The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2339 There is no retreat!

Yang Fei just spoke in a very tough tone in front of the old man. It was not because he was betting that there were no bullets in his gun, but because he knew that the other party did not dare to shoot him.

As the old man said, their money was tied up in Yang Fei's stocks. Even if they had murderous intentions, they would not take action immediately.

However, a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. After escaping, in order to prevent the other party from regretting or having murderous intentions, Yang Fei must leave the UK as soon as possible.

He promised Jiang Hanying that he would stay with her for two more days, but something unexpected happened and Yang Fei proposed to return to China early. Jiang Hanying didn't think much about it, thinking that Yang Fei was too busy with work in the company and was in a hurry to go back, so he agreed to return.

When the plane left London, Yang Fei felt relieved.

It is impossible not to be afraid.

In foreign countries, it is a mysterious organization that kills Asians with strange faces without anyone noticing, and it is a high-level mysterious organization. If they kill people, the police may not even be able to find evidence.

"Yang Fei, we have gained so much this time." Jiang Hanying said with a smile, "Thanks to your strategy for all this, the queen helped us with invisible publicity."

Yang Fei said: "This is a shortcut to success. You must learn to use the celebrity effect. When you ask celebrities to speak for you or ask supermodels to walk in shows, aren't you also using the celebrity effect? ​​When we find the queen, we are looking for the biggest celebrity effect!"

Jiang Hanying said: "Most people would never think that we could ask the Queen to promote it. Even if we think of it, I don't know how. I am blessed by you. The Queen has received you. We have to give her a gift. Of course it is too easy. ”

Yang Fei said: "Your team is also very good. They performed very well this time. After returning home, you have to reward them more."

Jiang Hanying looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and said quietly: "It would be great if we could be together every day!"

Yang Fei held her hand tightly.

Jiang Hanying said with a smile: "I just sighed, I am very content now. How many couples in the world are living apart due to work reasons! We only see each other once a month. Between you and me, we have never met each other. It’s too much.”

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "Sometimes I also think about living on an overseas island."

"Did you buy an island overseas?"


"Did you really buy it? How big is the island?"

"It's not bad,

There are 200 square kilometers. "

"Oh my God, that's huge!"


"how much did you spend?"

"Not expensive, ten million US dollars. In addition, I paid an 8% commission."

“More than ten million dollars is not expensive, right?”

"The facilities on the island are very complete, equivalent to a sparsely populated town! There are luxury villas, swimming pools, piers and other facilities on the island. I have already booked two yachts and two planes. As long as we stay there, we can start The good life of an island owner.”

"Wow, I yearn for it so much! But is there a place for me there?"

"Of course there is. I built more than a dozen villas on it, and also built a special building for workers, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of people."

“I wonder when this dream will come true?”

"In a few years! When I start a semiconductor company, we will live in seclusion. Of course, seclusion does not mean a life completely separated from society. It's just that compared to now, the life we ​​will live in the future will definitely be much more leisurely."

"Yeah, I know. If I really have to completely separate from social life, I probably won't be able to adapt to it. Where can I buy the island?"

"Near Greece."

"How can I buy it over there?"

"I think it's okay there. The most important thing is that it's safe, and the country there has no conflict of interest with our country. In the future, you don't have to worry about being expelled without reason for political reasons, or being targeted by some extreme opposition forces. ah."

"That's right. The most important thing in life is stability. You have considered it very carefully." Jiang Hanying thought of the most important question, "Will you also take Su Tong there?"

Yang Fei pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe she won't get over it! A semi-reclusive life is not what she wants."

"Why? Doesn't she go with you?"

"You may not believe it when I tell you. She is now an official fan."

"No way?"

"Before I left home last time, she had just been promoted to the position of deputy mayor. Her next goal is to become the boss of the town."


Yang Fei has been planning the life of the island owner for some time.

He had planned everything and arranged everything, and when the time came, he would take his beloved and live on the island together.

However, he also knew that the life of the island owner would not come so soon.

The mysterious forces in the West are eyeing the beautiful group from the ancient East!

The new group he leads is also under construction in full swing.

Without accomplishing these two important things, it would be impossible for Yang Fei to achieve his goal of a happy life.

Now, the date of lifting the ban on original stocks is getting closer!

The mysterious forces in the West are ready to take action!

After returning to Shanghai, Yang Fei raised funds to prepare for the attack by Western forces.

This battle is nothing if not fought. Once started, it will be a war of the century!

When talking in a London cafe, the old man gave Yang Fei a week.

Of course Yang Fei would not consider it.

He used this week to complete preparations for the stock market showdown.

Time passed day by day, and soon the week was over.

That night, Yang Fei felt a little irritable for no reason.

The Asian financial crisis five years ago came to his mind like a movie plot.

Western speculators are so powerful that Yang Fei cannot fight them alone!

In this battle, Yang Fei had no chance of winning.

In some wars, you know you have no chance of winning, but you can only hold on to the end!

Because there is no way out!

It was already past one o'clock in the morning, and Yang Fei still couldn't sleep.

He sat alone on the balcony, smoking a cigarette in a daze.

Smoking is just an action, and you don't taste any fragrance or stimulation brought by cigarettes in your mouth.

Yang Fei took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, and then put it away.

Before this important moment came, he wanted to make a phone call, but he was afraid that it would be too late and disturb her rest.

Just as he was about to get up and go back to his room, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Chen Ruoling.

It's a picture message.

What she sent was Yang Hua's sleeping posture.

Yang Fei looked at his son's devilish posture and couldn't help but smile, and then replied: "I'll go to your place."

"You haven't slept yet?" Chen Ruoling replied.

"Didn't sleep."

"It's so late? You'd better not come over. It's no joke to wake them up."

"It's okay! Wait for me."


Yang Fei quickly changed into his clothes and went out.

He didn't call Mouse and the others, he drove alone and soon arrived at Chen Ruoling's residence.

Chen Ruoling was waiting by the door. When she heard the sound of cars outside, she immediately opened the door.

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