The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1954 Who would suspect that I have no money?

"One billion?" Wei Xinyuan asked happily, full of hope.

Yang Fei said: "No."

Han Yiyi smiled and said: "It won't be only 10 million, right?"

Wei Xinyuan's legs fell to the ground with a slap, and he lost his voice: "It's impossible, right?"

Han Yiyi said: "I guessed it!"

Yang Fei said: "How is it possible?"

Lao Yan said: "That's 100 million?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Absolutely!"

Wei Xinyuan and Lao Yan looked at each other.

There really is only 100 million!

Yang Fei is so courageous. He dares to acquire a company with one billion yuan for only one hundred million yuan?

Unexpectedly, Yang Fei said again: "We have other uses for this 100 million. We have also said in previous meetings that we still have a lot to do this year."

Wei Xinyuan took a breath: "Then how much money do we have to buy Sibao Daily Chemicals?"

Yang Fei said: "Not yet."

Wei Xinyuan was stunned for a long time, and then said: "Boss, what's the point of establishing a project like this?"

He spread his hands and said helplessly: "We have no money! How can we purchase it without money?"

Yang Fei said: "Who dares to believe that I, Yang Fei, have no money? Who dares to believe that Meili Group has no money?"

Lao Yan was amused and said with a smile: "It makes sense! The richest man has no money? Are you kidding me?"

Wei Xinyuan said: "Indeed, if you ask anyone on the street, no one will believe it."

Yang Fei said: "So, if we go to talk to Sibao Daily Chemical, do you think they will suspect that we have no money?"

Wei Xinyuan shook his head: "No, he will treat you as the biggest rich man, entertain you with good wine and food, and even invite a few beauties to dance with you at the dance party in the evening."

Everyone laughed.

Yang Fei said: "We have no money, it's just temporary. We will definitely have money in the future. Who keeps one billion in cash? Isn't that a fool? Our negotiation with Sibao Daily Chemical cannot be accomplished overnight. It will always take several months. Even if it takes a year and a half, we may not be able to reach an agreement. So, there is no need to worry about money!"

Wei Xinyuan couldn't help but sigh: "This is why the boss is the boss, and we are wage earners. He has no money, but he dares to play the biggest game in the world! And we, even if we have a lot of money, we are still looking forward and backward, and the result is only If you miss a good opportunity, nothing will be achieved.”

Lao Yan nodded and said: "This is also what I admire most about the boss."

Yang Fei said: "We go to Sibao Daily Chemicals to negotiate, and we don't necessarily need to reach an acquisition. I have two main intentions."

After everyone heard this, they immediately cheered up.

Yang Feidao: "One intention is to prevent Wang Lei from acquiring Silk Treasure Daily Chemical. Wang Lei has the ambition to merge the world of daily chemicals. This person has the background, funds, and motivation. He is very scary. If he can successfully acquire Silk Treasure Daily Chemical , then it will be really difficult for him to form a climate, and he will definitely be our strong enemy in the future. Instead of facing a powerful enemy in the future, it is better to nip it in the cradle now."

Everyone nodded, and then they understood that Yang Fei had a deeper purpose for doing this.

The beggar does not envy the millionaire,

But he will certainly be jealous of the beggar who earns more.

Because millionaires are so much higher than beggars.

In the field of daily chemicals, Meili Group is also several levels higher than Sibao Daily Chemicals.

Sibao should not refuse the acquisition negotiations of Meili Group.

If Yang Fei and Wang Lei approach Sibao Daily Chemicals for negotiation at the same time, the other party should be more inclined to Yang Fei.

This is Yang Fei's chance of winning.

Yang Fei said: "One more thing, Sibao Daily Chemicals is still good. Whether you buy it for speculation, short-term profit, or use it for self-expansion and development after mergers and acquisitions, you can do it. I don't want it to fall into the hands of others. Here, if we negotiate in advance, we can take advantage of it. With the aura of the richest man on my head, I will definitely take advantage of it, at least I can intimidate Sibao Daily Chemical."

Han Yiyi said: "Boss, I have a suggestion. The group should set up a strategic department, which does not need too many people. It specializes in studying the development of the daily chemical industry, as well as domestic and foreign peer companies."

Yang Fei's eyes lit up and he said, "Mr. Han's suggestion is very good!"

The strategy department can also be said to be the company's think tank, equivalent to the staff team.

But where to find these people?

Since Yang Fei started his business, he has always been hungry for talents.

He dared to take in even people like Jiang Wen, because he cherished his talents, and he also hoped that through his own efforts, he could move and change Jiang Wen.

He is such a person, he will put his heart and soul into the talents he likes and try his best to win over and retain them.

Even so, the real talents around Yang Fei are limited.

What kind of talent can be considered a good talent in Yang Fei's mind?

Of course it won't work without a degree.

An academic degree is not just a piece of paper, it is a proof of a person's intelligence and learning ability.

A person with low academic qualifications may grow into an excellent businessman or an excellent leader, but his shortcomings are also obvious.

In addition to academic qualifications, one must also have experience and be familiar with both ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

In addition, think tanks must also know the current situation and relevant professional knowledge of economy, finance, politics, especially the daily chemical industry.

We are lucky to find one or two such talents, but we still need to find a team?

Of course, those charlatans who are good at talking but have no real talent or knowledge are not in this category.

Han Yiyi's words reminded Yang Fei.

It also accelerated his idea of ​​establishing a think tank.

If he had such a think tank team, then he would not have to convene the bosses to discuss matters like today. He would only need to talk to the think tank, and the other party would quickly come up with materials and suggestions related to the Silk Treasure Group.

Yang Fei, Wei Xinyuan and others chatted for about ten minutes and then ended the meeting.

Next, the subordinate departments will go their own way, collect relevant information about Sibao Daily Chemicals, and conduct an acquisition evaluation of this company.

Yang Fei turned on the computer and searched for information related to Sibao Company.

To his disappointment, there wasn't much about the company on the Internet.

On the contrary, many search suggestions related to the Beauty Group came out, which surprised Yang Fei and made him laugh.

In this early generation of the Internet, in the industrial field, Yang Fei is probably the only one who pays so much attention to the promotion and publicity of the Internet.

Too many people have not realized the huge changes that the Internet will bring.

Yang Fei was surprised to find that there was actually a "forum" for Meili Group on the Internet!

Obviously, this is not official, but someone opened it privately.

This "beautiful forum" has its own domain name and is independently operated!

This is a thoughtful person.

The question is, why did this person create this forum?

As soon as Yang Fei clicked on the forum and entered, he heard a knock on the door.

The person who came was Jiang Wanxia.

Jiang Wanxia smiled sweetly and said: "I'm sorry, boss, I missed a wonderful and important meeting because of something."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Who are you dating? Are you dating a boyfriend? It's so mysterious."

Jiang Wanxia smiled and said: "He is indeed a man, tall, rich and handsome."

Yang Fei said: "Then I want to congratulate you."

"Don't be in a hurry to congratulate me. I just asked a man to meet me, but I didn't say he was my boyfriend. If you knew who he was and what he asked me to do, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to laugh."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Wang Lei!"

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