The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2271: Flying to Shencheng in the Falling Flower Season

This morning, Hu Zhibiao came to Yang Fei's office.

"Boss, you called me here, is there something going on?" Hu Zhibiao sat down with a smile and offered a cigarette to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei took the cigarette, put it on the lighter on the table, and did not smoke it immediately. He said, "Boss Hu, I asked you to come here because I wanted you to see this."

As he said this, he handed a newspaper to Hu Zhibiao.

Hu Zhibiao read it and whispered: "315 quality inspection, a list of unqualified mobile phone models on the market - Aido SH888! Boss, this is impossible! SH888 is our best-selling model and our flagship model this year. It has excellent quality and very low complaint and repair rates. How could it be unqualified? This news must be a soft article written by a competitor! We can sue them for defamation!" Yang Fei said: "Don't get excited first. You want to sue them for false accusation? Do you think we can win? Is there really no quality problem with each of our mobile phones? I think it's impossible, right? Another point, this is negative news. If it is true as you said, it is a trick of a competitor. If you sue them, isn't it what they want? They hope that we will keep pestering them, and they will take this opportunity to ruin our reputation!" Hu Zhibiao slapped the newspaper and said depressedly: "This is simply made up!" "Whether it is true or not, we will know after flying to Shenzhen. The special plane is ready, and we will set off to Shenzhen immediately." Yang Fei said. Hu Zhibiao was surprised: "So fast? Are you leaving right away?"

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Hu, do you have anything else to do?"

"Ah, no, no, it's just too sudden." Hu Zhibiao was indeed surprised by Yang Fei's quick reaction.

This newspaper was the morning newspaper that came out this morning. After reading it, Yang Fei had already decided to fly to Shenzhen and had already prepared the flight!

What a quick action!

The longer Hu Zhibiao followed Yang Fei, the more he felt how big the gap between him and Yang Fei was.

He finally understood why Yang Fei could become the richest man, but he couldn't.

Yang Fei was decisive and resolute in doing things!

For many things in the company, no matter big or small, Yang Fei could make decisions quickly, and most of them were correct decisions.

This kind of quick decision-making ability requires leaders to have enough courage, confidence, knowledge, and courage, and none of them can be missing.

Hu Zhibiao felt ashamed of himself.

"Okay, boss, I'll pack up and leave right away." Hu Zhibiao no longer had any doubts and stood up immediately.

"Well, I'll give you ten minutes. We'll leave in ten minutes." Yang Fei said, picked up the phone on the desk, called Chen Mo in, and ordered: "Notify President Jiang that we'll go to the airport and fly to Shenzhen in ten minutes." "Okay." Chen Mo didn't ask why, just followed Yang Fei's order. Ten minutes later, a convoy drove out of the Beautiful Building and headed for the airport. Two and a half hours later, Yang Fei and his party arrived in Shenzhen. The flowering period is very short. When Yang Fei was in Taohua Village, the flowers were in full bloom. When he arrived in Shenzhen, it was already the season of falling flowers in the south. The season of falling flowers is the most beautiful season of the year. It is often said that flowers are half-opened and the moon is half-round, but the falling flowers in the wind are also a beautiful scenery. The car drove past Shennan Avenue, and the flowerbed in the middle of the road was full of falling flowers. "Shenzhen's development speed is amazing!" Jiang Wanxia looked at the tall buildings outside the window and said in amazement, "I haven't been here for a few years. Today, I saw that it is a completely different world!" Hu Zhibiao said, "I come here a lot and see the rapid changes here. My feelings are deeper than yours. It is really a small change every year, a big change every three years, and a new city has been built in ten years." Yang Fei said, "If you have extra money, buy a few more houses in the city center. This is definitely a safer investment." Jiang Wanxia said, "But I don't come here to work or live. Live, it is useless. "Yang Fei said with a smile:" When you are investing. "Jiang Yangxia said:" Even if it will appreciate in the future, the return cycle of the house is actually relatively long, which is more suitable for lazy people. Feihaha laughed: "You guys, you will not forget to shoot me anytime, anywhere!" Before arriving at the door of the Aido factory, Yang Fei saw that there was a row of people standing outside, and he knew that Hu Zhibiao notified this side. Mr. Hu is good! "Boss, you've worked hard all the way. We've prepared a place. Please have some tea and rest first?" Factory Director Zhao Tiecai said with a smile.

Yang Fei waved his hand: "We've either taken a plane or a car along the way. It's very comfortable, more comfortable than staying in a hotel! There's no hardship at all! Let's go and take a look at the factory."

"Okay, boss, this way please." Zhao Tiecai quickly stepped aside, bent down, and made a gesture of invitation.

Yang Fei nodded, took the lead and walked inside, and a group of people followed behind him.

"Boss, would you like to inspect the office building first?" Hu Zhibiao asked, walking on the left side of Yang Fei.

"Let's go take a look at the SH888 production line first." Yang Fei said, "I came here today just to solve the problem of this model."

"Boss, there will definitely be no problems with this model!" Hu Zhibiao said.

Yang Fei looked at him and said, "Mr. Hu, don't make any guarantees! Mobile phones are also produced by machines, and machines may also have deviations!"

"Yes, yes, then go to the workshop." Hu Zhibiao said in response.

"How many SH888s are there in the warehouse?" Yang Fei asked.

Zhao Tiechai replied: "This model is very popular. Most of the time, supply exceeds demand. Now there are only more than 10,000 units in stock."

Yang Fei said: "Take them all out and test them on site in front of me!"

Zhao Tiechai was taken aback and lost his voice: "Boss, there are more than 10,000 mobile phones. Do they all need to be tested?"

"Don't you understand what I said? Do you need me to repeat it again?" Yang Fei's tone became serious.

Zhao Tiecai was horrified.

Only then did he realize that the person standing in front of him was Yang Fei! It's the big boss!

Hu Zhibiao immediately shouted: "What are you still waiting for? Go!"

"However, these mobile phones are only put into the warehouse after passing the test, and they will be shipped out soon..." Zhao Tiechai was still rambling.

Hu Zhibiao kicked him over: "The boss is waiting! Why are you lingering? Why don't you go quickly?"

Zhao Tiechai ran away in a hurry: "I'm going, someone! Someone! Move all the SH888s in the warehouse for testing. Who is driving the forklift..."

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