Xia Guo. Supreme Government Building. Office No. 1.

"What? What are you talking about? And you need to speed up the pace of reform?" the old man was stunned.

"Yes, the little prodigy said: what a 'net'... Oh, the Internet is coming, and if our country does not catch up, the losses will be in the hundreds of billions. "


As soon as these words came out, the old man gasped.

A trillion is too much, isn't it?

"Is that really what the little guy said? will he really lose 'a hundred billion'?"


The old man was silent, and after a moment, he spoke again: "Go back and tell the little one: Grandpa knows!"


The phone hangs up.

The old man fell into deep thought.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes...

After a full half hour, the old man came back to his senses from his contemplation.

"Xiao Yan!"


"Invite the other eight elders to come to the ruling government and prepare for the meeting. "



A week later.

Xia Guo made a big move, and the old man appeared on the "News Network" and delivered a speech to educators across the country, emphasizing the concept of rejuvenating the country through education, and calling on the people of the whole country to work hard to learn technology and strive for the prosperity and strength of the country for life.

"Live and learn!"

This was the main tone of the speech.

Along with this speech, an executive order was sent from the Ministry of Education to the local governments.

"What? The state has asked our province to vigorously build normal colleges and technical schools?"

"What? There is also a minimum number of schools?"

"What? The master of the factory has to take time to attend classes part-time. This, this... Is this too hasty, isn't it?

The senior officials of the provinces were all stunned.

But an order is always an order, and no matter how confused the officials are, they have to follow it.

Because of this, Xia Guo began to build teachers' colleges and technical schools on a large scale...

This process was ten years ahead of the republic of another time and space.

But it's all worth it!

With the early preparation of teachers' colleges and technical schools, countless poor students gave up the college entrance examination and poured into new schools.


Because teachers' colleges and technical schools will pay salaries!

Yes, paid reading.

There is no way, the current Xia country has money.

Being rich is so capricious.

Because of this, the skilled workers of Xia Kingdom began to grow in geometric multiples...

Time flies, and it's the Spring Festival in a blink of an eye.

There is nothing to say about this year's Spring Festival, the whole country is working and engaged in construction.

The entire Xia Kingdom was very busy.

The high-level leaders visited other countries twice in three days, talked about economic cooperation, talked about machine purchases, talked about tariffs, talked about oil...

Middle-level officials in various provinces do not go to construction sites every day to inspect factories.

As for the ordinary people below, they are even busier.

Major factories are raising wages, and they are paying three times during the Chinese New Year, so I ask you if you want to do it?

For the hungry people, they don't want to go hungry anymore, as long as they can make more money, they don't want to spend any holidays.

Because of this, this year's Xia Guo Spring Festival has simply passed.


A.D. 1985. March 1. Clear.

The bright spring day hangs in the sky, swaying with a soft glow.

With such good weather, it should have been a good day for the people of the capital to go on a spring outing.


It's a pity that Yanjing has closed the road.

Near the supercomputer building, a radius of 20 miles was blocked by the military.

In addition, the main road from the Doll Electronics Research Institute to the Supercomputer Building has also entered a state of traffic control.

Traffic police have set up cordons to prevent all vehicles and pedestrians from entering the main road.

The people of the capital are very confused and do not know what is happening in the capital.

9 a.m.

Ten large green military trucks, pulling out of the doll research institute, entered the driveway.

Military vehicles are mysterious, all fully loaded.

No one knew what was on the car, only the huge canvas with a terrifying red skull reflected: dangerous, confidential, forbidden to approach!

"Five miles ahead!"

"Five miles ahead!"

Radio waves are passing at a rapid pace.

Escorted by the army, the car dragon carried the mysterious object and drove towards the supercomputer building in the distance.

The speed of the car dragon is very slow, and it is also unusually smooth.

From this cautious movement, it can be seen that the items transported by these military trucks are certainly not simple.

"Three miles ahead!"

"There is a fork in the road ahead, pay attention to the turn, turn left, turn left!"

The voice of the communications officer reached the ears of every pilot through the military radio.

Along the way, countless soldiers waved small red flags and acted as humanoid guides...

Time passed slowly.

Half an hour, an hour, two hours.

Finally, they arrived, and the green car arrived at the supercomputer building.

At this moment, there are many important people standing in front of the supercomputing building, including senior officials from various ministries, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, nationally renowned experts and scholars, and even the kind old man.

Next to the old man, stood a little guy.

When he saw Che Long arriving, Chen An immediately perked up.

"Cranes, cranes?"

Chen An shouted.

With this shout, ten cranes started and headed for the big truck.

Immediately afterward, countless engineers poured out from all directions and began to help unload the mysterious cargo.


The canvas with the red skull was lifted, and at this moment, ten behemoths revealed their true faces.

They are black in color and are as big as a house.

On its surface, it is covered with dense indicator lights.

The number is as large as millions.

At this moment, the indicator light is not lit, but just looking at this number, it is shocking.


"It's my country's supercomputer, and there are as many as 10 of them!"

"No, Zhangbe, you're wrong. The parts on these ten military vehicles are all assembled together, which can be regarded as a complete 'supercomputer'. Individually, it's useless!"

"What? Ten parts add up?" Zhang was shocked.

Hearing this, the speaker nodded heavily: "Yes, ten parts need to be assembled together." We didn't have 10 supercomputers, we only built one. "


As soon as these words came out, the surrounding high-ranking officials gasped in unison.

This thing is too big, right, ten "houses" can form a supercomputer?

Damn, it scared the hell out of us!

"Brothers, be careful! It's the most sophisticated thing in the world today, it's so brittle that even a loose screw won't start. Chen An shouted, wanting to rush forward and personally direct the unloading.

However, Lieutenant Wang hurriedly stretched out his hand and dragged him tightly.

With such a huge machine, in case of an accident during the unloading process that injures the little one, it is estimated that many people on the scene will have to go to court-martial.

At this time, it seemed that the shouts of the little prodigy were heard, and a general ran over.

first saluted the old man, and then saluted Chen An, so he said, "Little prodigy, please rest assured." Our department has practiced many times, and we will definitely be able to uninstall the [supercomputer components] intact. "

Hearing this, the old man nodded, and Chen An also nodded.

"Okay, then please Grandpa General!"

"No problem!"

The general left quickly, returning to the scene to personally direct the unloading...

At this moment, no one knows what will happen next.

It is a net that is about to rise from the Xia Kingdom, enveloping the whole world and enveloping human civilization for thousands of years.

Even after thousands of years, when earthlings go to the starry sky, this net still exists and extends from the earth to the universe...

Even if civilization is destroyed, it will live forever.

(Friends, do you know what kind of Internet café this is?When this net comes out, the world will be super exciting, so stay tuned.) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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