The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2262 The workshop can also be used as a coffee shop

In order to poach Liang Yuzhu, Yang Fei spared no expense and spent a lot of money to acquire his previous company.

It was an electronic components factory. The scale was pretty good, but there were many problems in management and operation, which made people disdainful.

After the acquisition, Yang Fei went to the factory for a tour and found that the messy and dirty conditions in the workshop were unbearable to see!

Seeing such a scene, Yang Fei couldn't help being stunned and asked Liang Yuzhu.

The latter said that the previous boss was a farmer. He first made a fortune by doing small business, then wholesale, and made a windfall again, so he invested in and opened a factory. However, he had no knowledge and no management ability. He could make money. , it really all depends on the care of God, that is, people often say that when wealth comes, there is no way to stop it, it comes east and west, and it comes west.

Yang Fei couldn't help but ask, if that's the case, why are you still following him?

Liang Yuzhu said that although the boss was not good at management, he was sincere and kind to others. Since starting business, everyone he hired has stayed with him and no one has left.

Yang Fei couldn't help but nod, thinking that people's wealth is good, but what's even more powerful is their human heart!

Some people may not be very knowledgeable, but they have their own strengths.

Being able to unite people and employ them is where ordinary people fall short.

Yang Fei started to reform the factory.

He invited all the workers to the most luxurious and atmospheric coffee shop in the city and treated each of them to a cup of coffee.

The vast majority of workers have never drunk foreign coffee in their lives, and they feel new and curious about all this.

The neat and bright western restaurant has soothing music playing and green plants hanging and placed everywhere. It looks pleasing to the eye and extremely refreshing.

Both the waiters and the customers must be neatly and cleanly dressed, behave politely, and move gracefully.

Chen Mo asked curiously, why did he invite them to drink coffee? You might as well treat them to a meal!

Yang Fei shook his head gently: "A cup of coffee is not worth much. I just want them to feel the charm of the environment."

"Environment?" Chen Mo asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"What Western restaurants sell is added value, that is, the enjoyment of the environment. You can drink coffee anywhere, but drinking it in a coffee shop is extra emotional, isn't it?"


"This is the feeling brought by the environment. I let the workers experience this environment to improve their taste and change their sloppy habits."

"Can a cup of coffee change things?"

Yang Fei said: "Let's try it!"

After drinking coffee, Yang Fei returned to the factory with the workers.

Entering the workshop, everyone was immediately blinded by the dirty scene in front of them.

Yang Fei said: "Look, how can you do production in such a dirty environment? Do you have to live in such a dirty place? In the same way of eating and drinking, some people sit on small benches, but others can sit on In the cafe! It’s the same job. Some people enjoy being clean, but you can only walk around in garbage!”

The workers lowered their heads.

Yang Fei said: "You all have a pair of hard-working hands! You can make the machine run.

If you produce qualified products, then I also believe that you can still clean the factory and give yourself a clean and comfortable workshop. Half of your life is spent in the workshop, which is like your second home. Are you embarrassed to look at your home as a garbage dump? "

Everyone raised their heads and chests and responded in unison: "Boss, let's start sorting it out now!"

Yang Fei said: "Everyone from the factory director on down has started cleaning and painting the factory. In three days, I want to see the factory look completely new!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone moved quickly to clean the factory inside and out.

Three days later, when Yang Fei came to the factory again, the workshop was clean inside and outside, the walls had been freshly painted, and eye-catching green potted plants were placed in the corners of the walls and in the gaps between the car platforms.

All materials and tools in the workshop are arranged in an orderly manner.

The mental outlook of the workers has also taken on a new look. They are all in high spirits and walking with wind in their eyes.

Chen Mo said in surprise: "This move of yours is amazing!"

"Why don't everyone have a petty bourgeoisie in their hearts? They just lack an environment. As long as you guide them correctly, they can treat the workshop as a coffee shop."

Chen Mo pursed his lips and smiled: "The world only envy your wealth, but they don't know the dedication and hard work behind you."

Yang Fei chuckled and said: "There is one more thing to do. I learned that after the previous boss left, a considerable number of old workers also left with him. However, after the boss got the money, there was no There are no suitable jobs for those workers anymore. I want to bring them all back.”


"No matter what form it is, as long as they want to, they can come back. Whatever type of work they did before, we will still arrange for them to do their original jobs."

"Since they have left, why do they need to recruit them back again?"

"They left out of loyalty and kindness. It shows that these people are emotional. Now they have no job and no support in life. I asked them to come back out of morality. I think they will be grateful. "

"Yeah, that's true too."

"If you want a person to work for you, you must first be kind to him. A rich person can pay back a favor with money, but a poor person can only pay with his life to pay back a favor."

"You really understand human nature."

"If you employ people who don't understand human nature, you will not be able to use them well. What drives people to work for you is nothing more than two things, one is interests, and the other is kindness. Interests can make people work hard, and kindness can make people work hard. Seize this Two points, you will have the confidence to manage people in the future.”

"Well, thank you for your advice."

True to his word, Yang Fei immediately sent out invitations to hire back all the employees who had left, and promised to give them their original positions and maintain their original salaries and benefits.

Those people did follow the original boss and left the factory out of moral integrity.

But what I didn't expect was that the boss couldn't find anything suitable to do at that time, and he couldn't take care of so many workers, causing all of them to lose their jobs.

Yang Fei invited them all back to work, and promised that when your original boss reopens the factory, if you want to leave me and go to help him, I will never stop you.

This great kindness and righteousness moved the workers.

The gratitude of the workers arose spontaneously.

At the same time, Yang Fei made changes to the management.

In a word, those who can are on top and those who are not are on the bottom.

Everything depends on strength.

Only when people make the best use of their talents can the factory prosper.

After Yang Fei's rectification, the factory's production efficiency immediately improved.

The factory is run by people. As long as the people are well managed, the factory will be fine.

Yang Fei merged this factory into Aiduo Electronics Company, becoming Aiduo's largest accessories production factory.

This is also Yang Fei's new layout - in the future, Yang Fei's focus will shift to the mobile phone business.

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