The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2221 Listing in the United States

Li Juan said: "Li Yi, why are you talking about Yang Fei like this? He is very good. If you don't go public, you won't go public! I look down on those who go public to make money."

Li Yidao: "Not necessarily every listed company is just to make money? Then look at how many of the world's top 500 companies are not listed? Is the company of the world's richest man not listed?"

Li Juan said: "It's their business if they go public. If you can become the richest man in the world without going public, that's your real ability! Brother, just help Yang Fei seriously! He is besieged on all sides now!"

Li Yi said: "Then who do you think I am helping?"

Yang Fei said: "Brother Li is doing it for my own good, I know."

Li Juan said: "Even if it is for financing, you can still raise funds without going public!"

The three of them had their own opinions on whether to go public or not.

Li Yidao: "You always think that going public and financing will be restricted by shareholders, but that's not the case. If you don't go public, if you want to raise funds, you have to find either a bank or an individual. Then you will be subject to more control. Isn't the bank's control control? ? And when it is listed, most of the shareholders are retail investors. How many people can affect your control of the company? "

He paused for a moment and said: "Of course, the shortcomings of going public are also obvious. While improving transparency, it also exposes many secrets. After going public, the company's information must be notified to share holders every period of time. There is also the possibility of being maliciously Holding.”

Yang Fei said: "Brother Li is right. I have had a sub-group listed on the market before, and I have a comprehensive understanding of this. Indeed, listing has both advantages and disadvantages for the company. I am thinking that if the Meili Group is listed as a whole, it should be said , the benefits outweigh the losses!”

Li Yi said: "That's right. I know a lot about your situation. I think the best way for you to get rid of the current difficulties is to go public. This is your year of being the richest man. With this shareholder style, you can If you can set a relatively high price for your stocks, your market value will double. If you are large, reaching tens of billions or hundreds of billions, there will be very few people who can eat you up. Well, the most you can do is buy shares, trade secretly, or hold shares secretly. These are just some ways to deal with it, and there is nothing to be afraid of. "

Yang Fei said: "Well, Brother Li, I have decided that Beauty Group will go public!"

Li Yi smiled slightly: "If you go public, then I can introduce an investor to you. She will be your best partner."

Yang Fei thought about it and immediately understood that this was Li Yi helping him in disguise!

Because Li Yi's identity is very special, he cannot directly control the money, nor can he directly say: Yang Fei, let me help you!

The investors Li Yi mentioned,

He should be his spokesperson!

Yang Fei asked: "What kind of person is he? When can we meet in person?"

"She is the head of Longteng Fund. Have you heard of it?"

"Longteng Fund! Of course I know!" Yang Fei was shocked, "This is one of the top financial companies in the world. It is famous but mysterious. I only know that its head is a woman, but what does it look like? , its name is unknown to the outside world. "

Li Yi smiled and said: "It's not that mysterious, just low-key. She is not in the country now. When she returns to the country, I will introduce you to her!"

"Thank you, Brother Li." Yang Fei said from the bottom of his heart.

With the help of Longteng Fund, when will it not be possible?

Li Yi said: "You can also ask her for help with matters related to listing. She is very good at these things."

"That's great." Yang Fei felt like he had found a treasure.

Yang Fei's trip was worthwhile and he got a promise from Li Yi.

In the future, a new picture slowly unfolded in front of him!

However, going public is not something you can just say.

Not only does it cost a lot of money, it also takes a lot of time and effort.

Yang Fei also needs to make preparations for the early stage of listing.

Yang Fei's 666 company had been listed before, so he was certainly aware of the process.

But this time, Meili Group is listed as a whole, which is different.

Yang Fei is considering listing it domestically? Or go public in the United States?

He himself prefers listing in the United States.

The U.S. market is relatively more mature and broader than the mainland market. We all know that the U.S. dollar is the world's No. 1 currency, and listing in the U.S. can raise more funds.

It may be safer to be listed in the United States. Currently, the mainland financial market is very artificially operated. It is very likely that the company will be destroyed due to the bad game of market funds!

There is another point that is extremely important to Yang Fei.

All A-shares listed in China are joint-stock companies. Whoever owns the most shares has actual control over the company.

After a company goes public, its equity will be diluted quickly.

Yang Fei wants to have absolute control over the company, that is, even if he owns a small number of shares, other major shareholders cannot interfere in the company's operating affairs.

The United States has relatively loose control over this aspect and can accept double standards for holding companies.

In addition, compared with domestic stock markets, overseas stock markets operate much more efficiently.

As long as the company itself meets the requirements and is recognized by the market, the issuance and listing operation plan can be completed in a very short time.

Therefore, when companies choose to list overseas, it is also based on their own assessment of their urgent need for funds.

Restrictions on refinancing are also different at home and abroad.

It is also difficult for companies to refinance after their initial listing in China.

First of all, companies are subject to a series of restrictions on additional allotments. For example, there must be one year between two allotments, and the average return on net assets in three years must exceed 6%, etc.

Secondly, the relevant rights issue plan must be approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Whether the application can be approved and when it is approved depends on the degree of control of the total supply by the China Securities Regulatory Commission based on the stock market conditions.

In contrast, refinancing opportunities in overseas markets are very flexible and mainly depend on the company's own judgment on financing costs. The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the exchange only supervise whether the relevant procedures are in compliance and whether the relevant information has been fully disclosed.

The domestic main board has strict regulations on the company's three-year profit record. It is currently in a queue, and the proportion that can be listed does not exceed 10% of the total number of applications.

Whether a domestic listing can be successful depends on whether the company itself meets the requirements, but the relationship between the company and the decision-maker and the company's public relations level often play a decisive role. Choosing a good underwriter and sponsor is also important in determining success. factor.

Yang Fei doesn't have to worry about this. Of course, the group is profitable every year, and he has a wide network of contacts. With Li Yi's assistance, it should be able to open the door to go public as soon as possible.

Listing overseas also has disadvantages.

That means the fees are high!

Financing costs for domestically issued stocks are relatively low.

In other words, the same issuance plan can raise more funds domestically.

Financing costs in overseas capital markets are relatively high.

Financing costs for IPOs in domestic and overseas markets include exchange fees, intermediary fees, promotion auxiliary fees, etc.

Financing fees as a proportion of total financing vary widely between markets, ranging from 5% to 20%.

The explicit cost of listing a domestic company is very low, but there may be many hidden costs. The biggest problem is that the listing time is long and uncertain.

The cost of listing in the United States is relatively high, generally more than 10% of the total financing amount. If the financing amount is small (for example, some GEM companies only raise tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars), the proportion may be as high as 20%. However, the time to be listed on overseas markets is shorter and the time is easier to determine.

To sum up, Yang Fei decided to go public in the United States.

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