The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 884 Chinese Association

Yang Fei is right about things and not people. Before he understands the truth of the whole thing, he will not draw conclusions lightly, nor will he punish anyone casually.

Qian Weihao said: "Mr. Yang, regarding the work of the two students Zhao Dalong and Liu Manman, we learned to only provide intermediaries to introduce employers and students. As for how they talked, it was entirely between them. behavior in between."

He paused, and then said: "Our society is only responsible for introductions. Whether you want this job and what kind of pledge you want to pay are all discussed by them. These two students are no longer children. Their parents They are all assured to let them travel across the ocean to study, do we have to be responsible for even talking about odd jobs?"

Yang Fei asked Zhao Dalong: "Is that so?"

Zhao Dalong said: "Yes, but the job is introduced by the society! Qian Weihao, dare you say that you didn't charge an agency fee?"

Qian Weihao said: "There are 200,000 members of the Chinese Association in the United States, and each state has a person in charge. Together, there are more than 3,000 people in total. More than 3,000 staff members serve more than 200,000 people. I Do you think this proportion is not high? And we learned that all the staff are unpaid and unpaid! This point must be understood by everyone.”

His speech was clear, and he was neither humble nor overbearing: "The funds provided by Mr. Yang are only enough to maintain the most basic daily work of the society. When foreign students go to court or need other financial assistance, our society will provide it free of charge. Where does the money come from? We learned that we don’t want to burden Mr. Yang, that’s why we engage in income generation and referral work. After success, we only charge a small referral fee, and we only charge the employer. Excuse me, is there anything wrong with this?”

Zhao Dalong said: "They withheld our passports and signed a three-year contract! Isn't this exploitation? Isn't this a vampire?"

Qian Weihao said: "Student Zhao, you are not a child anymore. Before you came to a capitalist country, didn't you know about the market here? They are capitalists. If you are invited to work, who will be exploited if you are not exploited? In addition, The terms of the part-time job are negotiated between you, if you disagree, you can find another job. Now you are blaming us? How ridiculous!"

Zhao Dalong was so angry that his arms trembled, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

Yang Fei roughly understood, and said, "Student Zhao Dalong, if you don't want to work there, our society can come forward and help you terminate this employment contract. In addition, has the dispute over your renting a house been resolved?"

Zhao Dalong said in a muffled voice: "It's solved. Actually, the job is not bad, but the fact that my girlfriend couldn't go back to the country because of the confiscation of the passport last time made me very angry."

Qian Weihao said: "Every job has different requirements. As far as I know,

Student Zhao, your part-time jobs are related to computer programming. I have learned that these jobs involve related corporate secrets, so the employer only has a three-year contract and requires that the passport be withheld. And these, you all agreed at the beginning. "

Zhao Dalong said: "Yes, we agreed."

Qian Weihao said: "So, you came here today, questioning Mr. Yang over and over again, and speaking wildly about the most respected founder of our society. What is your intention?"

Zhao Dalong took a look at Yang Fei and said, "I think it's unfair! The Chinese Society said there would be no fees, but they charged our money. During that time, Manman and I lived the most difficult time. We didn't have a house to live in. Without living expenses, we have suffered a lot! Manman’s mother passed away due to illness, and we also have deep resentment, so I couldn’t help but get angry.”

Yang Fei said: "I still say the same thing. The purpose of the establishment of the Chinese Society is to help overseas Chinese students. No matter who they are, they can come in and out freely. If you feel that the Society cannot help you or brings troubles to your life, You can quit, or not seek help from the academy."

Zhao Dalong had benefited from the society and made such unreasonable disturbances. He was at a loss in the first place. He just wanted to take advantage of the large number of people to make a big fuss, and he didn't want to achieve any purpose.

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I want to say sorry to everyone. I established the Chinese Society, but I didn't pay enough attention to it, and didn't consider the hard work of many staff members. For the work of the Society, you spontaneously organized and Working, not getting a penny of wages, but busy running around, you have worked hard! I thank you!"

"Mr. Yang!" Qian Weihao said loudly, "You have worked hard, you are a great person! We Chinese students have always been scattered. It was not until you established the Chinese Society that we foreign students had their own home. You donate millions of funds to the society for free every year. This is a great act of charity. Countless international students have been helped because of your funding and will no longer be bullied and unfairly treated. We should say thank you to you !"

Everyone lined up neatly and bowed deeply to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Don't do this, it makes me feel very bad, like watching my own memorial service."

"Hahaha!" It was a serious atmosphere, but also a very grateful atmosphere, because Yang Fei made a joke, and the audience immediately burst into laughter.

Yang Fei said to Qian Weihao: "If you have any difficulties in learning, you can ask me, and we all find a way to solve it together. Chinese students studying abroad are also a big family. It is also appropriate for everyone to help each other outside. If we are always thinking about who pays a few dollars more, who puts in a little more energy, then this big family will not be able to get it together, and sooner or later it will break up."

Qian Weihao said: "Mr. Yang, the society belongs to all of us, and we can't just rely on you to make donations. All of us in the society should shoulder corresponding responsibilities."

Wu Jiao said: "Our country is a big exporter of international students in the world. Since 78 years, we have successively exported more than one million overseas students. How can it be possible for so many international students to rely on Mr. Yang alone to help? We are free, independent, and Those who are able to work, we have hands and feet, we can be self-sufficient, we just need to get the help of learning to work together when we need special assistance."

Qian Weihao said: "I have a proposal. Anyone who has received help from the society can spontaneously inject funds into the foundation pool of the society after graduation and work, as much as you like, as you like!"

Everyone responded enthusiastically.

Qian Weihao said: "When I was studying abroad, I received help from the Chinese Association. Now I am working. Although the salary is not very satisfactory, I am willing to donate!"

"I would too!"

"I donate!"

Looking at these vivid and kind faces, Yang Fei instantly felt warm.

This night in a foreign country is as peaceful and peaceful as it is in China.

His dedication will eventually pay off.

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