The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1992: No matter how cruel you are, it’s never too cruel!

Yang Fei nodded: "Okay, you can send it here. Which floor does Zhuang Qiang live on?"

Yang Xiaomei said: "Here, on the third floor, in the second room on the left, there is a room with lights on. It is a small suite with two bedrooms and one living room. You will know when you go up and knock on the door."

Yang Fei said hello.

Yang Xiaomei said: "Remember, 30,000! I'll go to your company to pick it up tomorrow! Hehe, I just don't have money to buy bubble gum!"

After saying that, she clapped her hands, turned around and left.

Yang Fei didn't care about her and said to Mo Zi and Ma Feng: "Ma Feng, you guard the front door. Mo Zi and I will go around to the back door to see the situation. If we can go up, we will rush up directly."

Ma Feng said: "Master Fei, you stay outside and take charge, while Mouse and I go in."

Yang Fei said: "Yi Dai heard just now that Zhuang Qiang has left here. Even if there are people inside, there are probably only one or two green-skinned bastards. They are not very popular. Let's go!"

"Master Fei, be careful!" Ma Feng said.

Yang Fei patted him on the shoulder and went around to the back with Mo Zi.

This is a very old-fashioned building with a front door and a back door. The back door leads to the stairwell and there is no elevator.

There was a lot of garbage piled up in the stairwell, and there was a stink of dead rats.

Yang Fei and Moazi walked upstairs without any hurry.

I went straight to the third floor and saw no one walking around.

Mouse gestured to Ma Feng below.

Ma Feng ran up quickly.

The three of them stood at the door of Zhuang Qiang's house and listened.

There seemed to be the sound of someone drinking and shouting inside.

"Playing cards!" whispered the Mouse. "There are three voices."

Yang Fei said: "That's just right. Let's deal with each other one by one and decide quickly!"

Mouse and Ma Feng nodded.

Yang Fei knocked on the door.

Someone inside asked loudly: "Who is it?"

Yang Fei responded angrily.

The person inside couldn't hear clearly and asked again: "Who is it?"

Yang Fei answered randomly while banging on the door vigorously.

The door finally opened a crack.

Yang Fei kicked up the door panel.

The person who opened the door was caught off guard. As soon as he let go, the door was kicked open by Yang Fei.

"What are you doing..." the person who opened the door shouted.

Yang Fei kicked him underneath again.

The person who opened the door bent over in pain, holding the lower part with both hands, screaming and spinning around.

The two people playing cards inside grabbed stools and threw them over.

Yang Fei stopped caring about these two people and left it to Mo Zi and Ma Feng to deal with them.

He took a quick look, then rushed straight into the inner room, shouting: "Xiao Ying! Xiao Ying!"

There was a sound of oooh coming from one room.

When Yang Fei saw that the door was locked, he didn't waste any time, pointed at the lock and dug in.

This kind of room door lock is generally not reliable.

After being pushed a few times by Yang Fei, the lock broke.

There was a person lying on the bed inside, his hands and feet were tied with tape, and a piece of cloth was stuffed in his mouth.

It's Jiang Hanying!

Yang Fei rushed over and pulled off the cloth in her mouth.

Jiang Hanying took a big breath and gasped: "I knew you would come to save me! Bah, that cloth is so dirty, it smells so bad! I don't know where I picked up the rag!"

Yang Fei took out a knife he carried with him and pricked the plastic tape on her hands and feet.

Jiang Hanying moved her hands and feet, threw herself into Yang Fei's arms, and cried loudly.

Yang Fei patted her back and said warmly: "This is not the place to talk. Let's leave first."

"Yeah!" Jiang Hanying said, "My legs are numb."

"Then you sit down for a moment and I'll go check on the situation."

"Fei Shao! It's okay!" Mouse responded outside.

Yang Fei said: "Tape them down with tape! I have something to ask!"

"Got the order!"

The tape is ready-made and placed on the cabinet in the living room.

The mouse picked it up and locked the three guys one by one.

Tape binding is also very powerful, and it’s useless no matter how hard you struggle.

The three bastards were beaten black and blue, and screamed in pain.

There was a man in a black T-shirt who kept threatening: "Just wait for death! How dare you come here and beat someone! You will be in trouble!"

The rat kicked him in the ribs.

The black T-shirt immediately became obedient. He only focused on the cold wind and was speechless.

Yang Fei helped Jiang Hanying out, pulled out a chair, helped Jiang Hanying sit down, turned her back to Mouse and the others, and said, "Don't look at it, it's very bloody."

Jiang Hanying let out a cry.

"Where is Zhuang Qiang?" Yang Fei asked in a deep voice.

None of the three spoke.

Yang Fei winked at Mouse.

The mouse kicked the black T-shirt in the chin.

The black T-shirt rolled around twice, and he opened his mouth and spat out two mouthfuls of blood.

Yang Fei asked: "Where is Zhuang Qiang?"

"Bah!" He was answered by a black T-shirt.

The mouse kicked me again, right in the middle of the leg of the black T-shirt.

The black T-shirt screamed.

Ma Feng turned on the TV and turned the sound to maximum.

The screams of the people in black T-shirts were immediately covered up by the music on the TV.

Yang Fei sneered: "Let me ask again, where is Zhuang Qiang? If you don't tell me, he will be thrown downstairs! He must be head-first!"

The black T-shirt was shaking all over in pain, and his teeth were chattering disobediently: "You, you, who are you?"

Yang Fei said: "You kidnapped my woman, but you don't know who I am?"

"You, you, yes, yes, Yang, Fei?"

"It's good to know! Every grudge has its head, and every debt has its owner! I don't want to embarrass you too much, but if you are so uncooperative, I can guarantee that none of the three of you will be able to walk out of this door intact today! I, Yang Fei no sooner said than done!"

The black T-shirt's eyes flashed fiercely.

Yang Fei said calmly: "Rat, throw him downstairs!"

The black T-shirt shouted: "No, I want it! I, say it!"

"Where is Zhuang Qiang?"

"Brother Zhuang, go, go, go, go see Gao Yi."

"Do you know where to meet?"

"No, no, I don't know."

Yang Fei said: "Throw it down!"

"I really don't know!"

Yang Fei said: "Rat, use tape to seal their mouths and noses."

"Ah?" The black T-shirt's eyes showed fear.

If he were thrown downstairs, it would only be the third floor, so no one might die.

But if you seal your mouth and nose with tape, you will really die, and you will die very quickly!

"Spare your life, Boss Yang, we really don't know!" The other two people were eager to live and begged loudly for mercy.

Yang Fei sneered: "I have to seal it even if I don't know!"

While talking, Mouse took some tape and sealed the mouths and noses of the three people.

The three of them yelled at Yang Fei with their big eyes bulging.

Yang Fei ignored it.

Jiang Hanying was trembling with fear.

But when I thought about what happened to me, I immediately felt relieved. I felt that no matter how cruel Yang Fei was to these people, it was not too much!

Yang Fei asked: "Now, do you know where Zhuang Qiang and Gao Yi met? If you know, just nod, otherwise, just take your time!"

The faces of the three people slowly turned purple due to lack of oxygen.

It won't take long for these guys to die!

Yang Fei's face was still calm.

He even had the leisure to light a cigarette and smoke it slowly.

Mouse and Ma Feng looked at each other and remained silent.

Time passes second by second...

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