The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1971 Su Tong smashes the store!

The richest man Yang Fei Chapter 1971 Su Tong smashes the store! "No, I'm not saying that the Chinese are not good. Of course the Chinese are very good. However, I don't want my daughter to marry so far away." Minoru Mori is a good person and immediately said, "Mr. Yang, you also have a daughter, and you don't want her to marry in the future." Are you going to marry abroad?"

Yang Fei said calmly: "It's okay to marry to another country, but not to an island country."

Minoru Mori: "..."

Yang Fei said: "Since Mr. Minoru Mori doesn't like to marry his daughter to us Chinese, then just pretend that I didn't say anything about the introduction just now!"

It was originally made out of nothing, and there were no real young talents.

This time, it saves trouble.

Minoru Mori hesitated and said: "My little girl has been kissed a hundred times in Tokyo, but still can't find the right one. Well, since it was introduced by Mr. Yang, it must be right, then I will take her to Shanghai to have a look. Come on! Mr. Yang is right, now is the era of globalization, and national and sectarian differences should be abandoned. As long as Miyukiko likes it, she will live the future."

Yang Fei wanted to just hang up the phone, but he was startled when he heard this, thinking that this old guy has a pretty open mind! Did he listen as soon as I said it?

"Ahem, um, Mr. Minoru Mori, are you going to personally bring Miyuki over for a blind date?" Yang Fei heard the clue.

If Minoru Mori comes over, where will Yang Fei find a young talent to go on a blind date with Miyukiko?

Just find one?

After all, there are too many singles in the company, so it is easy to find them.

Mori Minoru said: "It's better for me to be cautious about life-long matters."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Mori Minoru, you are busy with work and you are old. It is actually unnecessary to fly to Shanghai just for a blind date. And the blind date may not be successful! If she is successful, you It’s not too late to come back and check.”

Mori Min said: "Very good, Mr. Yang is thoughtful, then I will leave my daughter to you. As long as you can find a good man like Mr. Yang, I don't have any objection no matter which country he is from."

Yang Fei chuckled: "I take this as your compliment to me! It's a great honor!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fei said to Su Tong: "The daughter of the richest man is also worried about getting married! Look at Miyukiko, the daughter of a rich man in the island country. She has been kissed a hundred times, but she has not succeeded!"

Su Tong was not interested in this and just said: "You are so free, you have time when you are old enough!"

Just now Yang Fei handed his daughter to Xiao Yujuan to hold her in order to make a phone call, and now he took over again.

Su Tong said: "You should hold her less! I never hold her at home. If I get used to holding her, and I have to hold her every day in the future, who can hold her? For such a big child, she must learn to let her walk on her own. .”

Yang Fei said: "How old is she? She has just learned to walk! Besides, she is not heavy, and it is not tiring to hold her."

Su Tong said: "Are you blaming me for not taking good care of the child? Did you feed her to lose weight?"

Yang Fei said in shock: "I didn't say that. Don't over-interpret it."

Su Tong rolled his eyes at him.

A group of people went to the mall.

Su Tong and Xiao Yujuan went to the clothing store to try on clothes, while Yang Fei played with his two children.

The mice watched from afar,

Don't come either.

There were not many people in the clothing store, and there were many exquisite decorations in the windows.

In a blink of an eye, little Susu reached out and pulled off an ornament.

The decoration was a crystal glass ball. It was a small one. It fell down and shattered into pieces with a clang.

A clerk shouted: "Oh, whose child is this! He broke the crystal ornaments in our store!"

Little Susu was still smiling at first, but was frightened by the clerk's angry shouts and started crying.

Su Tong was eager to love his daughter, so he rushed out of the fitting room, hugged little Su Su, and checked her up and down, for fear that she might be hit somewhere.

Yang Fei smiled and said, "I'm just watching from the side, it's okay!"

Su Tong said: "Is this okay? You are really big-hearted. If such a big thing happened, you wouldn't rush over and take her away! What if these glasses hurt her?"

The clerk immediately said: "Beauty, this is not a glass product, it is a crystal product. It is very expensive! You must compensate."

Su Tong became very angry when he heard this: "You are such a person! Your glass bottle almost hit my daughter. Do you know? If you don't comfort my daughter, what do you care about the glass? Why don't you hurry up?" Cleaned up? What should I do if the kid gets hurt while running around?"

"Beauty, let me remind you again, this is really a crystal product! It's very expensive!" The clerk also became stubborn.

Su Tong said: "Did I say I won't compensate? Do you think I can't afford it? How much will it cost?"

"Eight hundred yuan!" The clerk raised his lips.

Without saying a word, Su Tong took out his wallet, counted out a thousand dollars, threw it on the clerk, and said: "The extra two hundred dollars will be your cleaning fee! Yang Fei, let's go! What kind of store is this?" yes!"

Yang Fei smiled bitterly, waved to the clerk, called Xiao Yujuan, and walked out of the store together.

The clerk yelled from behind: "Is it important to have money? If you have money, you can just smash other people's things?"

Su Tong had already left, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but turned around and said, "A child accidentally smashed it, what else do you want? Don't you have any responsibility for this? Why don't you put away the glass products? ? Falling off as soon as you touch it? Are you deliberately trying to extort money from customers? "

"Beauty, let me say it again, this is crystal, not glass! I want you eight hundred, which is our purchase price! If you go out to buy it, you may not be able to buy it for one thousand and eight hundred! Do you think that having money means everything? ? It's obviously your daughter who smashed the things in my store! If you have the ability, buy it back and let her smash it and play with it?" The clerk is really sharp-tongued.

Yang Fei frowned and said to Su Tong: "Okay, let's go. What's the point of arguing with a clerk?"

Su Tong said: "She scolded your wife and your daughter. If you don't help me, why are you helping her?"

Yang Fei said: "Who am I helping? Hey! OK, OK, can I just shut up?"

Su Tong waved to Mouse and the others.

Mouse and Ma Feng ran over immediately: "Hello, Mr. Su. Please give me your instructions, Mr. Su."

Su Tong became angry, pointed at the crystal ornaments in the store, and said, "Smash them all!"

Mouse and Ma Feng didn't care what they smashed, let alone crystals. Even if they smashed this store, they still dared to do it!

While talking, the two rushed into the store, grabbed each exquisite crystal ornament, and threw it on the floor.

The sound of the crystal hitting the floor is very clear and quite audible!

Little Susu burst into tears and laughed.

Yang Fei was stunned.

He didn't expect that Su Tong, who had always been indifferent to himself, would actually have such a side?

Several shop assistants were running around anxiously, shouting over and over again: "Don't smash it! Don't smash it again! These are all crystals! They are very expensive! This big one costs more than 10,000! Oops... it's broken!"

"Quick, call security!"

"Oh, don't let them go! These are all crystals! The total cost is more than 20,000 yuan! The boss is coming and wants us to compensate!"

Su Tong shouted from the side: "Keep smashing!"

The actions here attracted customers in the mall to come and watch.

The onlookers have always been mainly for watching the fun, no matter how many things were broken, they all laughed.

Yang Fei couldn't say anything, so he had to let Su Tong make trouble.

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