The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 76: Founders of Great Companies

Wei Xinyuan said angrily: "A vanity person pays attention to his own name, and a glorious person pays attention to the cause of the motherland! Don't underestimate the people who study missiles! Without these old scientists, where would the present stability and prosperity come from? Human contribution And value, is it only measured by money? Superficial you, you are not qualified to comment on those great scientists!"

The wife is a person who knows the book and respects the etiquette. Seeing that her husband is angry, she also knows that the tone just now was serious.

She sat next to her husband, said softly, "Xinyuan, we are not scientific researchers of the country. What great contributions can we make to the country? At best, we are ordinary intellectuals. These days, knowledge alone is not enough. It is also necessary to transform knowledge into productivity and money. Otherwise, you will be a nerd and be looked down upon by others."

Wei Xinyuan was very irritable, and he kept pressing the remote control. Different images kept popping up on the narrow black and white screen, and he said in a muffled voice, "How to switch? It's not easy?"

"If I understand, why do I still need to sit here and complain to you?" The wife sighed helplessly, "You are also a vice president after all, and a hero, so there is no other arrangement in the factory?"

"What arrangements can we make? All we get are wages and benefits. At least we still have a big house to live in. The workers in other factories in the city haven't even solved their housing problem!"

"Can't you think of a way to make money? Thinking back, you made a lot of contributions."

"How do you make money? Ask the factory for money? Or ask the workers for money?"

"Share reform is possible! With your qualifications, you can get a good equity incentive. With the current efficiency of the factory, the dividends are not low!"

"Do you think that I have the final say? You have the ability to mention it to the city leaders!"

"Why are you like this?"

"What can I do?"

The quarrel between the two was about to escalate.

Wei Xinyuan shut up in time, dropped the remote control, and entered the study.

He picked up the phone, hesitated, and dialed a number.

This is the phone number from the boss of the factory.

After Wei Xinyuan dialed, he said that he wanted to communicate with the other party about some production and sales matters.

"What do you mean, old Wei, between us, who is with whom? Tell us what you have to say."

Hearing the other party's encouragement, Wei Xinyuan expressed his thoughts boldly.

Based on what Yang Fei said, he put forward five constructive suggestions, from production to sales, to product positioning, research and development, as well as publicity and investment between super-concentrated powder and general powder, as well as the strengthening of the company's system. Talk freely about the replacement of old and new talents.

After listening to his long speech, the boss’s ears became numb and he was stunned. After a long time, he said: “Old Wei, I know you have a lot of ideas. There are indeed many problems in the factory, but they are generally positive. Changes must be made. , but the system has been established for decades, and if we want to change it, we have to do it step by step. We have the time and energy to change an old factory, so we might as well think about how to open up new fields! Our next step is to introduce The shampoo project, the shampoo market is huge, look how well Procter \u0026 Gamble and Head \u0026 Shoulders are selling? Our domestic market cannot be exploited by foreigners..."

"I am not opposed to pioneering, but washing powder is our old line of business and our profit point. We should take care of the old factory first. First, the washing powder factory will be completed, and then we will do other things."

"Old Wei, you are a skilled worker and don't understand the market! I am better at this than you."

The differences have been around for a long time.

Two people, you say yours, and I say mine, and no one can convince the other.

Wei Xinyuan said angrily: "I have no objection to launching new projects, but we can't be blind. We have limited funds. Now introducing expensive shampoo equipment is setting the factory on fire."

"Old Wei, I also know the question you raised just now. It is precisely because of the sense of crisis that we should open up new markets."

"The washing powder market,

Far from being saturated, I mean, instead of investing in the shampoo project, it is better to expand the powder factory and open up the vast rural market! "

"Old Wei, how much money do rural people have? We have investigated before. Few people in the rural areas of the Northwest use washing powder. They all use sticks. The market is not worth our money."

"That was in the past. We need to look at rural issues from the perspective of development. The rural labor force has all gone south to work and earn money, and those who are more active have come out to do business. The rural market will only grow bigger and bigger."

"Then let's talk about it later! As for the general powder, I think that the general powder is an outdated washing powder, and it will be eliminated sooner or later! We must look forward with a developmental perspective! You are a technology player, just concentrate on making good technology. , other business matters, you should worry less!"

"Since you are talking about the system, then I suggest that the factory should be restructured and transformed into a joint-stock company! The management and old employees should take a certain proportion of shares, which can mobilize everyone's enthusiasm."

"Xinyuan, what are you doing? The factory is state-owned, and the profits are also state-owned! Our wages are already considered low. You don't want to think like this."

"I didn't say how many shares! What I said is that all the workers are shareholders. I just think that the factory has serious problems now and should be reformed. Many factories and enterprises are undergoing restructuring. We can negotiate a good one. Program……"

"Okay, Xinyuan, don't talk about this anymore, let's introduce the shampoo project. After a while, we can also introduce..."

The sadness in Wei Xinyuan's heart became extremely thick, and he suddenly became angry: "I resign!"

His voice was a little loud, and the door leading to the living room was ajar, and these three words floated outside.

"Xinyuan?" His wife got up and walked over, looking at him in surprise, "Are you crazy? Resign?"

"What's the point of this job? What I said won't do anything!" Wei Xinyuan hung up the phone and smiled wryly, "Okay, I'm finally free!"

"But, after resigning, what are you doing? Is it possible that you really want to sell tea eggs?"

"Someone asked me to be the boss of a daily chemical factory."


"In the southern province, the beautiful daily chemical factory. It's just that the factory is a bit out of the way, in the countryside. However, our small place now is not much different from the countryside! As long as we can make money, we can live well anywhere."

"This? Reliable?"

"It seems that the man is very reliable. I am in my forties. If I don't work hard, I will have no chance in this life."

"What about me and my child? Are we separated?"

"Just, you resign too, and all three of you, follow me."

"For a while, I can't find a job either."

"It's all arranged. There is a new school over there, and the conditions are very good. You can enter the school over there as the principal. The children can go to school there. If you want, you don't have to work. I support you."

"Raise me? Where's the salary?"

"The annual salary he gave me was 800,000 yuan, and your salary probably won't be lower."

"Eight hundred thousand?"


"My God! So many? Then after working for a year, we can buy a house and a car?"

"According to him, the house and the car are provided by the company."

"Really? So good? Then why hesitate! Xinyuan, I support your resignation. I have already said that you are a talent, and gold will always shine! Well, your annual salary is so high that you can support us. How about it , I won’t work anymore, I will be your full-time wife and live in the city with your children, you can just come back every weekend.”

"I thought so too. So it's settled?"

"You go and have a look first, after the arrangements are made, I will take the children there."

"Well, come back next year! The factory and school are still under construction! Boss Yang said that they will definitely be completed by the end of the year."

After the couple discussed it, they felt at ease.

The phone rang, and it was the boss calling, advising him to think twice, not to get dizzy, and make the decision to resign easily.

Wei Xinyuan replied very firmly, I insist on resigning, and I will go through the formalities tomorrow, a friend, a colleague, let's get together and break up.

Seeing that the persuasion was not good, the boss hung up the phone.

The next morning, just as Yang Fei woke up, he heard a knock on the door.

Open the door and see Wei Xinyuan standing outside.

Yang Fei smiled slightly, knowing that the matter was over.

"Boss Yang, you really hit the nail on the head!" Wei Xinyuan said with emotion, "I'll go with you!"

"Mr. Wei, there is no doubt that this is one of the most correct decisions you have made!" Yang Fei stretched out his hand, "Welcome to Meilidaihua."

"Boss Yang, my resignation is my personal problem. But I still have feelings for Vigor Factory, so I will not take the initiative to take away the people here. Please forgive me for this."

"I can understand. I respect you even more for doing this."

"How many employees does Beauty Daily Chemical have now?"

"Well, you, me, Su Tong, I mentioned it to you last night. Oh, by the way, the company also has a front desk named Xiang Qiao."

"Just the four of us?"

"Congratulations, you are the founder of a great company."

"Then we must recruit talents immediately."

"Mr. Wei, after completing the formalities, go to Taohua Village to find Su Tong. You have to build the factory quickly. I'm going to Beijing to recruit people at the University of Chemical Engineering. It's best to invite a few professors."

"This? I'm afraid it's not easy. College students don't want to work in the countryside."

"No matter how difficult it is, I didn't ask you to make it big, right? As long as the fool gets home, normal people can also make him lame."

"Huh? Fudge?" Wei Xinyuan thought anxiously, are you sure it's not a scam company?

"Just kidding." Yang Fei chuckled and took out a lockbox, "There is one million in it, 800,000 of which is your first year's salary. Benefits and bonuses will be settled at the end of the year. I will pay you in advance, It is to let you arrange the housework well so that you don't have to worry about it. The other two hundred thousand is for your activities."

Wei Xinyuan was carrying this heavy box of money, his thoughts were tumbling.

Hold the grass!

This is not a dream, is it?

He gave me so much money without even signing the agreement?

Damn it, the scholar will die for his confidant!

Even if he is really a big fool, I will follow him to the end!

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