The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1967: The humblest person is invincible?

"What are you thinking about?" Miyukiko smiled sweetly, "I just want you to call my dad and say that you can introduce me to an excellent partner! It's simple, right? This favor can help Bar?"

Yang Fei said: "This is not a big problem. Should I call him now?"

"No, don't fight now. You won't be able to fight now."

"Huh? When will we fight?"

"Well, that's it. I'll go to the island country first, follow his instructions, and after two kisses, I will send you a message, and then you can call him. In this way, I can come back! "

"Then wouldn't it be better if you didn't go?"

"My dad won't give up if I don't go there. No matter how good the man he introduces is, I will always find fault with him! In this way, if my dad hears you introduce a good boy to me, he will Will let me back."

"Hey, girls nowadays don't know what they are thinking in their heads! Okay! I'll just do this for you then."

"You must remember, I am sending you a message, you have to read it!"

"If I don't reply in time, you can call me! I have too many text messages, so you may not read them."

"Okay! I'm leaving then! Can you give me a hug before I leave?"

Yang Fei chuckled, stood up, and opened his arms.

Miyukiko threw herself into his arms, hugged him hard, and said, "Come on!"

I don't know if she was talking to herself or Yang Fei.

The next day was the weekend, and someone in the company was working overtime, so Yang Fei would come to the company as usual to take a look and deal with some urgent matters.

He heard Chen Mo report: Wang Lei was detained!

The woman who was injured by Wang Lei not only survived the pregnancy, but her uterus was severely injured and she underwent a surgical excision and was unable to have children again.

And she is still an unmarried woman!

For her, the blow of being unable to have children was more serious than any loss!

This time, the woman completely woke up from the illusion spun by Wang Lei. No matter how much money Mrs. Wang Lei gave her, she was unwilling to settle out of court and insisted on charging Wang Lei with intentional injury.

In addition, Wang Lei's past bad deeds were also exposed by women.

Wang Lei used mind control techniques to play with, deceive, and hurt dozens of women!

He also made his own mistakes. This guy likes to take pictures. Every time he plays with a woman, he has to take pictures and record them. Not only does he take photos, but he also records them.

Before the woman got pregnant, she was deeply loved by Wang Lei. Wang Lei once proudly showed off his past deeds and even enjoyed the "documentary" he shot with the woman.

When two people get along, everything is beautiful.

Now that the two have turned against each other, these things have become evidence for the woman to accuse Wang Lei.

Based on the woman's testimony, the police found dozens of boxes of VCDs and hundreds of unsightly photos at Wang Lei's residence.

When Mrs. Wang Lei saw this, she couldn't help but be stunned!

She thought she was marrying an angel, but she didn't expect to marry a devil!

If it weren't for this evidence,

Mrs. Wang Lei would never believe to her death that the man who coaxed her with sweet words every day could actually be worse than a beast!

There is overwhelming evidence, no matter how much Wang Lei denies or makes excuses, it will not work.

Yang Fei thought that there should be a result at this point.

However, Mrs. Wang's infatuation, or generosity, far exceeded Yang Fei's imagination!

Even if Wang Lei is such a scumbag, even if she already knows the truth of the matter, she still has illusions about him!

Mrs. Wang begged her parents and even threatened her with death, saying that if Wang Lei was not rescued, she would jump into the river with her two children and commit suicide!

In this case, even if her parents hated Wang Lei, they could only shake their heads and sigh, and then used all available power to save Wang Lei.

After Yang Fei got the news, he sent a team of lawyers to help the woman injured by Wang Lei file a lawsuit.

Unfortunately, the court finally determined that although Wang Lei's indecent videos were indecent, any relationship he had with those women and anything he did were consensual, and Wang Lei did not constitute a crime.

Yang Fei's legal team tried to contact the women who had been teased and abandoned by Wang Lei.

However, what disappoints Yang Fei is that these women either avoided seeing or refused to acknowledge that unbearable history.

Even the woman lying on the hospital bed would not have accused Wang Lei if she had not been severely injured by Wang Lei and had a miscarriage that hurt her body!

It is true that the most humble person is invincible!

This kid Wang Lei has caused harm to so many women, yet he managed to coax them all into a happy ending without leaving any clues!

His methods are many times better than that of the dandy young master in later generations who only knew how to administer drugs!

The result of the case is that Wang Lei's beating was intentional injury, and the miscarriage reached the level of serious injury and violated the crime of intentional injury. According to relevant criminal laws, he must be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.

In the end, Wang Lei was willing to pay high compensation in exchange for the victim's understanding. The court sentenced him to two years in prison and ordered him to pay compensation of 700,000.

A two-year sentence is actually not bad. After two years in prison, this person is basically useless.

It's a pity that Mrs. Wang, who has great supernatural powers and great hands and eyes, actually gave Wang Lei a suspended sentence!

Suspended sentence is an execution system of punishment in my country, and it is a conditional non-execution.

To put it bluntly, you have committed a crime and are sentenced to 2 years in prison. The sentence will not be executed for now. You will be given a probation period of 2 years. You will not be imprisoned for these 2 years. During these two years, as long as you do not commit any more crimes and are not discovered If the original crime was omitted, then after the two-year trial period expires, the original two-year prison sentence will no longer be executed. To put it bluntly, this "thing" of yours is over.

In life, it is relatively common for prisoners to be sentenced to suspended sentences, because most criminals will show regret for their crimes after being caught, and this will be considered a sign of good attitude in law.

Of course, this premise must be that the nature of the case is not too bad, just like a criminal who commits a serial murder case, no matter how good his attitude is, there is no chance of probation.

And if it is a first-time offender, or a non-malignant case like a traffic accident (except drunk driving), as long as the criminal pleads guilty and has a good attitude, there will generally be a chance for probation.

This time, although Wang Lei was guilty of intentional injury, he was willing to pay a large amount of compensation, and because it was his first offender, he was forgiven by the law.

No matter how powerful Yang Fei's lawyer is, he can't defeat the court's decision.

After all, the real purpose of the law is not how many people are thrown into prison, but how many people can be given a new lease of life.

On the first day Wang Lei came out, he made a arrogant call to Yang Fei: "Hahaha, I, Hu Hansan, am back again! Yang Fei, let me ask you, are you afraid? Just you, you still want to bring me down? Just dream! From today on, I will bite you to the death! Either you die or I die!"

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