The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2286 Optoelectronics Company, born in 2002

In fact, our country's lithography machine technology has not always lagged behind others, and it has had its glorious moments.

Before the 1980s, although our country was very poor, it was never far behind in the overtaking of science and technology.

In the past, we also built world-leading photolithography machines.

However, after the reform and opening up, too many things poured into the country, and the hard-working people suddenly discovered that many things did not require too much investment in research and development, they just needed to be obtained.

Borrowing doctrine has made our country's economy soar rapidly in a short period of time.

As a result, the lithography machine, a long-standing and difficult project, was stalled for decades.

Everything requires an "infrastructure".

How important is infrastructure?

Just look at the United States during World War II.

After the outbreak of World War II, the United States quickly shifted its national industrial capacity to weapons manufacturing. From 1941 to 1943, the production of US tanks soared from 4,052 to 29,497, a five-fold increase.

During World War II, the United States built 262,524 aircraft. Although the overall quality was N levels higher than Japan, the number exceeded Japan and Germany combined.

These aircraft and tanks are not used by the United States itself, but are used by the entire anti-Japanese front in Britain, France, the North African battlefield, and our country's battlefield. They are more than enough.

After Japan surrendered and World War II ended, the United States suddenly no longer had to build aircraft and tanks. The workers who were working hard were still a little disappointed: The factory performance has not been so good in the 200 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Why is it still not fighting?

I’m afraid only my country’s current mask factories can experience the feeling of the American arsenal.

Why did the United States become so powerful overnight?

Because their infrastructure is already leading the world.

Before World War II, there were more cars on one street in Detroit than there were in Japan!

Therefore, once mobilized during wartime, they quickly converted their productivity to weapons manufacturing.

Our country is also vigorously developing infrastructure, and the results are remarkable.

However, after entering the 1990s, a "parallel world" suddenly appeared in our lives, that is, computer networks.

This parallel world also needs infrastructure.

However, our country's infrastructure in this area clearly lags behind Western developed countries.

When we realized it, our level of lithography machines was already far behind the West.

Someone describes the lithography machine this way: This is a product that combines top technologies in the fields of mathematics, optics, fluid mechanics, polymer physics and chemistry, surface physics and chemistry, precision instruments, machinery, automation, software, and image recognition.

The working principle is to use "ultraviolet" as a knife to carve the wafer, so that the circuit on the chip becomes the pattern people want.

Our country's lithography machine industry lags behind the West for fifteen years. In one sentence, this year is 2002. If the West stops supplying cores to a certain Chinese company in fifteen years, then the level of chips produced by our country will be equivalent to that produced by the West in 2002. Come out of the chip.

When it comes to specific data, it means that when the West can manufacture 7nm process chips,

In our country, we can only manufacture chips using the 90nm process.

We have said before that there are three major photolithography machine manufacturers in the world. Later, because research and development was too expensive, even Canon and Nikon in the island country withdrew from the group chat and stopped developing new generation photolithography machines.

It is not that there are no chip companies in our country, nor is there no lithography machine manufacturers.

What Yang Fei wants to do now is to establish a photolithography machine development center in Shanghai.

In 2002, because of Yang Fei, he was destined to be extraordinary.

Domestic lithography machine technology, also because of the emergence of Yang Fei, will develop more smoothly and rapidly than before.

Just before Yang Fei was about to go to the United States to "ring the bell," he suddenly left Shanghai and went to Beijing to meet with an important leader-Li Yi.

Li Yi is now in charge of the electronics industry.

Yang Fei talked eloquently and spoke with a sharp tongue, telling Li Yi about the past and present life of lithography machines and the infrastructure that our country needs to carry out in the "parallel world of computer networks".

The Li Yi in front of him looked so young. Although his face looked so resolute and his eyes were so firm, he still could not hide his youthful aura.

Yang Fei thought that the concepts he mentioned were very advanced.

Perhaps, nine out of ten people cannot understand his point of view.

Fortunately, Li Yi is one-tenth of the other.

Yang Fei didn't even need to say more, just raised his head, and Li Yi understood what he was going to do.

Li Yi has a clear view of the future world!

This made Yang Fei feel like he had found a confidant.

Li Yi agreed to support Yang Fei in making a photolithography machine.

This kind of support is not just verbal, but also in action.

Not only policy support, but also more practical actions.

Li Yi used matchmaking to persuade Longteng Fund and Sihai Group to invest in Yang Fei's new company!

Sihai Group, like Longteng Fund, is a large domestic heavyweight economy.

However, Sihai Group is engaged in industry, while Longteng Fund is engaged in financial investment.

Yang Fei had heard of these two companies for a long time before, but had no chance to get to know them. Now through Li Yi, he has formed a partnership with them!

Yang Fei had to sigh, Li Yi is really amazing!

Li Yi's ideological level, leadership ability, execution ability, and social skills all amazed Yang Fei.

After a long discussion between the two, Yang Fei will set up a new company, which is located in the Shanghai High-tech Park, adjacent to the National Integrated Circuit Industry Base, the National Semiconductor Lighting Industry Base and the National 863 Information Security Achievement Industrialization (Eastern) Base and other national bases.

The company is named Optoelectronics.

It is mainly committed to the research and development, production, sales and service of projection lithography machines for large-scale industrial production. The company's products can be widely used in IC manufacturing and advanced packaging, MEMS, TSV/3D, TFT-OLED and other manufacturing fields.

When the news spread, many people did not understand Yang Fei's move.

Why did you suddenly open an optoelectronics company?

You have this money, you might as well invest in a few more daily chemical factories or mobile phone factories!

You are just selling mobile phones, just buy parts and components honestly, why do you also start lithography machines?

It's like a person who sells kitchen knives has to mine and build smelting machines by himself!

Is it necessary?

No one expected that this optoelectronics company founded in 2002 would become such a behemoth in the future!

No one would have thought that this optoelectronics company, founded in 2002, would make such a contribution in the ideological battle between the East and the West.

We cannot reveal too many secrets of the future with God's vision.

After all, time only ran to the autumn of 2002.

After returning to Shanghai from Beijing, Yang Fei set about establishing an optoelectronics company.

This is a brand new company independent of the Beauty Group.

As for which shareholders this company has, outsiders cannot know.

After completing this step of the layout, Yang Fei will fly to the United States to open a new era for the Beauty Group!

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