The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2226: This time, you will be crushed into the dust!

Yang Fei realized the seriousness of the situation.

So many cases have broken out across the country in recent times, and there must be a reason for everything.

The worst possibility he could think of was that Gao Yi was behind the scenes.

Using a lawsuit to bring down an enterprise is a method that not only Gao Yi can use, but has been used by others for a long time!

Yang Fei invited An Ran over.

When An Ran heard about these cases, he was not surprised, but chuckled.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Really or not? Can you sue me for this?"

"Oh my god, this is so funny! Can the local court accept this?"



Yang Fei asked speechlessly: "Is it funny?"

"Isn't it funny?" An Ran covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Why are there so many weird things in the world! Weird things happen every year, especially this year!"

Yang Fei said: "I invited you here not to make fun of me."

"I'm not making fun of you, I'm making fun of them." An Ran pointed to the material.

"Okay, tell me, how should I deal with these things?" Yang Fei shook his head helplessly.

An Ran said: "Isn't there a legal department? Just leave it to them."

"Please help me analyze it. Do you think these lawsuits are normal? If they are normal, of course they can be handed over to the legal department for resolution. What if they are abnormal?"

"Abnormal cases? I've only heard of abnormal humans!"

"Stop joking, I'm seriously asking for advice."

An Ran suppressed her laughter and said, "Are you suspicious that someone is instigating you behind the scenes?"

"You feel it too?"

"The traces are too obvious!" An Ran said, "The problem is, you can't provide any evidence!"

Yang Fei said: "That's why I asked you to come over and see if you can help me find the person behind this."

An Ran said: "Actually,

You should know who it is, right? "

"I suspect Gao Yi, just like you said, but I have no evidence. Tell me, what can I do?"

"Talk to these people!" An Ran pointed to the materials, "If the people here are instigated, there is always a way to make them tell the truth."

"Even if they are willing to tell them, Gao Yi will not be stupid enough to instigate them personally or expose himself."

"At the very least, you can solve the current crisis. Let these lawsuits be dismissed first."

"However, whether we use coercion or inducement, we may eventually become the focus of the enemy's counterattack and be used by them to attack us."

"This matter is a bit tricky. If you settle it out of court, then if word gets out, others will think we have a guilty conscience and it's our fault."


"If it is left to the court to decide, the variables are too great. If we follow up on each case, the pressure on the legal department will be too heavy." An Ran said in deep thought, "This move is very good for Gao Yi. His purpose is If I want to sue you, even if I don’t sue you, I will still drag you down and make you work hard to plug loopholes!”

Yang Fei said: "It's not okay to care. It's not okay to ignore it. What do you think we should do?"

"When a lawsuit comes out, of course we have to take care of it, and every case must be taken care of properly. We can't let the other party take advantage of it!"

"An Ran, I would like to ask you to do me a favor and use your professional knowledge to help me handle this matter."

"Me? I'm not in charge of the legal department."

"Don't worry about rights and responsibilities. The company's affairs are all our business. Don't be so detailed, okay?"

"Okay. If you say yes, that's fine. But, how can I care?"

"Normally solving problems, these cases will take a year and a half, or even longer, and it will be very troublesome to ask us to make a trip every now and then. Our legal department has a limited number of people! The most important thing is that the legal department The people in the department won’t help me find out who is behind this! We can only do this ourselves, and you are the one I trust.”

"But, as you just said, this is an illegal method."

"That's why I asked you to do it. You have been a public security officer, so you know how to use discretion."

"This?" An Ran hesitated slightly and said, "Okay, let me give it a try."

"Thanks a lot."

"As long as I can help you, my hard work is worth it." An Ran smiled.

Yang Fei has been experiencing internal and external troubles recently, and all his worries are coming one after another!

And he understood that the root cause of all this was Gaoyi!

If you don’t solve Gao Yi, or in other words, if you don’t solve the Gao family, your own troubles will only increase!

Yang Fei suddenly remembered the phone call from Gao Qin.

He quickly called Mouse over.

"Find a way to bring Gao Qin out to see me." Yang Fei's orders were always brief.

"Okay, Master Fei." Mouse's answer was even briefer.

Mouse knew who Gao Qin was and where he was, so he didn't need to ask why, he just did it.

As for what method to use, Fei Shao never cares.

Yang Fei only asked about the purpose and only looked at the results!

The whole company is busy!

Everyone can see that the company is in trouble!

And it’s a big deal!

The phones in the company were ringing one after another, and the sounds of people making and answering the phone were drowned out by each other.

This is the first time Yang Fei has encountered such a big difficulty since he founded Meili Group!


Or rather a dilemma!


Yang Fei finally realized how profound the intention of Li Yi's words was!

Anyone who dares to mess with me will be frightened and crippled by me in one fell swoop, until he or she runs around when he sees me!

Compared with Li Yi, Yang Fei is a little more diplomatic and sophisticated as a businessman, but less decisive in killing.

Every word Li Yi said revealed the absolute authority of the superior!

But Yang Fei always thinks that harmony brings wealth!

It seems that I have to change my thoughts and practices.

There was a ball of anger in Yang Fei's heart, slowly rising!

Gao Yi never gave up his intention to harm Yang Fei and the Meili Group!

As for Yang Fei, he always had the illusion that some kind of cooperation could be reached because of common interests!

Even last time, Yang Fei foolishly sent someone to the mental hospital to take Gao Yi out!

Of course, even if Yang Fei doesn't go to pick up Gao Yi, with Gao Yi's ability and means, there will definitely be arrangements.

Yang Fei summarized that in the battle with the Gao family, although he won more, there were still many shortcomings.

The main thing is to be kind and soft-hearted.

Compassion does not control soldiers, this has been true since ancient times.

I'll have to be more ruthless from now on!

After winning, you must pursue the victory so that the opponent has no time to breathe, and the opponent has no place to die!

Yang Fei cast his sharp gaze out the window.

In the blue sky, there was a plane taking off from Shanghai Airport, its huge fuselage flying past the window.

Yang Fei quickly formulated a series of countermeasures!

The first is to resolve urgent matters as soon as possible and deal with various troubles at home and abroad.

The second is to use the fastest speed to increase the intensity of stock market sniping!

This time, he was determined to grind Gao Yi and the Gao family into the dust!

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