The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 913: Save Han Tianyu

Only overnight, peace came again, and the world war that had been feared by all countries did not affect too many places and stopped. Although this "one night war" brought dozens of warships to the rice country, nearly three Hundreds of thousands of people were killed or injured, but the losses were minor compared to the wide-ranging World War.

After all, except for the rice country, almost no one has suffered losses, and the rice country is getting worse. Even its younger brothers no longer need to stab it, so who cares about the size of the loss?

Overnight, Huaxia reached the summit again, and various countries sent the highest-level ambassadors almost overnight after the war ended!

Wanbang is coming! Huaxia finally restored her prosperous life thousands of years ago, and the whole country was in jubilation for a while. {猪} 猪 岛 {小} said that 3.zhu everyone can hardly imagine that this is true, after all, their motherland has suffered so much for so long. When I am bullied, I usually just protest a few times, even when I am blocked by a dog from the rice country, I dare not fight ...

But today is different, we do n’t hit dogs, you do n’t care about your dog, we even hit the master together!

For a time, Huaxia raised her eyes and exhaled, a new era came.

When the whole country was in jubilation, Jiang Fei and the warriors also returned to Huaxia in military ships. After all, the war was over, and the warriors also needed to return to their martial arts to rest. Although the war was won, but The warriors paid an unimaginable price!

Nearly 700 warriors landed in Dongliao. As a result, fewer than 300 people could return to Huaxia alive, so although the battle was won, the warriors did not have much joy of victory.

After returning to Huaxia, Jiang Fei's urgent task was to rescue Han Tianyu. After all, the boy was still in the hands of the military. In case the military killed him for killing, Jiang Fei was also a loss.

Although it is clear that the military has detained Han Tianyu, some words are not suitable to be straightforward. After all, the relationship between the military and Jiang Fei is very delicate.

The cunning rabbits cooked with their dogs, and the birds did their best to hide. Now foreign enemies no longer exist. After being hit by this kind of rice country, at least for a long time, they will be obediently conquered in their native land, studying the alien debris. Don't worry that they will try to commit wrongdoing again, so the contradictions between Huaxia officials and the warriors will be highlighted.

However, the pressure on the military is not small now. The Z10 robot has already matured. They even intend to take action against the warriors, but this time the fifth-level powerfuls intervened, so that the military really saw the power of the fifth-level powerfuls!

Although I have heard of the fifth-level powerhouse before, but because the China Military Alliance has little contact with the country, the fifth-level powerhouse does not care about the country's affairs, so the military has no idea what the fifth-level powerhouse is. concept.

But this time, their super robots experienced the power of the fifth-level strong, so the military found that the existing robots were really ineffective against the fifth-level strong!

The Z9 robot has no resistance at all when facing the fifth-level strongman. Although the Z10 robot is more powerful, it does not have the fifth-level power, so it is impossible to be an opponent of the fifth-level strongman. In order to avoid and The warriors are out of business now, so it is undoubtedly the only way to destroy Han Tianyu's mouth. Otherwise, Jiang Fei would return from Dongying to ask for people, and they would not be able to explain.

Jiang Fei just guessed this, so when he returned to Huaxia, he let Ariel do it!

Because she had been to Han Tianyu's detention cell before, Ariel teleported it without any effort. This time, Ariel didn't even show up. A white light flashed directly, and Han Tianyu disappeared out of thin air!

"Hoo, A Fei, it ’s okay to be in time!" When Han Tianyu saw Jiang Fei again, he took a sigh of relief. One second before Ariel took him away, the two super robots left. Entered into Han Tianyu's room, and the dark muzzle was displayed. You don't need to ask Han Tianyu to know that these two guys didn't come to play chess for themselves!

"Relax, how can I let you hang up!" Jiang Fei smiled. Han Tianyu is now his chief think tank, and of course he can't let the boy die.

"What are you going to do next?" Han Tianyu asked, as the young master of the Manda Group couldn't go home, now he can only rely on Jiang Fei's thigh.

"I have a lot of things ..." Jiang Fei said after thinking about it.

Now Jiang Fei ’s immediate priority is undoubtedly to wait for the rice country to recover the wreckage of the Courage after the people of Dongweiyi Islands are withdrawn, and then to solve the unknown mysterious event in the game according to 0541, although it is unknown whether this mysterious event is What, but the 0541 reminder is getting tighter and tighter, which shows that this incident must have a great impact on Jiang Fei.

"Dong Weiyi ?!" When Han Fei heard Jiang Fei's compensation for the rice country, Han Tianyu's eyes brightened. Although Jiang Fei didn't care about the archipelago, Han Tianyu was different!

Now Han Tianyu has a family that is difficult to run, and a country that is difficult to vote for. He was rescued by Jiang Fei from a secret prison in the military. He must not show up again. Jiang Fei is too lazy to control, he Han Tianyu can come!

"If you want to go to ~ ~ wait for the rice country to be ready, I will let you take charge of the transfer!" Jiang Fei nodded, he also knows the difficulties of Han Tianyu, the former Manda Group Master, now that he has become a homeless wanted criminal because of his own reasons, Jiang Fei also wants to compensate him.

"I'm welcome!" Han Tianyu's eyes lighted up. Although Dong Weiyi's area is not very large, but this is a private land completely owned by Jiang Fei, Han Tianyu can definitely show his skills here, although he lost The Manda Group, but with the extraterrestrial technology in Jiang Fei's hands, it is not difficult to build this archipelago into the world's most powerful empire!

Looking at Han Tianyu in excitement, Jiang Fei smiled slightly. Now he looks at these foreign objects very openly. After experiencing too much, Jiang Fei's mentality is a bit closer to the level of the fifth-class strong. These mundane The interests can no longer make him worry, now the biggest difference between him and the fifth-level strong is that he cannot treat ordinary people as ants.

Later, Jiang Fei arranged a biological girl such as Ruby to protect Han Tianyu. She now lives in a small county and then prepares to go home with Ariel. He did this on the one hand to protect Han Tianyu's safety and on the other hand because Could not explain to the family.

Just go out and bring back a row of girls, not to mention that Situ Ying can't spare him, my father and mother have to vomit blood!

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