The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2171 I have no interest in trampling on you!

Liu Ruyu really wanted to ask Yang Fei to accompany her.

However, he had already said it before, and she couldn't find a reason to ask him, so she had to give up.

Of course Yang Fei couldn't appear with her.

Even in the past few days, Yang Fei deliberately avoided her for a reason.

At this critical moment, he couldn't let Gao Qin know that he and Liu Ruyu were very close.

If Gao Qin knew that Yang Fei was helping Liu Ruyu, she might cancel the deal?

The battle between Yang Fei and Gao Qin has just begun!

If it weren't for Liu Ruyu, Yang Fei would have dueled with Gao Qin long ago.

Now, Yang Fei will pause for a moment and let Liu Ruyu buy back the company before talking!

This time, Yang Fei helped Liu Ruyu in a very secretive manner.

In addition, the time was too short, so Yang Fei did not hit Shanfeng Holdings' stock too much.

However, this was enough for Liu Ruyu.

Gao Qin didn't realize that this was Yang Fei's handiwork.

Because most of the people selling Shanfeng Holdings were retail investors.

She also specifically checked and found that these retail investors were all old stock investors for several years. Many of them were "old people" who jumped in as soon as the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened.

As for why these people followed the trend and sold Shanfeng Holdings, Gao Qin could not find out.

She only found out that there was a person named "Stock God" who had sold a large amount of Shanfeng Holdings.

She also checked, but this person's information was "fake", that is to say, the ID card he used was not him.

As for the "Stock God", Gao Qin couldn't find much information.

Is this person male or female?

how old?

Are you Chinese?

Don't know anything.

Moreover, the mountain holding held by this stock god has been held for some time, and it is not a short-term holding and then selling. In this way, the possibility of malicious speculation can be ruled out.

After the other party sells,

I didn’t buy any more.

But the stock price plummeted all the way!

It seems that this stock god is really awesome!

He seemed to be able to predict that the stock would fall, so he sold it in advance.

Gao Qin couldn't pursue such a mysterious and mysterious matter, and he didn't want to pursue it anymore.

She only blamed fate. Liu Ruyu's life was really good!

Trading on Friday is a day decided by Gao Qin himself.

So, she decided it would be best to complete the deal as soon as possible.

After all, not long ago, Shanfeng Holdings dropped to a low price of more than one yuan.

With the current momentum, Shanfeng Holdings can't stop the car at all. If it falls to the bottom again, it will be terrible!

Gao Qin is not optimistic about this stock.

Because she is not optimistic about this company.

In the daily chemical industry, Gao Qin only recognizes Meili Group.

If you can own the listed stocks of Meili Group, that would be a wonderful thing!

The stocks that Gao Yi had worked so hard to select had been in business for so long, but in the end they were sold by Gao Qin.

When Liu Ruyu signed the contract with Gao Qin, she was always nervous.

Because she was very afraid that Gao Qin would regret it.

Fortunately, Gao Qin successfully completed the signing ceremony with her.

After signing, Gao Qin shook hands with Liu Ruyu and smiled slightly: "Director Liu, congratulations on becoming the head of Shanfeng Holdings."

Liu Ruyu said calmly: "I like to call it Lijing Daily Chemical."

For some reason, Gao Qin couldn't help but want to laugh when she heard the word "Rihua". She lightly covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to laugh at you. I just heard the word "Rihua". I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the word. I had worked in a daily chemical company before, but I didn't do it well, so when I heard this word, I thought of those days in the past."

"It turns out that Director Gao also worked in the daily chemical industry?"

"Yeah, that's all in the past! Just like some people, it becomes the past wherever they go!"

Liu Ruyu smiled and said: "I like daily chemicals very much. This is a career that brings beauty to people."

"Beautiful?" Gao Qin said leisurely, "Only beauty can be called Rihua! Well, Director Liu, I wish you good luck!"

In the afternoon, the stock market opened.

From the very beginning, Shanfeng Holdings rose as if it had been given a shot of chicken blood.

A stock that fell to freezing point in the morning magically rose in the afternoon!

In one day, two worlds!

This surprised many old investors.

When Gao Qin heard the news, he turned on the computer and took a look, then turned it off silently.

Sometimes, you have to believe in fate.

The same stock kept falling in her hands, but when it came to Liu Ruyu, it immediately skyrocketed!

Gao Qin sighed: "Only his method can compete with fate! His method? Yes, does it look like his method?"

Once she thought of the beginning, she immediately put together what happened in the past few days in her mind, and then she was surprised to find that this was indeed similar to his method.

Stealth operation!

Secret competition!

If you want it to fall, it will fall; if you want it to rise, it will rise!

There’s a needle hidden in the cotton!

Hard yet soft!

Only he has such huge funds and power!

"Is it really him?" Gao Qin couldn't help clenching his fists.

She took out her cell phone, hesitated slightly, and dialed his number.

The call was answered.

"Yang Fei."

"Director Gao, is something wrong?"

"Is that you?"


"I said, the master trader behind Liu Ruyu is you, right?"

"Trader? Haha, I don't know what you are talking about. It is true that I have been typing on the keyboard these days. I am writing a book!"

"Yang Fei, don't hide it from me. Don't I understand you yet?"


"Okay, Yang Fei, she and I have completed the deal. Even if you tell me now that it was you who did it, I can't do anything! Just tell me!"

"I'm very busy here. If I have nothing else to do, I'll hang up first."

"Yang Fei, does it have to be like this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Recently, I feel that there is a force in the dark that is competing with me!"

"Haha, this has nothing to do with me."

"It's you, Yang Fei!"

"you are boring."

"Okay, I like your behavior very much. You are willing to hit me, which means you still have me in your heart. Right? If you really don't care about me at all, you won't target me."


"Yang Fei, we could have become the closest friends. Now, I can still give you this opportunity."

"unnecessary. "

"Yang Fei!"

"Okay, Director Gao, there is no need to say these words between us anymore. It's boring."

"Okay, Yang Fei, don't forget, when you trample a woman's self-esteem on the ground, you will also pay the price!"

"I have no interest or idea to trample on everything about you. You have too many imaginary enemies. I think you not only have a heart problem, but you may also have a problem with your heart and brain."

"Yang Fei!"

Yang Fei has hung up the phone.

Gao Qin was so angry that he was shaking: "You dare to say that I am crazy? You, you are too much! It's you, it must be you! You are helping that stinky woman Liu Ruyu, are you helping her deal with me? You are so cruel heart of!"

There was a sharp pain in her heart. She held her chest with one hand and held the edge of the table with the other. She quickly took out the medicine and took one pill.

"Yang Fei, if you don't make it easy for me, I won't make it easy for you either! Just wait and see!"

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