The one who answered was the oldest man in the village.

He grinned.

Ye Zhao felt a little regretful, thinking that there might be some discovery.

But this time the harvest was not small.

But at this time, the old man hesitated for a moment and continued

"The guests came from outside, and I thought they wanted to collect these things passed down from their ancestors."

"There is something in our village. Do you want to see it?"

Ye Zhao was shocked. Is there any other harvest?

These ancestral heirlooms are all Chongqing Yuanbao.

Could they be things from the same period?

Ye Zhao was a little excited.

The old man was even happier to see Ye Zhao willing.

Their village is completely a family of one clan.

And many people died in the war.

They ran to this remote place to avoid disaster.

But what Ye Zhao didn't expect was that the old man took Ye Zhao to a small house in the middle of the village.

After entering, they saw that it was a very hidden ancestral hall.

This is really rare in Bingcheng.

Many people in Bingcheng are descendants of people who went to Guandong.

This family is probably born and raised here.

The ancestral hall is named Wang!

Could they be descendants of Aguda?

The Jin Dynasty was attacked by Song and Mongolia, and it was very miserable after its demise.

The royal men were slaughtered.

Those who survived also changed their names.

The most were surnamed Wang.

But Ye Zhao didn't ask much.

This old man didn't necessarily know more than him.

"If the guest wants to receive these things, he will not be shy about it."

The old man also has his own wisdom.

At this time, the ancestral hall is not allowed.

If Ye Zhao had not paid with real money, he would not have revealed the ancestral hall.

Then the old man carefully found an item in the ancestral hall.

"I used to hear the old people say that it’s not that old or young."


"These are ancestral things."

"But the younger generation is unfilial, so I can only exchange it for some money."

The village was very difficult, and the old man knew it very well.

He saw that Ye Zhao was very generous, so he came up with this idea.

"Customer, if you buy this from me, I have a few conditions."

"I don't need money, but I need food."

The old man said.

Ye Zhao nodded and said,"I promise you."

The old man's face suddenly lit up and said,"Okay!"

Then, he carefully opened a lid in his hand.

Ye Zhao's pupils shrank immediately.

This is a pottery figurine.

The shape is a lifelike lady.

Tang Sancai!

Wow, it's really great!

Ye Zhao was shocked.

He had thought about building a museum before.

Now the treasure of the museum is here.

Tang Sancai was mostly unearthed in the Central Plains.

And it is a high-standard burial object.

I didn't expect to see this thing in the ancestral hall in a small village.

Ye Zhao also seemed to have some enlightenment.

The ancestors of this village, it is not unreasonable to put this Tang Sancai in the ancestral hall. It is also reasonable to worship the ancestors in the ancestral hall with burial objects.

Well... ladies serve their ancestors.

This family is also quite thoughtful.

This is a pleasant surprise for Ye Zhao.

This thing will definitely not be traded in the future.

Ye Zhao did not plan to trade it.

When it was discovered in 1905, many of them were destroyed.

Later, some foreigners discovered its value and bought it for collection.

This thing, to a certain extent, represents the most expensive artwork in China.

"Well, I'll give you a hundred dollars."

"Thirty pounds of meat!"

"In addition, I will give you 100 jin of food coupons."

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhao spoke directly.

The old man was stunned.

The people in Xiahetun were also stunned.

This thing is so valuable?

"I...did I hear you right? Guests? This is no joke."

The old man asked quickly, breathing rapidly.

"You heard it right."

Ye Zhao smiled calmly and took out a hundred yuan.

There were also some food coupons.

"I'll bring you the meat later."

Ye Zhao said.

The old man's eyes were burning, and he looked at Ye Zhao as if he was a hot commodity.

Just this 100 kilograms of food coupons had already exceeded his inner expectations.

He had only thought about exchanging it for some food rations before.

""Okay, okay! I'll listen to you!"

The old man smiled.

For Ye Zhao, he could indeed take it away for ten or twenty dollars.

But he was in a good mood after getting this thing.

It was also a help to Xiahetun.

But you can't give too much, too much will definitely attract other people's attention.

This thing of Tang Sancai was auctioned at a sky-high price of nearly five million pounds in the 89th year of the Gentleman's Country. In the other 14 years, it was traded in Hong Kong for more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

Ye Zhao carefully put it away.

The people of Xiahetun have always protected it well because it is something from the ancestral hall.

When the people of Xiahetun saw Ye Zhao leaving, they suddenly felt reluctant to let go of this young man.

In fact, Ye Zhao didn't go too far.

After directly putting the Chongqing Yuanbao and the ladies' Tang Sancai into the"Map of Mountains, Rivers and States".

He took out a batch of pheasants, rabbits and so on from the space.

After half a day, the pheasants and rabbits were sent to Xiahetun.

The people of Xiahetun were even more delighted to see that it was still alive.

Because it can be raised for a long time


Ye Zhao woke up after practicing the"Rejuvenation Skill" in the"Map of Mountains and Rivers and States".

Now the space of the"Map of Mountains and Rivers and States" has been expanded a lot.

During these trips to the countryside, he has already collected more than 300 antiques.

Roughly speaking, even if the most crude prices of these things are taken, his net worth has already exceeded hundreds of millions.

The most valuable of them is the Tang Sancai.

In addition, there is the painting by Song Huizong.

Any one of these two things can be regarded as the treasure of the museum.

In comparison, the Tang Sancai is better.

In addition, he has more than ten yellow croakers.

Two big ones and six small ones.

The rest are yellow croakers ranging from two taels to five taels.

These yellow croakers can be sold for millions at a time in 1980.

Even now, Ye Zhao has more than 10,000 in liquid cash because of the sale of pheasants and rabbits.

There is no need to calculate other bills.

Anyway, he will definitely not lack them.

He has basically had all kinds of strange bills.


It was during this period.

Otherwise, if he had said it, it would have been big news.

However, Ye Zhao did not dare to go out and show off at this time.

The situation was even more severe in 1975.

The system's task was to survive until 1979, and not to run into it before that time.

Ye Zhao stayed in Acheng for almost two months in total.

Ye Zhao ran through all the surrounding towns and villages, and collected some things during that time.

But compared to the Manchu town, it was not collected so quickly.

But once it appeared, the probability of getting good goods was much higher.

So the collection was not bad.

Two months later, Ye Zhao went back to Bingcheng.

He stayed in Bingcheng for about ten days.

He showed movies to the factory.

The rest of the time was spent with Han Jiaojiao.

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