With such a mentality, Chen An ran over and ran to the CCTV hostess.

At this moment, Lu Jing was a little nervous.

"Little prodigy, I'll stay in case I can't speak English well, you must remember to come on stage to help me save the scene!"

"Auntie, don't be afraid! just say it boldly, you are the most proficient English host on the TV station!"

Lu Jing: "..."

Being praised by a child like this, Lu Jing blushed a little, and hurriedly took out the draft and reviewed it again seriously.

Her voice was low, barely audible.

Time flies.

8 o'clock.

Half past eight.

9 o'clock.

At the moment when the hour hand pointed to the number "nine", a string of footsteps sounded in the "Baigong".

The security personnel of Xia and Mei walked out quickly.

Immediately after that, the loud roll call immediately sounded.

"The supreme consul of the Xia Kingdom, the great 'old man of the East', here!"

"Supreme Consul of Country M: Mr. George, here!"

"All of you, please stand!"

As this voice fell, everyone in the audience collectively stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

In a round of applause, the supreme consuls of Xia and the United States walked out of the "Hundred Palaces" and came to the lawn outside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, journalists from all over the world, it is a pleasure to have you all here. On behalf of country M, I extend a warm welcome to you. Please be seated, everybody, please be seated!"

Mr. George said loudly with a smile.

Hearing this, many reporters in the crowd immediately raised their hands.

"Mr. George, may I ask..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not the main character today!" said Mr. George with a smile.

The reporters were stunned.

Immediately, someone raised his hand and shouted to the old man of Xia Guo: "Old man, may I ask..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Reporter, but I, an old man, am not the protagonist of today's press conference. "

The old man also smiled and waved his hand, and then walked into the meeting hall with the consul of country M, and walked to the first row of seats.

Hearing that the supreme consuls of the two countries said this, the media reporters in the audience were extremely surprised.

What's the situation?

Isn't the purpose of holding a global press conference today at "Baigong" to confirm to the world that the "Xia-US Union" is being held? As the heads of state of the two countries, are they not the protagonists?

So what are we here for today?

You can't really ask us to drink "Baigong Red Wine", right?

At this moment, the media reporters are very confused, very confused.

Everybody couldn't figure out what was going on.

In fact, not only them, but even the high-ranking officials within the Hundred Palaces, and even the consul of country M: Mr. George, are also confused.

Last night, in the "Baigong" conference room, when the two countries began formal diplomatic negotiations, the first thing the old man in the East said was: Tomorrow a global press conference will be held, and a booth will be set up to invite the media of various countries to participate.

Hearing this condition, the US personnel were stunned on the spot.

What's going on?

One of the world's hegemons, the ancient Asian Oriental countries, with a combined land area of 20 million square kilometers.

The first condition for such a high-level meeting between the two countries was to hold a press conference and set up a booth???

Are the Xia people crazy?

We were going to hold a press conference to announce to the world that the United States and the United States are united.

As for setting up the booth, isn't it just a table?

Little Kiss!

With deep doubts, the US side agreed on the spot last night.

And today...

"It's time to reveal the truth, right?"

Looking at the tall booth in front of him, the Archon of Country M: Mr. George, thought silently in his heart.

The same.

At this moment, looking at the tall booth in front of him, the old man Xia Guo also silently muttered in his heart: "God bless Xia Guo and bless the Chinese nation!"

In the eyes of the personnel on both sides, in the eyes of global reporters who were extremely puzzled, at this moment, a Chinese woman wearing a red dress stepped onto the tall booth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished consuls, good morning. My name is Lu Jing and I am from the ancient East: the Xia Kingdom. "

"Our people are hardworking and kind, and in my cognition, the people of country M are the same..."

Lu Jing skillfully narrates the history of friendship between Xia and the United States in English.

Hearing these diplomatic words, the audience applauded.

Of course, clapping is just a courtesy gesture.

What journalists around the world really want to hear is: the old man of Xia and the consul of country M give a "world-class speech".

Since yesterday, media reporters have been looking forward to it.

Countries and people around the world are also looking forward to it.

By the way, the polar bear in the north is probably going crazy for the past two days.

I really want to see that bearish expression!


At this moment, this is what reporters think, and so are senior US officials.


That's when it happened.

The diplomatic rhetoric of the Chinese woman on the stage suddenly ended.

At the end of the moment, her voice suddenly became high-pitched and loud.


"I am honored to stand here, to stand on this western soil, to be a host for a great genius prodigy. "


"That genius prodigy will bring us, the world, and the entire human society an earth-shattering cutting-edge technology product launch. "

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome to the stage with warm applause the genius prodigy of our country and the smartest child in the history of mankind: 'Little Chen An'!"


Like thunder that shook the heavens and the earth, and shook everyone's head.

The audience was stunned, completely stunned.

What the?

That five-year-old is the protagonist today?

The world-class meeting between the United States and the United States at the highest level will have a child play the leading role?

Oh my!

My God!

Is Xia Guo crazy?

Did you wake up this morning and forget to take your medicine, so you feel cute?

In the bewildered gaze of the audience, a little guy in a cartoon costume jumped onto the exhibition stand...

At this moment, no one knows what will happen next, let alone what this little guy is about to bring to the world.

It was an earth-shattering technological revolution that would sweep across the country, across the United States, and even the world like a category 12 hurricane.


(Tomorrow Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.) The watermelon will try to explode tomorrow and strive for seven more. )

(Preview of the next chapter: The world trembles!)

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