The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2247: Hook and Hang

In a daze, Yang Fei heard someone talking.

"Pull!" It was Jiang Xiaojia's voice.

"I can't pull it out." Chu Xiu spoke.

"You have to work harder." Jiang Xiaojia said.

"I've tried my best." Chu Xiu said in a low voice.

"What should I do?" Jiang Xiaojia asked.

"How about forgetting it? Don't wake up Brother Yang Fei!"

"Hehe, I don't care. The things are yours, not mine. Who told you to throw them away?"

"I woke up late in the morning, changed my clothes, threw them on the bed, and then went to school with you. How did I know that brother Yang Fei would come."

"Let's go, come back tomorrow to get it."

Yang Fei opened his eyes and felt that something was pressed under his body, so he smiled and asked, "What?"

"Ah!" Jiang Xiaojia and Chu Xiu were both startled.

"Are you afraid of me?" Yang Fei laughed.

"I'm not afraid. It's just that you said something out of the blue and surprised us."

"What's making you panic!" Yang Fei stretched out his hand, touched under his waist, and pulled out something.

When he saw it, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It turns out that these are clothes only for women!

Seeing him holding her clothes and looking there, Chu Xiu blushed like a ripe apple, lowered her head and said nothing.

Jiang Xiaojia pursed her lips and smiled, then stepped forward and snatched it away: "Are you ashamed? Are you still playing with it?"

Yang Fei coughed lightly and said, "It's just a little unexpected."

"Huh, you've been sleeping on it all night! What's unexpected?" Jiang Xiaojia chuckled, "Why are you here?"

"I attended a banquet and drank too much, so I came here to rest and see you guys. The college entrance examination is coming soon, how are you preparing?"

"Can you please stop raising the exam?" Jiang Xiaojia glared at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm tired of hearing it! I'm tired of hearing it! My ears are getting calloused!"

"It'll be fine in two months."

"Oh, it's so difficult! Can I go to university without taking the college entrance examination?"

"Of course I can. I can recommend it!"

"What conditions can guarantee delivery?"

"Get the competition trophy internationally!"

"...Then I'll take the college entrance examination!"

Jiang Xiaojia stuck out her tongue, suddenly thought of something, sat down next to Yang Fei, and said, "Brother Yang Fei, is there any other way to escort him?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "I don't know anymore."

Jiang Xiaojia curled her lips and said, "It's a lie, you obviously know it!"

Chu Xiu put away her clothes and asked, "Is there any other way to recommend it?"

Jiang Xiaojia said: "It's just a donation! If the donation reaches the amount of one harm, you can buy a guaranteed place."

"Is this still possible? Only those bad schools,

Is this the only thing that happens? It’s impossible to have a good school. "

"Chu Xiu, you are so naive! Not to mention domestic schools, there are famous foreign schools, such as Cambridge and Harvard. You can donate money to study. If you don't believe me, ask Yang Fei!"

"Brother Yang Fei went to Harvard, didn't he donate money to get there?" Chu Xiu covered her mouth.

Yang Fei looked at this, then that, speechlessly, and said, "What are you thinking? Just take the college entrance examination! Don't take the wrong path! I got into the exam based on my strength!"

"I don't care, anyway, if I go to Fuda!" Jiang Xiaojia twisted her body, "Brother Yang Fei, you must be responsible and let me study at Fuda!"

Yang Fei was surprised: "I thought you wanted to go to Qingdao University, why do you want to go to Fuzhou University?"

"Because you are in Shanghai!" Jiang Xiaojia said, "I want to go to the city where you are!"

"Haha! Interesting, you really want to go to Fuda?"

"Well! You must help me find a way to ensure that I pass the exam! If I don't pass the exam, I won't go to college!"

"Then have you decided what major you want to study? Some majors at Fuzhou University are not the best. I think that when going to college, majors come first and schools second. You have to choose a major first, and then find the strongest one in that major. Apply to a big school.”

"I don't care what my major is, I just want to get into Fuzhou University!"

"My good sister! Even if you get into FuDa, if you don't like this major, you can't get in, and you fail the class every year, you will be asked to drop out! University is not the end of your studies, but a new beginning in your studies. Starting line, the course is much more difficult than the basic course! ”

"I don't care, I will work in your company after I graduate."

"Haha, okay! Let's learn chemistry then!"

"I don't want it! I don't like chemistry. What I dislike the most is chemistry."

"Then what major do you like?"

"Well, I've taken the secretarial exam. After graduation, I can be your secretary."

"But I have two secretaries now."

"When we graduate, they will all be old! You can replace them! Let Chu Xiu and I be your secretaries! Chu Xiu, do you agree?"

Chu Xiu groaned: "I, I don't know either."

Yang Fei said: "You are really good at planning!"

"Are you going to agree or not?"

"Okay, as long as you are admitted to Fu University, then I promise you to become my secretary after graduation!"

"It's a deal! Whoever goes back on his word will be a puppy! Come on, pull the hook!"

"How old are you to still play this?"

"Come or not? If you don't come, you're lying to me."

Yang Fei helplessly stretched out his finger and pulled the hook with Jiang Xiaojia.

While Jiang Xiaojia was hooking up with Yang Fei, she sang in a serious tone: "Pull the hook, hang yourself, don't change for a hundred years, whoever changes will be a puppy!"

Chu Xiudao: "Hey, brother Yang Fei, you are very knowledgeable. Do you know why Lagou hangs himself? He will hang for a hundred years?"

Yang Fei laughed and said: "You are almost college students, don't you even know this?"

"I don't know." Chu Xiu said, "Tell me about it! I've known this song since I was a child, but I just don't know why I hang myself."

Jiang Xiaojia said: "Yes, I don't know why, I just sing like this."

Yang Fei said: "Hanging has three meanings, all of which make sense. It depends on how you understand it."

Chu Xiu asked, "What three meanings?"

Yang Fei said: "The first meaning is to draw a bow and shoot an arrow. Then the child made a mistake and sang it as hanging with a hook. It's easy to understand how to draw a bow and shoot an arrow, right? There is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened, which means that you can't go back on the promise you made. ”

"Oh, that makes sense. What about the second explanation?"

Two girls, one on the left and one on the right, sat on the edge of the bed next to Yang Fei. With their big eyes open and long eyelashes flashing, they looked at Yang Fei curiously and admiringly.

Yang Fei said: "This has something to do with business."

"Is it related to business? I don't believe it! Isn't it a game played by children?" Chu Xiu smiled.

"This matter is easy to understand. In ancient times, money was made of copper, that is, copper plates. A few or dozens of copper plates were fine, but if there were more, it would be difficult to carry. So the merchants thought of a way, copper coins As soon as there is more money, string it up with a rope and hang it on a nail on the wall. After the market closes in the evening, it is put into storage. So hanging means hanging the money on a board with a nail. It means that the transaction is completed, the matter is settled, and the money can be put into the treasury.”

"Oh, this explanation seems to make sense. Brother Yang Fei, you are so talented! Is there a third meaning?" Chu Xiu was like a little fan girl, with her eyes twinkling and a smile on her lips.

"That's true hanging." Yang Fei said, "Whoever can't do this should hang himself!"

"Ah? Did you really hang yourself?" The two women were both a little surprised.

Yang Fei said: "Not just our country, many countries in Asia have had finger amputations since ancient times, that is, the act of clearing one's will through self-mutilation. Taking the island country as evidence, samurai who made mistakes will cut off their own fingers; wandering girls will give their severed fingers to the people they like. Pull the hook It's called "Shikiri Kenman" in Japanese. The original meaning in Japanese is that those who fail to keep the promise will have their fingers cut off and be beaten with ten thousand punches. It can be seen that this custom was originally about swearing with fingers, and those who broke the promise had their fingers cut off. ; Then the entwining of the little fingers symbolizes the cutting off of the fingers. If "pull the hook" comes from the punishment of cutting off the fingers, then "hanging" also refers to punishment, that is, hanging oneself, which is not entirely impossible."

"Oh my god, I always thought this was just a children's nursery rhyme. Didn't you expect it to be so scary?" Jiang Xiaojia said in surprise.

"The ancients often said that there is a god three feet above your head, so you must not swear randomly! Hanging yourself with a hook is actually a commitment to the other party, which is equivalent to an oath. Modern people don't believe in this anymore, so it doesn't matter. But now In ancient times, all oaths sworn should be taken seriously.”

Jiang Xiaojia said: "Brother Yang Fei, I am also serious, so if you break the contract, I will hang myself!"

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