The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 917 North American President

The door opened suddenly, and Yang Fei appeared at the door. Looking at the two beautiful secretaries who were laughing together, he asked with a smile, "Why are you smiling so wickedly? Are you planning on someone?"

Chen Mo and Ning Xin looked at each other, then laughed again.

Ning Xin laughed and said: "Yang Fei, we are plotting against you! Do you believe it or not?"

Chen Mo got up, helped Yang Fei take off his coat and scarf, and hung them on the coat rack.

Yang Fei said: "You idiots, you don't need to calculate all my things. For example, if you want the fifty million dollars in cash, you can take it and divide it equally."

"Really?" Chen Mo couldn't help but patted his arm, poked his head out from behind, and said with a smile, "Are you serious?"

Yang Fei said: "Because I am reluctant to send you to jail, so I will give you a bunch of money."

Ning Xin said: "With your words, even if Chen Mo and I starve to death, we will never take a penny from you."

Yang Fei said: "I know, otherwise, I can let you be my secretary? However, if anyone follows me and Yang Fei starves to death, it will be the biggest joke in the world."

Chen Mo asked, "Where did you go? You came home so late?"

Ning Xin giggled and said, "Look at you two, you really look like a family!"

Chen Mo slapped her angrily: "Nonsense, slap your mouth!"

Yang Fei said: "I'm going to Xiao En's house. Xiao En's vacation will arrive tomorrow."

He pondered slightly, and said, "Congratulations, starting tomorrow, your workload in the United States will be greatly reduced."

Chen Mo and Ning Xin looked at him nervously, thinking that he was going to adjust their jobs.

Yang Fei smiled and said, "President of the North American region of Meili Group, he will take office tomorrow."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "It can't be Xiao En?"

Yang Fei said: "You are right, it is him."

Chen Mo said: "Yang Fei, you are so powerful, you can recruit Sean here! Sean is one of the most experienced executives in the daily chemical industry. He is proficient in the business of the United States and my country. It is perfect for him to be the president of the North America region. up.


Yang Fei said: "It's okay, P\u0026G gave me the opportunity to recruit him. Every talent who is not valued by the group, there will be other companies waiting to accept it. So, I dare not treat you badly. Who told you that you are so good? ? Let’s say yes first, you can’t resign, you can’t leave.”

Chen Mo said: "Just now you said it so seriously, I thought you wanted to adjust my work!"

Ning Xin said: "Coincidentally, I thought so too."

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Sean Ken came to Meili Group, and I finally settled a big concern! The North American market is the most developed region in the world, and it is also the top priority of our global layout."

North America, the most economically developed continent in the world, has significantly surpassed the EU in terms of total GDP, and its per capita GDP far exceeds that of the EU. It is one of the 15 major regions in the world.

The two most important countries in North America, the United States and Canada, are both developed countries with high human development index and high level of economic integration.

Ning Xin glanced at the window, walked over, looked outside, and said happily: "It's snowing again! The snow in the United States is much bigger than that in the southern province."

Yang Fei said: "Winter in Peach Blossom Village is also very beautiful. I wonder if Li Yanan is interested in painting a picture of Peach Blossom Village in winter?"

Chen Mo said: "Didn't you say that she never touched the brush again?"

Yang Fei said: "Her husband's death has dealt a great blow to her. People often say that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change, but when it comes to big things, the nature can also be changed. A man, when his parents die, There will be a big change, and his perception of the world will change. A woman will also have a big change when she loses her husband's great support."

Chen Mo turned her head silently.

Yang Fei said: "Chen Mo must have an understanding of this."

"Yeah." Chen Mo smiled resolutely, "Everyone will experience this day, it's just sooner or later."

The Meili Group's branch in the United States, thanks to Sean's joining, has reached a new level in terms of management and operation.

At the same time, the three policies formulated by Yang Fei have gradually taken effect.

Clean White Laundry Detergent has undergone a new positioning, and has replaced a new formula and production process. The products produced are more in line with machine washing, low foam, not harmful to clothes, easy to rinse, and pollution-free.

Complementing the upgrading of products is the upgrading of packaging and advertising.

The packaging is boxed, and the outer packaging is printed with exquisite posters and advertisements, which are eye-catching and eye-catching, highlighting the theme of machine washing and environmental protection.

A brand new commercial film shot by the black child Winnie and her white child was also shown simultaneously on major TV stations in the United States.

This daily chemical commercial with the theme of ethnic groups has won praises from countless people.

Martin appealed in constituencies and black friend groups, advocated racial equality, respected individual differences, and used the advertisements of the Beauty Group as promotional materials to invisibly promote whiteness.

White Laundry Detergent, the sales in the United States have soared!

Black friends, word of mouth, are proud to use white laundry detergent.

And white people in the United States, in order to flaunt that they are not racially discriminatory, will also buy white laundry detergent.

Yang Fei paid close attention to quality control, and added QC specialists to Procter \u0026 Gamble's foundry, and started to build his own production plant at the same time.

Building a factory in the United States may increase production costs, but the benefits are also obvious.

Products produced in the United States are more likely to be recognized and loved by Americans.

The cost is high, and the price is also high!

As long as there is money to be made,

Based on this idea, Yang Fei finally put aside all his worries and built a factory in the United States wholeheartedly.

Chen Mo's words also reminded him that if he thinks about it, he will do it. If he is afraid of tigers before and wolves behind, he will end up with nothing.

Back then, Yang Fei never hesitated whether to build a factory in China or go to an island country.

Now that the group has grown bigger, is he timid?

Before the establishment of factories in the island country, many people dissuaded them, saying that the labor force in the island country is expensive, and companies in the island country have come to my country to open factories. Why do you do the opposite?

But Yang Fei insisted on his own opinion and built a factory in the island country.

Facts have proved that after Jiebai has its own factory in the island country, the sales of all products of the group have soared!

Many fashionistas or high-level white-collar workers, when shopping, not only look at the shelf life, but also look at the place of production of the item.

It has to be said that in the eyes of many people, "Made in China or Made in PRC" in the 1990s is still synonymous with low-end manufacturing.

This kind of unfair treatment will take a generation of hard work. Twenty years later, Made in China will become one of the most recognized labels in the world!

Because of the rapid development of China and its huge industrial manufacturing system, this label can be found on a wide range of commodities, from clothing to electronic products. It includes not only material components, but also cultural components and humanistic connotations.

When the place of production of an item is changed to the country where it is sold, consumers' recognition and familiarity with the product will increase.

And this strategy has also been used by foreign companies on the domestic battlefield.

In China, it is obviously a product of a foreign company, but it has been thoroughly localized. From the name, packaging, and production labels, you can't find any traces of foreign companies at all.

Yang Fei did the same, and it turned out that he succeeded in the island country.

Can this success be replicated in the US?

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