The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1946: Kill first and show later!

Su Tong's emotions were out of control!

Yang Fei smiled bitterly and reached out to help her, but she threw him away.

"Don't touch me!" She covered her face.

Yang Fei said: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about these things."

Su Tong yelled hysterically: "You haven't said it yet? You've been saying it all day! You say it during the day and at night. It's rare for you and I to meet each other, but when we meet, you say something wrong about me like this! My Su family We are all farmers, and everything we do is wrong! Of course they are not as good as your Yang family! Just fire them all! I don’t care!"

"Xiao Fei! Xiao Fei!" Mother Wu Suying's voice came from outside the door.

Yang Fei opened the door and shouted: "Mom!"

Wu Suying glared at her son with reproachful eyes, then held Su Tong's hand and said kindly: "My child, don't cry, it's his fault, I'll beat him for you!"

Su Tong was just a little aggrieved, but now he couldn't control it anymore and burst into tears.

Yang Fei said: "Mom, you don't understand the situation..."

Wu Suying shouted: "I don't care what the reason is! She is pregnant with your child! With such a big belly, you shouldn't be angry with her! Get out of here!"

Yang Fei was speechless and walked out with his head down.

The family members were all alarmed and came over to ask what happened.

Jiang Ziqiang, Lao Yan and Yang Jun were still playing cards downstairs, so they all came up.

Jiang Ziqiang smiled and said: "It's just right to be kicked out, come on, come and play cards with us! It just so happens that one of the three is missing!"

Yang Fei shook his head and sighed: "Brother Jiang is a joke."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "It is common for couples to quarrel, and it is also a good thing! It shows that you have a deep relationship! People without feelings are just like two strangers who will not quarrel!"

Lao Yan said: "What the leader said makes sense. Let's go down and sit down for a while and let my wife calm down."

Chu Xiu and Jiang Xiaojia lived in the same room. They had already put on their pajamas and opened the door to look at them.

Lao Yan waved to his daughter: "Go to sleep!"

Chu Xiu spat out her sweet tongue and quickly retracted her head.

"Brother Yang Fei and his sister-in-law had a fight!" Chu Xiu said depressedly.

Jiang Xiaojia said: "They often quarrel, and they quarrel whenever they meet. They broke up before! If brother Yang Fei hadn't missed his old relationship and she was pregnant again, how could he have brought her back!"

Chu Xiudao: "You know so clearly!"

Jiang Xiaojia said: "At that time, they were in the provincial capital. I was with brother Yang Fei every day! He even took me to sleep!"

"Really or not? He takes you to sleep with him?"

"Oh, where are you thinking? I was still a child before! My parents were not at home, and it was thundering and lightning outside. I was scared! Brother Yang Fei lived next door to my house! He took me Fell asleep. A few years ago, the relationship between brother Yang Fei and Su Tong was very tense. Now that they are together less and separated more, can the relationship still get better? My dad often said, relatives, relatives, only people who move around frequently are called relatives. , can't move, and gradually stop kissing. This is true for relatives whose blood is thicker than water, let alone husband and wife?" Jiang Xiaojia looked like an old god was present,

His tone was like that of a little adult.

"I can also see that the relationship between brother Yang Fei and his sister-in-law is not good."

"It's always been like that! In my opinion, they can't last long, and they might break up one day."

"It's better not to differentiate. It's not good for little Susu."

"Alas!" Jiang Xiaojia sighed deeply, "Yes, I like little Susu very much! Her round face is chubby, and it feels so good when pinched! Her skin is smooth, as white and tender as tofu. ! If brother Yang Fei gets divorced, little Susu can just follow him."

"What does this have to do with you? You're worrying!" Chu Xiu chuckled, "Maybe you still want to be little Susu's mother?"

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaojia smiled and went to tickle her, "Okay, you dare to tease me! I won't let you off lightly this time!"

Not to mention the two little girls playing around, Yang Fei followed everyone downstairs and sat down to chat for a while.

Yang Fei talked about the quarrel just now.

Yang Jun said: "Xiao Fei, you did the right thing. To tell you the truth, the Su family has made a mess in Taohua Village! I guess that the things you heard are not all. Otherwise, no one would run away. They came to the province to file a complaint. Because they know that no one in the county or city dares to care about your affairs, Yang Fei, so they can only go to the province to file a complaint."

Yang Fei frowned and said, "I didn't know that in just a few months, Su Tong had arranged for so many members of the Su family to work in important jobs!"

This is Yang Fei's family matter, and Yang Jun can say whatever he wants, but Jiang Ziqiang and Lao Yan are both outsiders, and they are not close to each other, so it is difficult for them to interrupt casually.

Yang Jun said: "She can't help herself. If someone comes to ask for help, or asks her parents first, and then her parents tell her, can she not arrange it? Moreover, in her opinion, those people are honest farmers, and occasionally there are An intellectual is also a simple and responsible person. Who would have thought that once this person has power, he will easily deteriorate."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "I know this very well. Some people are fine when they are in a low position and behave honestly. But with a little power, even if they just check the pass, they can magnify their power infinitely and dominate. Fu, deliberately making things difficult for others. So, money and power are the most testing people."

Lao Yan laughed and said: "I have to add another word for sex!"

Jiang Ziqiang said: "Yes, it is even more difficult to get through the sex test! I dare to say this, nine out of ten men in the world will not be able to pass the sex test. There may be some who can remain pregnant, but I The one who sees a lot is the one who gets interested in sex."

Yang Jun said: "If you don't test, you will be fine. If you take the test, you will be dead!"

Yang Fei said: "Everyone, please give me some advice! What should I do better?"

Jiang Ziqiang smiled and said: "Yang Fei, you are such a smart person, do you still need us to teach you?"

Yang Fei said: "Brother Jiang, stop teasing me. It's hard for an upright official to deal with household chores! I'm really at my wits end."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "Actually, you shouldn't discuss this matter with Su Tong. You just have to deal with who should be dealt with according to the factory regulations. If they dare to make trouble later, just explain it to Su Tong. She is a reasonable person, and you have already dealt with her. What else can she say? You discuss it with her. She is hurting the favor of her parents and relatives. She is the branch secretary, and she has to take into account her prestige and support in the village. Rate, of course I have to consider it more.”

Yang Fei slapped his forehead and said: "That's right! Why didn't I think of this move of cutting first and then playing!"

Yang Jun said: "Brother Jiang, this is a good idea. Xiaofei, please instruct your men to deal with the people who should be dealt with, and then tell your brothers and sisters."

Yang Fei said: "This is the only way to deal with it! Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite!"

Yang Jun said: "Do you understand now? Why don't I work in your company?"

Yang Fei only gave a wry smile, thinking to save it first and then explain it later, but he didn't know if Su Tong would accept it?

Never mind her!

The foundation that I have worked so hard to build cannot be destroyed at the hands of a bunch of relatives of the Su family!

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