wang Lei is a gambler and a person who likes to take the wrong approach. This is why he bypassed the big guys of your Gao family and came to you directly."

Gao Qin said: "Huh? What next?"

Yang Fei said: "You can profit from it!"

When talking to smart people, just hit the point and don’t need to say more.

Gao Qin's mind immediately changed.

Yang Fei deliberately confronted Wang Lei, which of course had deep meaning.

There are people you can negotiate with, and there are people you don’t have to!

The more you talk, the more others will look down on you and bully you.

Wang Lei came prepared. He might have had a comprehensive plan in advance, and his purpose was to bully Yang Fei.

Therefore, when Yang Fei saw his face, there was no need to give him a good look.

Yang Fei can imagine that Wang Lei contacted Gao Qin and acquired the shares of SARS Company just to target Yang Fei's Meili Group.

Wang Lei's idea was the same as the Gao family's original idea, they both wanted to give Yang Fei a fatal blow in a field that Yang Fei was familiar with.

However, the Gao family has already tasted the pain.

They invested a lot but got little results.

Not to mention defeating Yang Fei, even if they want to compare with Yang Fei, they are not qualified!

If the Gao family is like this, Wang Lei's results will be the same.

If Wang Lei made this move, Yang Fei didn't need to worry at all.

Just be afraid, Wang Lei, a sinister man, has other tricks up his sleeve!

Therefore, Yang Fei deliberately instigated Gao Qin to complete the deal with Wang Lei.

If Wang Lei gets the shares of SARS company, he will follow the old path of the Gao family.

As for the Gao family, Yang Fei has many ways to deal with them slowly.

When two strong powers compete, it is not easy to defeat the other.

Kong Ming's wisdom, even after six trips to Qishan, passed away without success.

Yang Fei still needs time to defeat the Gao family.

Perhaps, Wang Lei's appearance gave Yang Fei a good opportunity to liquidate the Gao family!

Since Wang Lei wants to buy the SARS company's shares, let him do it!

Although SARS Company's domestic operations are not as good as Yang Fei's Meili Group, it is a large international daily chemical company and its income is still very stable. Otherwise, Wang Lei would not like these equity interests.

Letting Wang Lei take away this part of the Gao family's shares is equivalent to cutting off one of the Gao family's money-making arms.

After the last stock market crash, the Gao family is now in a period of recuperation. Because of this, although they hate Yang Fei to the core, they have not made any big moves.

First cut off the Gao Group's way of making money, and then find an opportunity to show off with the Gao Family!

Gao Qin considered Yang Fei's suggestion in his mind for his own benefit.

She thought Yang Fei's words were reasonable and she would benefit from it. She not only fulfilled Wang Lei and made friends with this powerful man, but also fulfilled Yang Fei's wish and achieved her own goal. The Gao family could also benefit from it. SARS companies are probably willing to withdraw from this troubled waters, even if they suffer some losses.

After thinking about it, Gao Qin decided to promote the deal.

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