In the morning of the same day. Ministry of Commerce of the Xia Kingdom.

Witnessed by the global media, the Xia government signed formal business contracts with more than 1,000 enterprises around the world in the name of [Doll Group].

When the contract was signed, the audience was shocked.

All media reporters stood up and applauded and congratulated.

The whole planet, from Asia to Europe, from Europe to the Americas... Billions of people are cheering.

Everyone is not cheering: the capitalists are going to make money.

Everyone cheered: a new era is coming.

Maybe next year, maybe the year after tomorrow, or maybe within ten years, there will be a magical picture in the "advertising film" in human society.

With a single tap of the keyboard, the world is right in front of the eyes of humanity.

You don't have to go out, you can sit and watch the world.

What a wonderful life, what an amazing society...

At that time, it was as if the earth had become a small village.

"Long live the little prodigy!"

"The doll is mighty!"

"Peace in the world forever!"

The cheers of the earthlings were like thunder, soaring into the sky.

The heavens were shaken!


With the formal signing of the contract, the Western world began a large-scale allocation of resources.

Countless international giant ships, carrying ships of machines, set off from the ports of Western countries and sailed to the Xia Kingdom...

On the land of the Xia Kingdom.

Every city and every village is plastered with slogans that are in line with the times.

"The people of the whole country should work hard to build a new era of computers!"

"If you want to eat, you have to work hard!"

"Sweat a lot today, and tomorrow the meat will be full!"

"If you want to get rich, build roads first!"

"The people of the whole country work hard and become well-off as soon as possible!"

In this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, a huge roar was heard everywhere.

The masters drove the tractors and hauled the goods day and night.

Workers with hoes, digging mountains and building bridges in rivers...

The peasant uncles worked hard to do a good job in grain reserves for the country's large-scale construction.

Dong Son Province. Xishan Village.

"Comrades, fathers and fellow villagers, our village has received an order from above: the provincial government has decided to build a railway. "

"There are 100 households in our village, and the village has decided that each family must have more than three laborers. Whoever dares not to leave anyone, the village will deduct their family's 'work points' and arrest them to the village office for criticism!"

"Comrades, fathers and fellow villagers, for the happiness of everyone in the future and for the better tomorrow of our next generation, now our village must take immediate action to support national construction with practical actions. "

The village chief held a loudspeaker and shouted loudly.

Hearing the village chief's voice, countless young men walked out of their homes one after another.

Each carried a hoe on their shoulders, as well as other tools.

"Come with me, come with me, gather in town first!"

"Okay, okay!"

The men, with their tools, followed the village cadres and ran quickly towards the town.

"Hongyang" town.

On the dam of the town, there was a lot of people.

The young people from all the townships and villages came.

More than 20 iron pots are set on a simple open-air stove.

As the fire bakes, the fat in the pot keeps tumbling, and the enticing aroma emerges.

The villagers sniffed involuntarily.

"It smells so good!"

"Pork, we have pork to eat today!"

"Oh my God, our family hasn't eaten meat for a year! Thank you to the government and the party!"

Cheers rang out from the dam.

The young men were smiling and poured into the dam.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

A group of well-dressed strangers and small-town officials arrived.

"Folks, this is a geologist from the city. For the next month, everyone in the town, including me, the mayor, had to listen to the experts. "

"It's a big war, it's a railroad war. Our town must win this battle at the specified time. "

"Do you understand?"

The mayor's voice resounded through the dam.

The villagers who were full of meat and food immediately promised: "Understood!"

"Let's go!"

"Yes, Mayor Mare!"

The men carried hoes and tools and rushed to the construction site...

Site site.

Under the scorching sun, the representatives of Samsung Group looked at the figures working hard in front of them, and were silent for a while.

Xia Guoren, it's terrible!

They actually carried the boulders weighing thousands of pounds out of the construction site on their shoulders.

The scorching sun blackened the bodies of the Xia people, and the sweat soaked the cloth clothes of the Xia people...

They didn't complain and were still working hard.

This is the ancient dragon of the East!

This is the nation that has once been on top of the world!

At this moment, the hearts of the Samsung representatives are all trembling.

And now and now.

Scenes like Hongyang are still happening all over the country.

The people of the whole country are working, with enthusiasm that is higher than the sky...

All this is not for anything else, but for the future of the motherland, for the next generation of Xia Guo children, who can live a rich life.

"We workers have power,"

"Hey, we workers have power!"

"Busy every day,"

"Hey, busy every day,"

"Built into a high-rise building,"

"Railroad coal mine was built,"

"The world has changed!"

The song of the times resounded in 9.6 million square kilometers.

The people of Xia turned into infrastructure madness and began to change the world...


Dong Son Province. Provincial capital.

Groups of experts sit around their desks, calculating data and correcting architectural drawings in real time.


Footsteps sounded in the hallway, and the current Governor walked briskly into the hall.

"Professor Xu, can you finish it in three months?"

Hearing this, geologist Professor Xu nodded: "If we follow the current enthusiasm of the villagers, we will definitely be able to complete it in three months." But I am afraid that this enthusiasm will not last, and the further down it goes, the physical strength of the villagers will not be able to keep up. "


The Governor of Dongshan suddenly turned his head and looked at the director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture: "Wu Hall, can the grain and meat reserves in the province keep up?"

Hearing this, the director hesitated a little: "This... This one...... Governor, we might be having a bit of a hard time!"

"Difficulties? Don't tell me anything difficult! If there is a difficulty, find a way to solve it, what's the use of just talking? We can't let the villagers sweat and not have enough to eat!"

"Yes, yes!"

The director of the Department of Agriculture nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, the governor of Dongshan turned his head again and looked at his secretary: "Xiao Li, in my name, make a call to the Dongshan Military Region and apply for the allocation of a batch of military rations and materials to us!"

What the?!

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

Secretary Xiao Li was shocked on the spot: "Governor, that's military rations!"

"Military rations? Heh, do you know what we're doing now? Our province is now fighting a war, an economic war, a science and technology war, and a national strategic war! Is this matter less important than the military?"

Everyone: "..."

"Call me right away! No matter how strong the military is, it will serve the country's economy. Don't worry, they'll judge for themselves!"

"Yes, Governor, I'll call at once!"

Secretary Xiao Li left quickly...

(The fourth update arrives, ask for subscriptions, ask for rewards!Friends, cast flowers for [Infrastructure Maniah]!)

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