The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 920 I can't arrange you yet?

At Nanfang Provincial Airport, Yang Jun and his father Yang Liyuan were waiting at the exit.

"Xiaojun, isn't this plane late? Why hasn't Xiao Fei come out yet?"

"Dad, don't worry, after the plane lands, it will take some time for Xiao Fei to come out. Wait a little longer."

"Wait, no matter what he says or what excuses he has, we must take him home!"

"Dad, you have said this sentence eight hundred times, and my ears are ringing. Don't worry, I know."

"Xiao Fei is being cunning, maybe he said hello, said something about the company, and then ran away."

"How about handcuffing him?"

"Huh? That won't work."

"If you are reluctant to be handcuffed, you can only use the grappling hand, put him down first, and then carry him into the car."


"Dad, Xiao Fei came out, why are there so many people? Oh, and Yang Yuying."

"Which Yang Yuying?"

"It's a singer, don't you listen to her tapes every day? Last time we went to Peach Blossom Village, we saw her perform. Have you forgotten?"

"Oh, I know, why is she with Xiao Fei? They can't?"

"Xiaofei!" Yang Jun ran forward, grabbed his younger brother's hand enthusiastically, and patted his arm vigorously, "Good guy, I'm finally back. Mom is looking forward to the stars and the moon, she's dying! She must come to pick up the plane. At least I persuaded it."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Brother, my company has something to do, I'll go home at night."

"I knew you'd say that, look, look who's coming?"

Seeing his father standing not far away with a sullen face, Yang Fei hurried forward and shouted respectfully, "Dad, why did you come in person?"

"If I don't come, can you go home?" Yang Liyuan glared at his son, "What's the matter? American rice doesn't support people? Why have you lost so much weight?"

"Dad, I exercise every day and I've become stronger."

"Let's go,

go home first. "

"Dad, I really have something to do in my company. Dozens of bosses are waiting for me to go back to the meeting. I said, I will go as soon as I get off the plane."

"What's the big deal? It has to be so urgent? Then you tell them all to go home, there is room at home! Let me tell you, your grandpa heard that you came back today, and is waiting for you at home. He loved you since childhood, and you won't Let him down?"

Yang Jun said in a timely manner: "Xiao Fei, Grandpa's health is far worse..."

The corners of Yang Fei's eyes were sore, he pondered for a while, and said to Chen Mo: "You and Ning Xin go to the company first, and inform them that the meeting will be postponed until tomorrow..."

Yang Liyuan immediately said: "Anyway, it's a postponement. You might as well postpone it for a few more days. There's something at home these two days."

Yang Fei asked in surprise, "Dad, what's the matter?"

Yang Liyuan waved his hand: "Why do you ask so many questions? My son, I can't arrange you?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "That's all right—Chen Mo, then you guys go to the next notice and it will be postponed for three days. If there is anything wrong, please call."

"Okay, boss." Chen Mo said.

Ning Xin stepped forward and said sweetly, "Hi Uncle Yang, Hello Brother Jun."

Yang Liyuan changed his smiling face and said, "Ning Xin, you are getting more and more beautiful. I think the water in the United States supports you."

Yang Fei rolled his eyes.

Yang Yuying also met Yang's father and son, and made a gesture to Yang Fei to call.

Yang Fei said in a low voice: "I have arranged a place for you, and there is a car to pick you up outside."

Yang Yuying smiled knowingly.

Everyone dispersed.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin came to Meili Mansion and directly entered the conference room.

Su Tong, Wei Xinyuan and more than a dozen bosses got up together, thinking that the boss had come back, they applauded together and looked at the door with a smile.

Chen Mo and Su Tong said a few words, and passed on Yang Fei's words.

Su Tong said helplessly: "Family is of course important, so let's do it this way. The meeting will be held in three days."

Chen Mo said: "Sister Su, Yang Fei didn't arrange for me and Ning Xin to work after returning to China, so you can arrange for us?"

Su Tong's pretty eyes flickered slightly, thinking that Chen Mo had been following Yang Fei for half a year, why hasn't he changed his words and called him by his first name? Said: "You have worked hard, take three days off first, and when the meeting is held, you will come back to work and wait for the boss to arrange."

Chen Mo heard that Su Tong bit the word "boss" very hard, so she heard what she meant, and said with a smile: "I'm used to calling Yang Fei, and I thought about changing it, but Yang Fei said that the name is more friendly. Don't care about the details."

Su Tong smiled slightly and said, "Just listen to the boss."

Chen Mo and Ning Xin came out.

Ning Xin laughed softly: "Boss Su is so mighty, I'll show you off as soon as he comes."

Chen Mo didn't say anything.

Ning Xin invited her to play at home, Chen Mo shook her head and said she was going home to see her mother, the two said goodbye and parted.

Su Tong dismissed the meeting and returned to the office, but couldn't calm down.

She was struggling, should she go to Yang Fei's house to meet him?

Only God knows how much she misses him!

Today, she wanted to pick up the plane, but Yang Fei told her that she could come directly by herself and asked her to organize a meeting.

I thought we would see each other right away, but Yang Fei suddenly returned home!

What's the matter with his family?

There must be something important, otherwise, with Yang Fei's character, the meeting he personally set will never be rescheduled, and if it is changed, it will be postponed for three days.

Could it be that his grandfather is in poor health?

Su Tong was in a mess, thinking wildly.

At this moment, when Yang Fei walked into the house, he heard Yang Mingyi's hearty laughter.

Chatting with Yang Mingyi was an old man with gray hair, kind-hearted and kind-eyed, about seventy years old.

"Xiao Fei, you're back!" Wu Suying grabbed the hand of her youngest son and rolled her eyes at him, "Why have you lost weight? You can't go to the United States. If you continue to study like this, you will turn back into a monkey again."

She smiled and said to the guests: "My Xiaofei was very thin when he was a child, no matter how much he ate he couldn't get fat, just like a skinny monkey."

Yang Fei smiled awkwardly.

Wu Suying pointed to the white-haired old man and said, "It's Grandpa."

Yang Fei didn't think too much, and called out Grandpa.

The white-haired old man was very happy, and responded crisply: "Okay, okay, okay."

Yang Fei chatted with Yang Mingyi for a few words, and was about to ask the old man's identity when he suddenly saw Xiao Yujuan and An Ran coming out of the kitchen, both wearing aprons, obviously they were cooking just now.

Seeing Yang Fei, An Ran's pretty face flushed, and she shouted shyly: "Yang Fei, you're back."

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "Anran, hello."

The white-haired old man smiled and said: "An Ran, Xiao Fei is going home for dinner today, you must show your housekeeping skills and cook a good meal."

"Grandpa, I'm just helping out, and the chef is sister Yujuan." An Ran laughed.

Yang Fei thought to himself, this old man turned out to be An Ran's grandfather. Could it be that there is some resemblance between their eyebrows and eyes.

Yang Fei is not surprised that An Ran came to the house. She and her brother are colleagues, and they are familiar with the family members, and they often come to visit.

But, why is An Ran's grandfather here?

Just when he was puzzled, he heard Yang Mingyi laughing and saying: "Old An, do you think my little Fei is okay?"

Grandpa An nodded again and again: "Not bad, not bad, a good-looking talent, it's my family's An Ran who has climbed high!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Fei was stunned, but An Ran turned around and went into the kitchen in shame.

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