The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1977 Yang Fei talks about the business experience of getting rich

Yang Fei laughed and said: "How can I do any magic tricks! It's just that there are just a dozen arrows left. They were bought before and were not customized, so they are not engraved."

Su Tong chuckled and said, "That's it! I'm just saying, why are you so sure! Those arrows were clearly shot by you, but you dare to say otherwise."

Yang Fei said: "With a scoundrel like Wang Lei, there is no need to talk about benevolence, justice and morality. Just do it if you can!"

Su Tong said: "Is Lai Zi Jue considered the secret of your business?"

Yang Fei said sternly: "People say that integrity wins the world, and many companies and stores also hang this sentence on their walls. But ordinary people know that no businessman can be treacherous! If you are not treacherous, how can you make money? In this world , It’s hard for an honest person to get rich. It’s the same as selling department stores, and the same thing, some people sell it at a high price, and there’s a lot of traffic and customers. Some people sell it at a low price, but no one cares.”

Su Tong asked: "Is this a deformity?"

Yang Fei said: "In my old compound, there was a repairman who came often. He would sit at a stall outside the gate and repair household appliances. My water heater was broken. I asked him to come and repair it, and he just opened his mouth. It cost twenty yuan. In that era, twenty yuan was very valuable, and the salary was only two or three hundred! Since there were no other repairmen nearby, I had to ask him to repair it. He just tinkered with it and made twenty yuan. I Dad also said that people are craftsmen and earn their living based on their skills, so don’t argue with them about the small money.”

Su Tong said: "Our father is a good man."

Yang Fei said: "Later, my water heater broke down again, the same problem! At this time, there was a new repairman in the yard, and we called him to come and repair it. My mother thought he would charge twenty yuan to repair it! No! When I asked for a price, I just asked him to repair it. The master repaired it very seriously, and even helped replace the parts, tinkering with it for a long time. When my mother saw it, she thought it was something bad. Last time, the repair cost us 20 yuan. This master has been repairing it for so long and even replaced parts. I'm afraid he has to ask for fifty yuan? She regrets that she didn't agree on the price in advance."

Su Tong asked curiously: "What happened next?"

Yang Fei said: "After the master repaired it, he only paid eight yuan! He also said that the parts were replaced with good ones, which cost three yuan. Otherwise, he only needed five yuan!"

Su Tong groaned and said with a smile: "It turns out that the one from before was the profiteer!"

Yang Fei said: "Do you think this honest businessman will definitely become prosperous in the future?"

Su Tong said: "Huh? Isn't it?"

Yang Fei said: "I'm telling you,

The previous repairman made enough money to open a hardware and general store at the entrance of my alley. At that time, there were several general stores nearby, and his store was the only general store. The store was not big, and the goods in it were... Pile like a mountain. "

Su Tong said: "The daily miscellaneous department store is actually very profitable. It's just a bit harder."

Yang Fei said: "That's right! Do you know how he does business? This man is really a model businessman! I didn't think so before, but now that I am in business, I think back to this man's behavior and realize that he is a powerful person. .”

Su Tong said: "Why is he so awesome? Is he worthy of your praise?"

Yang Fei said: "He runs a mom-and-pop shop. He has to purchase goods at night. During the day, his wife keeps the shop, and he just puts up a random board in the shop to sleep. When someone goes in to buy something, his wife often doesn't remember the price of the thing, so she shouts inside. , ask her husband."

Su Tong smiled and said: "It's quite warm for a young couple to do business together. At least they don't have to be separated. It's much better than working part-time."

Yang Fei said: "His husband often looks like he can't wake up. When his wife asks about the price, he replies impatiently, nine yuan! After saying that, he goes to sleep and snores! Then his wife says to the customer, I sold it to you for five yuan! The customer also heard the price mentioned by her husband. It was obviously nine yuan, but why did it become five yuan when it came to her mouth? Oops, I missed it, so I bought it quickly. Walk."

Su Tong said: "Oh, isn't this store a huge loss?"

Yang Fei said: "How can you lose money? This is a trick! The purchase price of the goods is only more than one yuan! Other stores only sell it for three yuan!"

"Ah?" Su Tong was stunned, "Is there anyone else doing this kind of business?"

Yang Fei said: "Think about it. If he bids five yuan, others will definitely lower the price, and the deal will be only three yuan in the end, don't you think?"

Su Tong nodded and said, "Yes."

Yang Fei said: "They use this method and the customers think they are getting a bargain. Who will bargain? Even if someone knows the bottom price of something and pays back, she can still sell it!"

Su Tong smiled and said: "Oh my God, this is too clever! Then the customers won't come back to them?"

Yang Fei said: "Who would go to them for something that costs a few dollars? And if you think you have taken advantage, you will not go to other stores to ask for prices. Maybe in the future you will only go to his house to buy things, because There are still advantages to be taken advantage of!”

Su Tong smiled and said: "This is really a profiteer."

Yang Fei said: "They relied on this method to make money. In just a few years, they bought commercial housing in the provincial capital and a car. They lived more comfortably than ordinary public officials."

Su Tong said: "Not just better than ordinary people? Better than 80% of people! Why are they so powerful?"

Yang Fei said: "Later, I saw a story in a book. I wonder if the boss had also read it, so he followed it according to the book. It may also be a business lesson he learned on his own!"

Su Tong said: "What story? Tell me quickly."

Yang Fei said: "It's about two brothers who opened a shoe store. One sells outside and the other makes shoes inside. When customers come in to buy shoes, the younger brother asks the older brother inside what the price is. He shouts loudly every time, and the customer Asked him why he shouted so loudly? The younger brother said that both of them had poor hearing, so they were afraid they wouldn't be heard if they shouted too loudly. The older brother was very busy, so he looked up and yelled a price casually. For example, if the older brother yelled eighty, The younger brother listened carefully and told the customer to say sixty-eight. "

Su Tong smiled and said, "Is there really anyone doing this kind of business?"

Yang Fei said: "The customer thought he got a bargain, so he quickly took out the money to pay, picked up the shoes and left, for fear that his brother would ask again. From now on, the matter will be spread from ten to ten, and the matter of selling shoes behind the ears of the two brothers will be revealed. Word spread. Many customers came to this store to buy shoes and found that it was really like this. Every time when my brother checked out, the message he and his brother always made was wrong, and every time the price was lower than what they originally heard, so More and more people come to this store to buy shoes.”

Su Tong listened and said: "I really learned something today! This is real knowledge! You can't learn it in textbooks."

She suddenly thought of something and asked Yang Fei: "Where is the repairman? He is the honest and honest master. How is he doing? Do you know?"

Yang Fei said: "Of course I know!"

Su Tong asked: "Has he also gotten rich? I hope that good people are rewarded and he can also get rich."

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