The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2004 Playing the piano to a cow

Thomas smiled slightly: "Mr. Yang, I promise you."

Compared with the future of the company, what is a shareholder?

Yang Fei said: "Very good. Mr. Thomas agreed to both of my conditions, which shows that you are very sincere. We can talk about the specific cooperation projects and content."

Thomas said: "Mr. Yang, SARS, like Meili Group, belongs to the second echelon of the global daily chemical industry. Above us, there are first echelon companies such as Procter \u0026 Gamble and Unilever."

Yang Fei said: "These are just production companies, as well as raw material companies. If you calculate it this way, in the big pool of daily chemicals, our two companies are nothing."

Thomas said: "Yes, I forgot that Meili Group is also a very important supplier of daily chemical raw materials."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I think this is also a place where we can cooperate."

Thomas said: "As long as the negotiation is completed, our raw materials can also be purchased from your company."

For the layout of the raw material industry, this is one of the important reasons why Yang Fei is willing to negotiate with SARS.

Yang Fei and Thomas both had the same idea.

Their opponents should not be each other, but the predators in the first echelon.

It took companies like Procter \u0026 Gamble and Unilever decades or even hundreds of years to reach this scale.

Yang Fei's Beautiful Group has not even passed each decade, and it is definitely still far from being able to compare with the first echelon of people.

However, this is a goal of Yang Fei!

Aim high!

Since ancient times, the weak have joined forces to fight against the strong.

In the daily chemical industry, Meili Group and SARS are both in the middle and upper ranks. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are large companies, but compared to companies such as Procter \u0026 Gamble, they are weak.

If Meili Group can cooperate with SARS, it will at least be able to compete with Procter \u0026 Gamble and Unilever on a global scale.

The conversation between the two gradually deepened.

Thomas said: "Mr. Yang, I came to negotiate with sincerity. If our conversation today is successful, we will formally form a memorandum and hold formal talks another day. By then, the chairman of our SARS company will also I will come in person to attend the cooperation signing ceremony.”

Yang Fei said: "I like to talk to people who are sincere."

Thomas said: "In the past, there have been conflicts and competitions between SARS and Meili Group, but I think these are normal business behaviors and will not affect our long-term cooperation in the future."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I, Yang Fei, have clear grudges. The past is the past, everything goes with the wind."

Thomas gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Yang is indeed a person who does great things, and there are a lot of them. To show sincerity, our headquarters has decided to replace the president of the Greater China Division. The new president candidate is already on the way to take office. Will come to visit Mr. Yang."

Yang Fei thought to himself, it seems that the top management of SARS Company are extremely dissatisfied with the operation of the Greater China region. Not only have their strategies changed drastically, but their personnel have also undergone major changes!

Yang Fei doesn't mind whether he replaces the president or not.


It would be better if it were replaced by someone we could talk to.

Thomas said: "Mr. Yang, I still think that the two of us can carry out comprehensive cooperation in the cosmeceutical market. Cosmeceuticals are our strengths, but they are the shortcomings of P\u0026G and Unilever. To use an old saying of yours , this is called exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses.”

He had been speaking in English, but the four-character idiom at the end was actually spoken in Chinese. Although it was harsh and unpleasant, it was not easy.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Thomas, are you very interested in our Chinese culture?"

"Yes, I am learning Chinese." Thomas said, "If people want to make progress, they need to keep learning. You Chinese are very powerful and your country is developing very fast because you are good at learning. Your children have been learning since they were young. If you master English, you can speak fluently with foreigners when you study abroad. Now that we have to deal with the Chinese and do business with you, I think we must also learn Chinese."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Thomas, in order to show my sincerity in cooperation, I am willing to give you some free advice. What I will say next is priceless and cannot be bought with a thousand dollars!"

"Oh?" Thomas couldn't help but straighten his body and said seriously, "Please speak."

He then said to his secretary: "Write it down."

The secretary nodded, took out a pen and paper, and prepared to take shorthand.

Yang Fei said: "Since you are interested in our country's culture, you must understand that in our country, the concept of cosmeceuticals is not a great success. In the hearts of island people, the word cosmeceuticals is almost medicinal. Skin care products mean that this kind of product is very high-end. But in the minds of our people, medicine is medicine, and medicine is used to treat diseases, while skin care products and cosmetics are not used to treat diseases. Because people do not admit that they Not whitening enough, skin not delicate enough, this is a disease, but a dispensable, icing on the cake product.”

Thomas rested his chin on his hand, lost in thought.

"It's not a disease? It's not medicine?" Thomas was obviously confused by Yang Fei's words.

How come cosmeceuticals are not medicines?

It is medicine!

Otherwise, how can it be called cosmeceutical?

Since it is a cosmeceutical, it is of course used to treat diseases.

If you have a skin problem, it’s a skin disease!

Cosmeceuticals can improve and treat skin diseases, isn’t it right?

There is one big difference between the thinking of foreigners and ours.

Our thinking can take turns, even nine turns like the Yellow River.

But foreigners’ thinking is linear.

What he believes is correct.

Yang Fei told him that cosmeceuticals are not cosmeceuticals and skin diseases are not diseases. Thomas could not understand or accept this at all.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei is unwilling to cooperate with them in the cosmeceutical industry.

Because the cultural differences between China and the West are so big!

You must ask them to remove the concept of cosmeceutical and replace it with the term herbal, otherwise they will not be able to accept it.

In addition, many foreign companies adopt a management model.

In other words, no matter which country in the world he opens a branch, he will always copy the management methods of the headquarters.

They are very straight, but if they are too straight, they will appear dull and inflexible.

For example, Yang Fei can call the same product herbal skin care in China, but in the island country, he can change its name and call it cosmeceutical.

But not SARS.

Cosmeceuticals are cosmeceuticals.

It is called this name in Europe, it is also called this name in the United States, and it is still called this name in our country.

If we want to change it, then change it all over the world!

And this is impossible.

How can a name be changed so easily after it has been used for so long?

It is easy for you to change, but difficult for others to accept!

Just like an adult, your name has been called for decades, and you suddenly say that your name does not sound good. It is easy to change your name, but it is difficult to ask others to change their name.

Although SARS attaches great importance to the Chinese market, it is impossible to change the global market structure just for the sake of the Chinese market.

This is not possible!

Therefore, even if Yang Fei told the other party the secret of SARS company's failure, the other party would not be able to change it at all!

Thomas shook his hand: "NONONO, I don't understand, why? Cosmetics can't be cosmeceuticals? Skin diseases can't be diseases?"

Yang Fei had a stern expression on his face: "..."

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