The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2146 Fate always likes to joke and won’t give you what you want.

Yang Fei's guess was not groundless!

Because Yang Fei himself had done this kind of thing.

When he learned that someone had installed monitoring equipment in his office, he once misled others.

Then, it is possible that Gao Qin misled and used Yang Fei through the same means!

Yi Dai was shocked and said: "Boss, if you want to say that, it is possible! When I heard it at the time, I felt it was too abrupt."

Yang Fei said: "If you listen to this recording, Gao Yi's speaking voice mainly appears in the first half. In the middle part of the dispute, Gao Qin is mostly performing. In other words, through her shouting, she expresses the feeling that she is being treated by someone. It felt like bullying. None of us saw Gao Yi bullying her. When we arrived at the scene, Gao Yi had been hidden in the ventilation duct, and Gao Qin also fell to the ground. As for whether she knew we were going, so she was acting? That’s unknown.”

Yida said: "Boss, if all these conjectures are true, then Gao Qin is so terrible! She is creating a murder scene! She is also creating witnesses! Although we are not witnesses, if we really want to go to court to defend ourselves, we Can the recording also be used as testimony?"

Yang Fei said: "Yes, Gao Qin is so scary! I only discovered such a scary woman now!"

Yida said: "Boss, are all the recordings she played?"

Yang Fei said: "I don't know yet which part of the recording she played and which part is real. I want to know now, what happened that night? Why did Gao Yi behave like this? Also, Gao Qin What is the purpose? This is what I care about most!"

Yi Dai said: "You can only know these things by asking her herself."

Yang Fei said: "She will definitely not tell."

He suddenly said: "I'm going to the hospital to see Gao Yi!"

Yang Fei stood up and said again: "You come with me too. Your perspective on the problem is very different. There are many things that we can't think of, but maybe you can think of them!"

Yidai said: "Okay."

Yang Fei and Yi Dai came out, exchanged a few words with Chen Mo, and then went downstairs.

Ning Xin whispered: "Look, Yi Dai is getting more and more powerful, and she can follow Yang Fei out!"

Chen Mo said: "Yes! Who said she was so powerful!"

Ning Xin said: "Maybe we will ask her to be an assistant next!"

"There are enough assistants, but there are too few secretaries." Chen Mo said lightly, "I hope that Yang Fei can recruit two more people who are more powerful than us as secretaries."

"What's wrong? You don't want to be one anymore?"

"I've been a secretary for a long time, and I'm tired of it." Chen Mo said, "I want to change my position. Look, An Ran has come to be the boss, and Chen Chun has also come to be the boss. If we don't plan for ourselves, the position of the boss will be They will all be divided up!"

Ning Xin thought for a while and said, "If you are not allowed to be a secretary, which department would you like to be the boss of?"

Chen Mo said: "Me? I haven't decided yet. What about you?"

Ning Xin said: "I seem to know nothing and can't manage anything. If I have to choose, I will go to the finance department."

"Finance Department? You don't understand finance either!"

"Just because I don't understand anything,

If you have to choose, just pick the most important department. "

"Then I'll go to the human resources department."

"There is Jiang Wanxia in the human resources department! No one can take her place for the time being."

"Then tell me, if I make a request to Yang Fei, will he reject me or drive away Jiang Wanxia?"

Ning Xin smiled and said: "Yang Fei will definitely not reject you, nor will he drive away Mr. Jiang. He will keep both of you."

"Joke! There is only one person in the human resources department."

"Yang Fei will definitely find a way. He can split the human resources department into independent group human resources department and group human resources department. You two can each manage half of it."

Chen Mo said: "Impossible! I want to give it a try! How important I am to Yang Fei! If I am not even as good as Jiang Wanxia, ​​then my past few years have been in vain!"

"Don't try to prove your worth in the eyes of men." Ning Xin said meaningfully.

Chen Mo said in surprise: "Yeah, that's quite philosophical. Why do you say that?"

Ning Xin said: "Because, when you prove it, you will be disappointed."

Chen Mo said: "If I prove that I have a higher status than Jiang Wanxia, ​​then I won't be disappointed."

Ning Xin sneered and said: "So your goal is to compete with Mr. Jiang? If you think so, then you don't have to compete. You have been living in vain these past few years!"

Chen Mo groaned and then stopped talking.

Ning Xin said: "I heard Yang Fei tell a story."

"What story?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

"He said that a woman asked a man for money to buy a new mobile phone. The man said that your mobile phone was bought last year and it can still be used. Why waste money on buying a new one? Why not use the money to buy you a new mobile phone? Necklace!”

"What happened next? What did the woman say?"

"Of course the woman also wanted the necklace, so she agreed."

"What does this mean?"

"The story is not over yet. The man spent the same amount of money to buy the woman a necklace. But after the woman got the necklace, she was still unhappy. Because she asked for a mobile phone, the man did not agree to her. The necklace expired after wearing it for two days. Jin, and mobile phones are used every day. When she sees that her best friend is using the latest mobile phone, she feels uncomfortable and feels like a thorn in her heart. She feels that the man doesn’t love her anymore and is reluctant to even buy a mobile phone. "

"Then the man is too unjust, isn't he? He spent the same amount of money!"

"This is the disappointment caused by unequal expectations. Just like when we were children, we hoped that our father would bring back a popsicle when he came back, but he bought a new pen. Of course I also need a new pen, and the pen is much more expensive than the popsicle. But when I see other kids eating popsicles, the new pen doesn’t satisfy my craving for popsicles.”

"Ah, this is psychology! Ning Xin, you can do it."

"This is the story Yang Fei told me."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"That's what Yang Fei told me when I was at a low point in my life."

"What's the lowest point in life?"

"At that time, my family was very poor. My father had a lot of debt from running a factory. He hid outside and did not dare to go home. The doors and windows of my house were nailed shut with wooden boards by debt collectors..."

"Ah? Is there such a thing? Isn't that an evil force?"

"Well, Yang Fei helped me later. In the dark, he told me many stories. I don't know how many stories I have heard since I was a child, but most of them have been forgotten. Only the stories he told me will always be with me. Remember."

"What's the use of Yang Fei telling you these stories?"

"He told me that the same is true with fate. It will not always give us hope. Sometimes it will deliberately play tricks on us, knowing that I want popsicles, but giving me a pen. But when you learn to appreciate and use the pen, you will You will find that the gift of fate can actually bring you a better life experience, and its value is far greater than the popsicle you want. Therefore, what you desire but cannot get may not be the best. Only in your hands What you hold inside is truly the best.”

"..." Chen Mo fell into deep thought and kept mumbling to himself, repeating two words, "Yang Fei, Yang Fei!"

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