The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1938: Bullying others with power!

Labor Day is here.

Yang Fei returned to Southern Province.

The relationship between him and Su Tong seemed to have changed in quality.

It used to be love, now it's love.

Family affection, long-lasting love.

The two occasionally talked on the phone, asking about each other's situation, and chatting lightly about daily life and physical conditions, without saying anything unnecessary.

It is said that a gentleman's conversation is like water, so why not the same for a husband and wife?

We don’t see each other a few times a year, but when we do, we can hug each other, stay together, and never get separated. Perhaps this is the normal state of couples!

From love to marriage, there should be a qualitative change.

When Yang Fei returned home, Su Tong's belly was "pregnant" again, and the two of them couldn't do that. They could only hold hands, hug each other, and talk intimately.

Su Tong is also worried that too many relationships between husband and wife break down when women give birth to children.

Fortunately, Yang Fei treated her as before, which made her feel at ease.

Since Tie Lianping's death, the political power structure of Taohua Village has undergone great changes.

In the past, Yang Fei only focused on business matters and didn't ask anything about the village's administrative issues.

Now, his wife is the branch secretary of Taohua Village, and he is the richest man in the village.

Yang Fei became the true "Lord Emperor" of Taohua Village, with wealth and power concentrated in his family.

Everyone else went on a trip on May Day, but Yang Fei's family rested at home on May Day and didn't go out to take part in the fun.

May Day is also the peak tourist season for the Eighteen Scenic Spots in Yilin, and every scenic spot is crowded with people.

My brother Yang Jun's family and Jiang Ziqiang's family also came over from the provincial capital.

Lao Yan also came with his daughter Chu Xiu.

Yang Fei’s family gathered together, they had a hot pot for lunch, and they had a barbecue on the island in the afternoon.

Yang Fei looked at the two girls Jiang Xiaojia and Chu Xiu,

She is getting older day by day, becoming more beautiful, slender and delicate, it is really a transformation of a woman.

Jiang Xiaojia is cheerful and lively, with a sweet smile that never leaves her face. She is either humming or singing. She also performs a graceful dance from time to time while walking, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Chu Xiu is still so quiet and introverted, like a quiet woman walking in the rainy alleys of Jiangnan Water Town. She forgets the world when she sees her and looks at her kindly. One look at her makes her whole heart peaceful.

Yang Jun and Yang Fei brushed oil on the skewers together.

Yang Fei likes to do things.

Whether it's fishing or barbecue, he does it himself.

Yang Jun leaned over and said to his younger brother: "You are too strong in Taohua Village. This may not be a good thing."

Yang Fei was surprised: "I rarely stay in Taohua Village. I only come back to stay a few times a year. And I have never bullied anyone with my power."

Yang Jun said: "Su Tong is your wife, and whatever she does will be blamed on you."

Yang Fei glanced at Su Tong, who was chatting with Wan Aimin not far away, and said, "What has she done? Brother, did you hear something?"

Yang Jun said: "Some people say that the richest man, Yang Fei, is domineering in Taohua Village, causing resentment among the Taohua villagers."

Yang Fei looked shocked.

Since these words came from my brother’s mouth, they definitely couldn’t be groundless!

Yang Jun said: "When the water is full, it will overflow, and when the moon is full, it will be short. You know better than me. If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will encourage them! Although it is said that as long as people behave righteously, there is no need to be afraid of what others say, but be humble and be kind to others. Some, that's a good thing. You're already so rich and powerful anyway, so why bother competing with a villager for a small profit?"

Yang Fei frowned and did not answer.

He had to ask Su Tong first to find out what happened.

Yang Jun also stopped talking and said no more.

Jiang Ziqiang and Lao Yan, as well as Yang Mingyi, Yang Liyuan and his son chatted together, laughing from time to time.

Chu Xiu, Jiang Xiaojia, Xiao Junjun, and Xiao Susu were playing the game of eagle catching chicken.

Little Susu runs slowly and likes to play with her older sisters.

In order to avoid little Susu, Chu Xiu stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Yang Fei was right next to her, with quick eyes and quick hands, and he reached out to hug her.

Chu Xiu exuded a faint fragrance of shampoo.

Yang Fei helped her stand firm and said with a smile, "Be careful."

"Yes!" Chu Xiu responded softly, and Yang Fei looked at each other, and immediately Xiafei ran away shyly.

In the evening, Yang Fei and Su Tong returned to the room.

Su Tong sat in front of the dressing table and took off the jewelry and other items on his body.

Yang Fei took off his coat, hung it on the hanger, and asked, "Has anything happened in the village since I left?"

"What's up?"

"Why do I hear people say that I, Yang Fei, bully others?"

"Haha, who said that?"

"Don't ask me who said that, I'm just asking you, what happened?"


"It's nothing, what is it?"

"I haven't asked you yet! What happened to Chen Mo? Didn't you promise me that you would transfer her? Why are you still your secretary?"

"I couldn't find the right person for a while. Didn't I tell you?"

"I think Bei Yi is fine. Haven't you already transferred her to Shang Hai? Just use her to replace Chen Mo."

"Beiyi? Can she compare with Chen Mo?"

"Yes, she is indeed not as good-looking as Chen Mo!"

"Is this a good-looking thing? Can you please stop being unreasonable?"

"Am I being unreasonable? I have a big belly, and you didn't say a word of concern. When you came back to the room, you questioned me? Are you justified?"


"Tell me! Why don't you replace Chen Mo?"

"I don't want to argue with you today."

"Oh, that's weird! You don't want to quarrel with me today? Do you want to save the quarrel with me tomorrow? It's better to end the quarrel today!"

"Don't change the subject! I'm asking you something! What did you do at home?"

"What can I do? My belly is so big, can I date other men? Or am I looking for two male secretaries?"

"Sister, why are you like this?"

"Yes, why am I like this? Why did you marry a woman like me? Are you particularly dissatisfied?"


Yang Fei became a little irritable, walked around the room twice, took out a cigarette, looked at her, put it in again, stopped and said, "If you don't tell me, I can naturally ask!"

"Go and ask! Ask all over the village! What has I, Su Tong, done that is so harmful to the world? Is it worthy for you to doubt me so much?"

"I'm not doubting you. I'm asking you, have you ever done anything to bully others?"

"Whose power am I relying on? Yours?"

"No matter whose power you rely on! Just tell me, is this happening?"

"Yes, so what? If not, so what?"

Yang Fei reached out to support her shoulders.

Su Tong reached out and knocked her hand off.

Yang Fei said warmly: "Senior sister, can't we talk properly?"

"You transfer Chen Mo away, and I will have a good talk with you."

"Why do you always have trouble with Chen Mo?"

"Then why don't you transfer her?"

"These are two different things! First tell me, what did you do in the village?"

"You tell me clearly about Chen Mo first, and then I'll tell you about the village affairs."

"Forget it, I'll ask Sister-in-law Qingqing."

"Haha, Sister-in-law Qingqing? Do you still have the nerve to mention her? Let me tell you, this matter is related to her! Didn't you notice? You have been back for a whole day and you haven't seen her come to my house?"

Yang Fei was stunned.

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