The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1039: Sandstorm King!


The spikes at the top of the head slowly grew into a long vertical horn, the spikes at the back of the neck shortened, and the spikes on both sides of the head extended along the eyebrows.

Both legs had raised knees and spikes.

The tail becomes longer and the four spikes at the end grow outward.

There were more holes in the shell of the body, five new holes were distributed on the sides of the neck and under the throat, the four holes in the chest became larger, and a small red bump was added in the upper two holes.

The carapace exposed on the abdomen and back changed from blue to red, full of violent energy, and it seemed that he had more powerful power.

Super Bangla!

Evolution succeeded!

Without disappointing Aoki, he was completely relieved, and he was more powerful inside, and was able to control his physical strength.

Roar! !! !! !! !!

The sign of super evolution flashed by.

The super-evolved bangla shouted.

All the sand around the body exploded for a while, and then under the control of Bangla, in front of him and Aoki, a small sandstorm tornado formed.

After evolving into Bangla, his ability to control energy was fully realized.

As long as you can control the sandstorm, you can cause horrible damage anytime, anywhere.

After super-evolution, Super Bangila's control of sand and energy has been strengthened.

The small sandstorm tornado gradually grew, and Bangla slowly walked into the sandstorm tornado.

As he entered, the sandstorm became more exaggerated and expanded exponentially, but in Aoki's perception, he knew that every sandstorm was under the control of Bangla.

At this time, he is the true sandstorm king!

After wantonly squandering for a while, Banguila finally became addicted.

The huge amount of sand was finally controlled to form a huge sand sculpture.

The sculpture slowly took shape, and finally turned into a mad Bangira, who was himself.

And in front of Bangila, there is a slightly smaller sculpture, a cold-looking green wood.

During the period of Kira, Aoki exercised Kodola and learned energy control by Kira, and he was sculpting every day.

These things don't bother him at all.

Bangira came to Aoki in excitement.

Superevolution was lifted, and Bangila returned to its original state.

Not to mention, the super-evolved Bangla is even bigger and more like a scary prehistoric beast than it is now.

However, at this time he reached the height of three meters and two meters, and the general elf would be scared when he faced him.

It was the replacement of Bosco Dola that became the largest and most heavy-toned elven in Aoki.

At the time of the super-evolution, Aoki also scanned the data of Bangla.

It is not much different from the rest of the elf superevolution, and the increase of strength can be transformed into the increase of level.

In the current state of Bandila's 58th level, after super-evolution, it directly entered the Uranus level.

Although it was only temporary, it also made Banghira feel the power that the Heavenly Elves should have.

This will be of great benefit for him to break through the Heavenly King level in the future.

Experience the energy of the Heavenly King in advance, and the rest of Aoki's super-evolvable elves can also do it.

But this is, after all, the first super-evolution of Bangla, and there are still many things that I haven't realized, and I haven't been able to learn and master.

"How do you feel?" Aoki said with a smile.


Bangila cried excitedly.

It turns out that the feeling of super evolution is so beautiful.

嘭 —— 嘭 ——

Aoki patted the gray armor in front of Bangla's belly with encouragement.

"He will be a big guy in the future, but he must behave well and not let his fellows down." Aoki said with relief.

It's like his own child. After finally seeing him being taller than himself, that kind of pride can't be restrained.

Bangila nodded again and again, his thick hands scratched his head, revealing a thick look.

It is estimated that no one wants it, and it seems that the tyrannical bandila has such a side.

"Oh?" However, Aoki felt a slight difference when palms patted Bangila's belly.

The armour was very smooth and hard when it was shot on the legs and arms.

But on this belly, this gray area is slightly rough.

But it's not all rough, but only a little bit.

It feels more like a line.

Aoki's fingers fumbled along Bangla's stomach along this rough line.

Bangla lowered her head and looked curiously at Aoki who didn't know what she was doing.

Except for a slight itch, he didn't feel anything special.

However, Aoki in groping gradually changed his expression.

This pattern seems to be depicting a pattern.

There is a huge bend in the middle, and then there are bends on both sides.

Both hands were put up.

It seemed to confirm that I had guessed correctly.

Aoki's look was a little complicated when the patterns touched by both hands were completely symmetrical left and right.

Because the pattern on Bangila's belly at this time is the familiar "Ω" symbol.

"Ban?" Bangera asked with a hint of voice.

Aoki shook her head slowly, showing nothing.

Then pointed to the open space not far away, "Class, use the sword of the cliff!"

Although Benjila didn't know what Aoki wanted to do, she obediently followed suit.


With a roar, the ground-based energy in Bangila quickly gathered.

He focused on the open space in the distance, but Aoki focused on Bangla's belly.

At the moment when the Sword of the Cliff was released, Bangjira's originally gray belly appeared with red and yellow lines.

At the same time, the "Ω" symbol that Aoki had groped before was fully lit at this time.

A yellow-red "Ω" symbol appears.

at the same time.


There was a roar from the distance.

A sharp, hairy stone pillar emerged from the ground at a rapid rate.

At the top of the stone pillar, at the spikes, a bright red luster can be seen, making the entire stone pillar look sharper and harder.

And the sword of the cliff at this time, Wulu function room from the height or thickness, are much larger than Shakira period.

If the sword of the cliff in the Shakira period ~ ~ can only be said to be similar, at this time it has a godlike taste.

According to the analysis of the chip, the sword of the cliff in the Shakira period can only be regarded as 10%.

But the sword of the cliff at this time has reached 30%.

Suddenly tripled.

It seems that the strength of Gurador's crown is unprecedented.

This really has the taste of the sword of the cliff.

However, after the skills were released, the brightness of the symbols on Bangla's belly did not disappear.

"Chip, analyze the situation in Bangla."


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