The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1068: Investigation

Aoki cannot use super powers to communicate with six unknown totems.

So it is impossible to open up different spaces.

Fortunately, there is also special camping equipment stored in the space equipment, just in case that it is impossible to open up different spaces.

However, originally it was felt that different spaces could not be opened because of space, but now it is its own cause.

Another thing is that Aoki is not able to move, and the elves can only eat those things that have been prepared in advance, and some of the open-ended foods are temporarily not eaten.

Aoki herself barely ate some liquid food with the help of Mrs. Huajie.

The recovery speed of the body is relatively slow, I don't know how long it will take to fully recover.

Take a moment to scan the data of the three tank skunks.

No wonder these three tank skunks can become a dominant player here. The union of the three elves is one reason, and their strength is indeed not weak.

All three of them have reached the 53rd level.

It is already relatively rare in the wild elves.

I just don't know how many elves are in this space.

Through the device given by Xia Bo, it is possible to determine where he is currently located, which can be regarded as a relatively marginal place in the space.

In addition, the distance traveled on the map and the distance traveled on the map, roughly estimated the size of this space.


At least the size of the space where the Shelby is.

However, the terrain is much more complicated than the Sheila than space.

Almost all of the space in Sherraby is forest, and it is still those ancient forests, but here there are all terrains.

The place that was just teleported was a meadow, but now it is in the forest.

In the daytime, Aoki briefly observed the situation around the space, combined with the terrain drawn on the map.

At the very center of the space is a mountain.

You can see the mountain from here.

It's still an active volcano, but I don't know where the magma comes from.

And the height on this one should also be very high.

Because it is completely covered with snow at the lower part of the crater.

So Aoki guessed that the height of this mountain might be similar to Chimney Mountain in Fengyuan area.

Having determined his current position and the approximate strength of the wild elves around him, Aoki was able to feel a little relieved.

With the help of Dao Wang and Madam Hua Jie, clean up the black sweat left on the body.

Even if washed down by water, these black substances can still smell a foul odor when they are piled up.

It seems that his elf is almost trained.

There is no problem in such a bad odor environment.

Putting on clean clothes, she almost hurt Aoki again.

After finishing the treatment, I was finally able to take a good rest.

Fortunately, there is a sand chair in Bangla, otherwise Aoki will feel uncomfortable and painful no matter where it is.

Night falls.

Aoki with a tired face went straight to sleep.

The elves clung tightly to Aoki, and the three tank skunks became glorious elves.

So, sometimes don't think wild elves are useless.

You see, these three tank skunks are really too effective after being beaten by Bangila.

And they were very diligent in the vigil.

Wild elf is so simple.


One night passed quickly.

The day comes.

Aoki woke up and found that all muscles on her face except her mouth were finally able to move.

Subconsciously moving the muscles on the face, there was not much problem except for a slight pain.

However, you still cannot eat foods that need to be chewed and swallowed.

Only eat some liquid food.

"Let's go and explore the surroundings today," Aoki said.

The voice at this time could be spoken normally.

But this is the limit that Aoki can do now.

Today's goal and mission are very simple. It is to find out the distribution of all the elves and the strength of the elves within 20 kilometers around this small pond.

Continued to be pulled by the three tank skunks, and the elves followed him.

But think about it, when the average elves saw the two-three meters of Banguila and the three-meter Boscodora, how much will they dare to rush up?

Of course, sometimes there are always some warriors.

After all, in the eyes of wild elves, Aoki should not be too delicious.

And sometimes walking blindly, they will enter the realm of wild elves, anxious them, or jump over the wall.

The clay figurines are three-pointed.

The first exploration direction was towards the central volcano.

According to the theory of distribution in this space, it should be that the closer to the volcano, the stronger the wild elves are.

And away from the volcano, the strength of the wild elves wants to be weaker.

Although it is unknown where this volcanic magma came from, it must have been rich in fire energy around the volcano.

An energy is rich, as long as it is not in an extreme environment, the surrounding energy concentration will not be low.

The first five kilometers were not encountered any particularly powerful elves, nor did they encounter any powerful ethnic groups.

But after more than five kilometers, the frequency of wild elves gradually increased, and the number and level of ethnic groups also increased.

It may be because the overall energy concentration in this space is relatively high, so the level of the wild elves is not low.

Ten kilometers later, a single quasi-king-level elf began to appear in the group, and after they entered Aoki, they attacked them.

However, for the time being no elves can break through the guardianship of the two mountains of Boscodora and Bangla.

Until reaching the twenty-kilometer position, it finally appeared that some elves were more interested in Bangila and Boscodora.

Just before reaching the twenty-kilometer target.

Into the forest of a lazy man.

On these ancient towering trees, there is a lazy man who looks very lazy.

Aoki's entry did not attract the attention of these lazy men.

After thinking that he could reach the 20-kilometer target line soon, he could explore in other directions.

But forgot the elves like lazy man, after evolution, they will become a very active elves.

Overactive ape!

The overactive apes are not indifferent to their entry ~ ~ Only to Aoki's surprise is that the lazy Weng people, the patriarch is actually not a leave king, but an overactive ape.

A very high-level moving ape.

It may be that after evolving into the leave king, his physical fitness and strength will be greatly improved.

But the characteristics of the leave king are too big for this kind of elves.

There is probably an overactive ape who is smarter and more self-aware in this group. Knowing that if he evolved into the leave king, his future battles may be greatly restricted.

Therefore, it is better not to evolve the physical and basic combat power bonus after evolution than to evolve.


Third more! begging!

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