The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2395 Road Closure

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A few years ago, Yang Fei frantically acquired a wave of land in major cities across the country.

Those years were the era when the Meili Group expanded the fastest.

Almost all the land was acquired by Su Tong.

At every auction, Su Tong could find a way to acquire the land he liked.

I didn't realize it before, but now after hearing what Chen Mo said, Yang Fei realized that although Su Tong didn't have a high degree, she really had something extraordinary.

Yang Fei thought about it and smiled, "Everything has a first time, you go and try it first! There will be a land auction tomorrow, you can go and have a look."

"Aren't you going to accompany me?" Chen Mo asked anxiously.

"It's okay, just do it." Yang Fei encouraged her, "I have to sign an agreement with Mr. Ren, and I have to join a reception banquet specially held by Youwei Shenzhen City!" "Okay." Chen Mo said, "Tell me which piece of land you like, so that I can bid tomorrow. Also, what is your psychological price? You have to tell me first. Otherwise, I will panic." "I can't say this. You have to act according to the situation. As for the price, you have to adjust it according to the offer at the time. When you need to make a decisive decision, you have to make a decisive decision! Do you understand?" Chen Mo shook her head, "I don't understand." Yang Fei held her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Chen Mo, believe in yourself! You are the best!" Chen Mo took a deep breath and nodded vigorously, "Okay, I will work hard." The next day, Yang Fei and Youwei Company signed a strategic cooperation agreement. When Yang Fei and Mr. Ren shook hands, a new semiconductor era slowly opened. In the afternoon, Mr. Ren invited Yang Fei to visit Youwei Company. The core of Youwei's corporate culture is customer-centric and striver-oriented.

Yang Fei asked Mr. Ren, "Mr. Ren, what do you think of globalization?"

Mr. Ren thought for a while and said, "Global cooperation is based on global competition. Two countries that are not in competition can certainly complete global cooperation very well. However, once there is a life-and-death competition, globalization is a joke."

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Mr. Ren looks at the problem very thoroughly!"

Mr. Ren said, "The world has gone through two world wars to exchange for decades of peace. But the peacetime is actually very short. We can't forget the gap between countries, nor can we forget the competition between countries."

Yang Fei said, "Mr. Ren, I agree with what you said Global competition. So what do you think our domestic enterprises should do most in the atmosphere of global competition? "

Ren said, "In the global competition, what we should do most is to lay the foundation, improve scientific management capabilities, improve operating efficiency, reasonably reduce internal costs, moderately improve the compensation and assessment mechanism, and promote the rapid growth of new outstanding backbones." He pointed to the two sentences hanging on the wall of the company and said, "I think that departments that cannot create value for customers are redundant departments, processes that cannot create value for customers are redundant processes, and people who cannot create value for customers are redundant people, no matter how hard they work!" Yang Fei said. Mr. Ren said, "Maybe he has spent a lot of effort on internal public relations, but he still needs to be streamlined. Such an organization will definitely improve efficiency and directly benefit the relevant employees. When changing processes and organizations, our company has always been very careful to distinguish between cumbersome philosophy, formalism, dogma, and reasonable necessity." Yang Fei said, "I have benefited a lot from your teachings." Mr. Ren said, "We are far behind Western countries in the semiconductor field. But we are not discouraged, we must catch up! Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the lack of morale." Yang Fei laughed and said, "If you win, you will toast to celebrate, and if you lose, you will fight to the death to save each other. You have to sit on the bench for ten years, and the bird that cannot be burned to death is the phoenix!" Mr. Ren laughed and said, "You have summarized these few words very well!" Yang Fei said, "Mr. Ren must have served in the army?" Mr. Ren laughed and said, "Yes, I have. I served as an infrastructure engineer for fourteen years!" Yang Fei said, "Visiting For the factory, I have come to this realization that the management you practice has a certain military shadow in it. "

General Ren said, "The army is the most combat-capable team in the world, and corporate culture should learn management from the army. Only in this way can we cultivate an invincible momentum!"

Yang Fei said, "Is this similar to the popular wolf culture?" General Ren said, "Wolf culture has a certain reference value. Because wolves are team-oriented. When we say that a unit is very powerful, we will also describe it as a tiger-wolf division." Yang Fei said, "The wolf way emphasizes the survival of the fittest and the pursuit of higher interests. Are people trained in this way really what the company needs? What does General Ren think of this matter? "General Ren said, "I don't comment on the word wolf way. But I think that if an employee can't endure hardship, has no ability to withstand pressure, is not active in work, and has no team spirit, then it will definitely not work. "Yang Fei smiled and said, "Some companies, On the surface, they promote the spirit of the wolf, but in reality, they use this as a means of exploitation, forcing employees to work overtime. If employees do not work overtime, it means that they cannot endure hardship, have no ability to withstand pressure, are not active in their work, and do not care about the company. These big hats are put on them, which can drive people away. "

Mr. Ren was stunned and said thoughtfully, "Mr. Yang is indeed a great person. Some of your ideas are worth learning from. I will study at Meili Group and Optoelectronics Company some other day."

"Welcome Mr. Ren to come and guide our work." Yang Fei said with a smile, "I sincerely hope that our two families will work together to create a new century for my country's semiconductor industry!"

Their hands were held tightly together.

In the evening, Yang Fei will also attend a welcome dinner held in Shencheng.

For a rich man like Yang Fei, every move he makes will definitely attract attention.

This is also the first time Yang Fei has come to Shenzhen since he was promoted to the richest man in Asia. Naturally, he has attracted attention from the government.

Yang Fei's motorcade went directly to the banquet site after coming out of Youwei Company.

The motorcade suddenly stopped.

"What's going on?" Yang Fei asked the rat driving the car.

"Master Fei, there seems to be a traffic jam ahead." Mouse said helplessly.

Yang Fei looked at the time and then glanced behind the car.

In just a short while, a long queue formed behind the car.

Five minutes later, there was still no sign of the traffic jam moving.

People stuck in traffic got impatient and started honking their horns for a long time.

Ma Feng got out of the car in front, checked the front first, then ran over and said to Yang Fei, "Master Fei, the road ahead seems to be closed."

"Road closure? Why is the road closed? How long will it take to unblock it?" Yang Fei frowned, "We are in a hurry! We can't retreat now!"

Ma Feng said, "Master Fei, I'll go ask about the specific situation."


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