The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1984: Being famous is a technical job

"Okay, go to sleep. Goodbye, Yang Fei." Li Yanan suddenly said guiltily, and then hung up the phone.

In front of Yang Fei's eyes, Li Yanan's otherworldly and beautiful face could not help but appear.

He had no intention of practicing any more, so he tidied up and went to sleep.

The next day, Yang Fei took Chen Mo to visit Liulichang.

In Liulichang, Yang Fei purchased a few copybooks and some stationery supplies.

Chen Mo did the math and spent thousands of dollars casually.

What Yang Fei bought was not the kind of particularly high-end stationery supplies. He didn't expect them to be so expensive.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "No wonder people say that learning art is the most expensive thing. Just learning calligraphy is so expensive."

Yang Fei said: "This does not include the cost of hiring a tutor. Famous teachers and masters are both very expensive."

Chen Mo said: "What are famous teachers and masters?"

Yang Feidao: "A famous teacher is a very famous teacher with a high reputation in the industry. A master is a teacher who understands the principles of calligraphy and painting very well. He knows how to learn and teach. He understands both the theory and practice of calligraphy, and He is tireless in teaching others.”

Chen Mo said: "Then what's the difference?"

"A master may not be famous, and a famous teacher may not really understand the true meaning of calligraphy."

"No way? He's already famous, but he still hasn't learned it yet?"

"Haha, do you think those so-called stars have better acting skills than teachers from old drama troupes or song and dance theaters?"

"Well, definitely not. Stars become famous mostly through praise and partly through luck."

Yang Fei said: "That's right. Being powerful does not necessarily mean being famous. Being famous is a technical job! A real calligrapher uses his life to manage calligraphy. A successful calligrapher uses calligraphy to manage his life. Moreover, calligraphy now also has official organizations. Since it is an official organization, then you have to understand the philosophy of officialdom and the principles of survival in officialdom. Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are or how good you write, you will only be able to If you are an unknown member, you won’t even be able to enter the association.”

“Oh my gosh, there’s so much learning!”

"There are many calligraphy masters among the people. They have been immersed in it all their lives. They neither seek fame nor profit. It is just a pure hobby. Before Li Yanan became famous, she was just a simple painting enthusiast."

"Yes, you made her famous. She must have joined many associations now, right?"

"Haha! It's not that she has joined many associations, but many associations have come to ask her to join theirs! Such a famous and influential painter can't even join the association? Doesn't that prove that there is something wrong with the association? So it must be Invite her to join! Sister Li doesn’t like to participate in various activities. Even if she joins the association, it’s just a false name."

"She is a true artist. She is so focused on artistic creation that she doesn't listen to what's going on outside the window."

Yang Fei said: "Actually, Sister Li understands the art of life very well. Her life is exquisite and beautiful."

The two of them chatted and walked, admiring the artistic charm of Liulichang area.

"Hey, Yang Fei, look, there's someone making a clay figurine here!" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"What's so good about clay figurines? There are also clay figurines in Liulin Town.

"Yang Fei smiled.

Chen Mo said: "Take a look!"

Yang Fei said: "Then let's take a look."

The two stood watching for a while.

When Chen Mo saw that the master craftsman was able to knead the pieces so perfectly, he wanted to do the same.

The master asked: "How many?"

Chen Mo said: "Take two! Me and him!"

The master glanced at them and then pinched them quickly.

Before Yang Fei could see clearly, the other party had already pinched it.

Chen Mo took it and said, "It looks like it!"

Yang Fei was dumbfounded when he saw it.


It's indeed very similar.

However, the artist pinched his and Chen Mo's portraits together.

There is a saying here, that is, I am among you, and you are among me.

Like conjoined twins.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Yang Fei, look, it's interesting. Just like what is said in the song "Wo Nong Ci", Er Nong and Wo Nong, there are so many emotions, many emotions, and they are as hot as fire. Put a piece of mud , twist one you and shape me, break the two of us together, and mix them with water. Then twist one you, and shape another me. I have you in the mud, and you have me in the mud. I and you are born in the same quilt, Die in the same coffin!"

Yang Fei glanced at her and thought to himself, you knew this poem and knew that the craftsman would pinch it like this, so you pinched it on purpose, right?

Chen Mo glanced at him: "What's wrong? Are you afraid of being seen by Su Tong?"

Yang Fei saw through her thoughts and touched his nose awkwardly: "What's this!"

"Then I'll put it on your desk!"


"Don't want to? Then put it on my desk!"

"...It's better to put it on my desk."

"I'm just teasing you! I want to treasure it!"

"How long can this mud be stored?"

"I can bake it into porcelain and treasure it forever!"


Back at the company, Yang Fei cleaned up the office and started practicing calligraphy by comparing it with calligraphy stickers.

He bought "Lanting Preface" and specially selected the characters "human" and "he" in it to practice.

Just after writing on two pieces of rice paper measuring four feet square, there was a knock on the door.

Yidai is here.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "You came just in time, I was just wanting to ask you about yesterday!"

Yi Dai came over, took a look at what he had written, and then smiled.

Yang Fei said: "What? You also know calligraphy?"

Yida said: "Boss, do you call this calligraphy?"

Yang Fei smiled awkwardly: "I just learned it!"

It is estimated that in the whole company, only Yidai dared to laugh at Yang Fei's poor handwriting.

At this time, Wei Xinyuan came in to deliver the materials, took a look at Yang Fei's handwriting, and cheered: "Well written!"

Yang Fei glared at him: "Tell the truth!"

Wei Xinyuan said: "Good means good!"

Yang Fei laughed.

Wei Xinyuan left the information and left.

Yang Fei smiled at Yi Dai and said, "How is it?"

Yi Dai shrugged her hands and said helplessly: "Everything written by the leader is good. No matter how good we write, who will appreciate it?"

"Can you also write?"


"Really? Write two words and I'll take a look. Just write the two words 'humanity'."

Yidai was not afraid of the stage. She immediately took Yang Fei's brush, took a look at it, and said, "Good brush."

She touched the rice paper again: "Good paper."

Yang Fei shook his head speechlessly.

Everything is fine!

It’s just that his handwriting is not good!

Just when he was wrong, Yidai had already written the word "humanity".

Yang Fei took a look and kept his gaze: "Okay! Yidai, you are hiding something! You can write well!"

"What's there to show? You can't eat it!" Yi Dai put down her pen indifferently.

Yang Fei said: "Don't leave yet, you teach me how to write! I have been writing for two days and I can't write well."

Yida said: "If you want to practice calligraphy well, you have to start from the basic strokes. It is best to learn some basics of regular script first, and then learn running script. As soon as you get started, you can practice the best running script in the world. You can imagine the difficulty."

"I'm not a calligrapher. I just want to practice these two words well. You teach me! If you teach me, I will give you 20,000 yuan for tuition."

Yi Dai was surprised and said: "It doesn't have to be so expensive! Just two hundred."

"I can afford a high price. This is respect for art. Come on, teach me how to write!"

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