The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2206 The true meaning of life!

While talking, Yang Fei heard the door of the operating room open, and the nurse stood at the door and shouted: "Who are Yang Mingyi's family members? Are Yang Mingyi's family members here?"


A large group of people stood up at the same time and rushed to the door like a tide, each running faster than the other.

The nurse was startled, waved her hand and said, "Yang Mingyi's family members! Others, please stay back and don't come over until I call you!"

How did she know that these people were all Yang Mingyi's "family members"?

Everyone stepped back obediently.

Yang Liyuan stepped forward and said, "I am his son! How is my dad?"

Yang Fei and others all pricked up their ears and listened.

"He needs to be hospitalized. You should go through the hospitalization procedures as soon as possible." The nurse said.

"Then is my dad awake?"

"No! How could it be so fast? The operation is not over yet!"

"Ah? If that's the case, is there any point in being hospitalized?"

"What is that?"

"that is--"

Before Yang Liyuan could continue, Yang Fei pulled him and said, "Dad, if the nurse said this, it means that grandpa can still be saved! Stop talking and go get inpatient surgery as soon as possible!"

Only then did Yang Liyuan react. He patted his head and said, "I'm stuck! Why didn't I think of this level? I've been thinking about what happened after he passed away! Alas!"

Yang Jun said: "I'll go do the surgery! You guys wait here."

With that said, he turned around and walked out.

Yang Fei caught up with his brother and thrust a bank card into his hand: "The password is our mother's birthday."

"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry? I know you have money, so why don't you just give it to me later?" Yang Jun glared at him.

Xiao Yujuan said: "What do you think is wrong with Xiao Fei? He is afraid that you don't have enough money! Do you think this is a minor surgery? It's a brain surgery. If you don't have 100,000 yuan, you won't be able to do it!"

Yang Jun was startled, then he held his bank card tightly and said, "But that's right. For such a major surgery and hospitalization, I guess the money is indispensable. The money in my card may not be enough!"

Xiao Yujuan said: "Stop talking nonsense.

Go quickly! When grandpa comes out, he will enter the ward! "

Yang Fei breathed a sigh of relief!

He looked at Xiao Yang Hua and whispered to Chen Ruoling: "Perhaps God has heard your wish in heaven!"

Chen Ruoling pursed her lips and smiled: "Then how can you thank me?"

Yang Fei said: "Let's talk about it when we get back."

He is really grateful to God!

Recently, he went to the hospital twice, once for Gao Qin and once for his grandfather.

These two people were brought back from the brink of death!

How God favored him!

Su Tong smiled and said: "Grandpa is fine!"

Yang Fei said: "I guess the operation will not be easy! But if I can save one life, I won't ask for anything else."

The tense and serious faces of the people waiting outside immediately relaxed and started chatting and laughing, and the whole atmosphere relaxed.

However, after waiting for more than an hour, I heard the nurse calling for the family again.

This time, everyone was full of expectations, thinking that Yang Mingyi would come out soon and they could chat!

It took another half an hour before Yang Mingyi's hospital bed was pushed out.

The attending doctor came out and said to the family members: "The situation is not optimistic. You must be mentally prepared."

Yang Fei had been immune to the doctor's clichés since he had experienced Gao Qin.

Yang Liyuan and others were not so happy. They were all shocked. They thought that the old man's condition had relapsed and he left again?

The doctor paused, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "The operation was successful!"

Everyone's hearts were lifted from the hell of sorrow to the human world.

"But!" Every turn of the doctor's words was so thrilling!

He said: "Hemorrhage in the brain compresses the nervous system. If it is good, there will be no major impact in the future."

Yang Liyuan's Adam's apple rolled and he asked: "Doctor, just tell me, what is the worst case scenario?"

"You may lose your hearing," the doctor said.

"Lost your hearing?" Yang Liyuan asked in surprise, "Is everything going to be okay?"

"For the time being, nothing will happen, though!"

Yang Liyuan's heart that had just been relieved was raised in his throat again.

"You must be more careful in the future and don't let him squat for too long. It is easy for him to get black eyes and dizzy when he gets up, and blood rushes upward, which can easily lead to accidents."

"I know, I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"The old man is in great health! He was sent to the hospital in time, which bought us precious time for the operation. If the patient's physical condition is slightly worse, it will be difficult to say the outcome of the operation. Okay, you follow the bed to the ward , other situations, we’ll talk about it over there.”

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor!" Yang Liyuan said repeatedly.

Wu Suying had already prepared a red envelope, so she quickly took it out and gave it to the doctor.

The doctor shook his hand: "We don't accept this. Just do the inpatient surgery. Thank you for your support of our work."

Wu Suying must give it to the doctor.

The doctor refused: "Sister, please fulfill my wish to be a fair and upright doctor! Thank you!"

Yang Liyuan pulled his wife.

Wu Suying then put away the red envelope and said with a smile: "Good doctor, you are such a good doctor, I thank you! My son is Yang Fei, the richest man. If you have anything in the future, you can ask him for help! You saved He will definitely repay you for his grandfather's life! You are good people, and good people are rewarded!"

The doctor smiled: "I know, our dean personally said hello. Don't worry, we have tried our best."

Everyone laughed.

Yang Fei couldn't laugh or cry.

Grandpa finally escaped from danger, which made Yang Fei feel a lot more comfortable.

He discovered that when a person is extremely sad, he can no longer cry.

When he first heard the news, Yang Fei couldn't help but burst into tears.

But when it came to this point, Yang Fei was only thinking about how to deal with the funeral, rather than thinking about how to cry.

This may be a manifestation of his growth!

Real growth is to face the death of a loved one, arrange the funeral properly, and let the loved one pass away with dignity and dignity.

They welcome us to the human world, and we send them away from the world of heaven.

Isn't this reincarnation?

Isn't this human ethics?

Yang Fei knew that even if his grandfather saved his life this time, he would really leave no matter when next time.

Su Changqing just said that it would be a blessing if the old man left like this.

Because sitting on a chair and passing away like this is a kind of good death.

Only those who are blessed can have such a good death.

The vast majority of people, before leaving, are in endless pain, suffering mental and physical torture, and have future generations, or even two generations, to work hard for them.

It is difficult to have a filial son when you are in bed for a long time. There is no way around it. On the shoulders of the prime generation, not only the elderly, but also the next generation bear the burden.

Therefore, the best way for an old man to die is to die without illness or pain, and to pass away suddenly without having to trouble his descendants.

What Su Changqing said was a bit past-worldly.

However, Yang Fei suddenly realized the true meaning of life!

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