The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 922 Su Tong came and saw it too

Yang Fei found his brother, handed him a cigarette, and asked, "What's the matter with Mom being in the hospital?"

"Fibroids in the uterus."



Yang Fei raised his head, the tears could no longer be held back, and finally fell down.

A man doesn't flick his tears lightly, just because he hasn't reached the sad place.

Thinking of his mother undergoing such a major operation at home, suffering so much pain, and staying in the hospital for ten days, he didn't call him to tell him about it, just so as not to delay his studies! Yang Fei couldn't help feeling sad.

Yang Fei is well aware of the risks of surgery.

If his mother really couldn't get off the operating table, then he wouldn't even be able to see her for the last time.

"Xiao Fei, don't blame me. Mom didn't let us talk about it." Yang Jundao, "She said, it's okay for you to come back, and you have to find a doctor to see a doctor."

"Has it spread? Was the operation successful?"

"The doctor said that there was no spread, and the operation was successful. The uterus was removed. We kept telling her that it was a benign fibroid. Don't tell me."

"Mom has always been in good health, how did you get this disease?"

"Who knows? This disease, alas! Now you know why Dad and I had to take you home when we were at the airport, right?"

"Well, it's my fault. I'm busy with my career and studies, so I don't have much time to accompany her."

"It's not your fault. Who can explain the illness?"

"I don't want to go to America to study."


"To be honest, studying a few more years, or a few years less, does not have any serious impact on me now. As for studying, as long as you have the heart, you can find a university anywhere."

"It's a pity, isn't it? Harvard!"

"What's the pity? After all, I passed the exam, passed the exam, and then dropped out. This is called a cow! Just like Bill Gates.


"Hehe, you boy, you have ambition, and you still want to be the second Bill Gates?"

Yang Fei took a deep puff of cigarette: "That's the decision, I won't go to the United States to study, and my career there is now on the right track, so let's do it!"

Yang Jundao: "Your business is up to you."

Yang Fei said: "Brother, An Ran..."

"An Ran is a good girl. From the first day of her mother's hospitalization, she accompanied her all the way, and she took her mother to do all the examinations."

Yang Fei hummed.

"You don't know, my mother just came out of the operation, her face is pale, without a trace of blood, just like, like a person who has gone to immortality." Yang Jun said, also moved, "An Ran saw her mother like that. , the first one burst into tears."

Yang Fei said, "Really?"

"Later, my mother woke up from the anesthesia. She told me that she couldn't move, but she could actually hear her. She heard An Ran crying and calling her. At that time, she really wanted to hear An Ran call her mother..."

Yang Fei rubbed his sore eyes vigorously, as if the scene of that day was right in front of his eyes.

Yang Jun put out his cigarette and said, "Xiao Fei, I don't want to get involved in your affairs. But marriage is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families. You can make a decision after you think it over! An Ran Absolutely good! Really, when she took care of her mother, people in the same ward said that my mother gave birth to a good daughter. When they found out that she was not their own daughter, they praised her very much, and said that my mother found a good daughter-in-law. Now this In society, such a good daughter-in-law is hard to find even with a lantern."

Yang Fei slowly closed his eyes. He had thought up a lot of words before, and was about to show off with An Ran, but now he dared not say a word.

He not only owed his mother, but also owed An Ran.

An Ran and him didn't really get along for a long time, the longest few days was when they went to Jixi.

Between the two, there was never any talk of love, love, or even holding hands in the true sense.

However, her love for him does not need to be said.

Every time Yang Fei comes home, she must be waiting for him at home.

She took care of his home as her own, and his parents as her own.

What love in the world is more precious and selfless than An Ran's love?

An Ran is like a perfect person, suddenly appearing in Yang Fei's life, everything about her is perfect, she is a people's police, for the benefit of the country and the people, she can give up her life, she only has one kiss in her life, It is Yang Fei, and then treat him as the only object in his life, and think about it for a long time, life after life.

All of this came so naturally to her.

Yang Fei didn't know what to say.

It was impossible for him to accuse her, saying that she was shameless, he didn't want her, and she came to pester her at home.

He couldn't even bear to say a word that hurt her.

At the same time, he was also asking himself in his heart.

If the mother is sick, if it is another woman, can they treat the mother like An Ran?

After the brothers finished smoking outside, they entered the house.

An Ran and Xiao Yujuan have already gathered a large table of good dishes.

Xiao Yujuan declared: "These dishes are all made by An Ran, I dare not take the credit. Xiao Fei, try it quickly, does it suit your taste? An Ran, give him a chicken leg."

An Ran blushed, lowered her head and smiled, then took a chicken kidney and gave it to Yang Fei: "You eat this, it's delicious."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "How do you know that I like to eat this?"

An Ran said with a playful smile, "I just know."

Yang Fei thought that it was probably his mother who told him that he liked to eat chicken kidneys since he was a child, and whenever the family ate chicken, the chicken kidneys were reserved for him.

He took her chopsticks and went to eat chicken kidneys.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the door: "Yang Fei!"

Yang Fei just took the chicken kidney handed over by An Ran, raised his head, and saw Su Tong standing at the door with a stunned expression.

Su Tong struggled for a long time, but still came over.

Instead of thinking wildly, it's better to come to Yang Fei's house to have a look in person.

She came, she saw it.

Yang Fei's grandfather is still in good health and is not sick.

His family was happy and happy, and nothing major happened.

Also, Yang Fei was actually eating food fed by a woman!

This woman is still very beautiful!

Such an intimate gesture?

Shouldn't it only happen between lovers or couples?

Who is this woman to Yang Fei?

Is it his lover? Or his lover?

Why can she openly have a banquet at Yang Fei's house?

When Yang Fei arrived at the airport, he changed his mind temporarily. He didn't even hold the company's general meeting, so he had to hurry home. Could it be that he just wanted to meet this woman?

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Su Tong's mind.

She told herself, go! Go right now!

However, her legs, as if filled with lead, were heavy and unable to move.

She just stood at the door, frozen like a clay sculpture, unable to walk in or retreat, just like her embarrassing status at the moment.

An Ran smiled and said: "Miss Su is here, please come in quickly, I often hear Yang Fei talking about you! You are his most capable secretary."

This tone?

From Su Tong's ears, she looked like the mistress of this family!

Su Tong took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

She was afraid that if she didn't close her eyes, tears would flow down her face.

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