The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1070: Battle of the Kings of Bangla

Spike attack!

Banguila's tail thumped subconsciously on the ground.

I shot a fist-sized stone, suspended in mid-air, and under the control of the rock system energy, the rock suddenly became sharp.

Each rock is radiated toward the moving ape according to different radians and trajectories.

"Yake!" The moving ape growled.

The people next to him stepped back two steps.

The muscles, which seemed to be very swollen, had grown three-pointers again.

With both legs kicking **** the ground, instead of passively defending the coming of sharp stone attacks, they rushed directly towards the sharp stone.

Fists in both hands, two flames appeared on the fist, pointed at the attacking stone, and directly punched the fist up.

嘭 ——

The collision between the stone and the fist ends with the stone turning into powder.

But the spike attack is not just a stone.

Jumping to mid-air where the ape has no leverage, has become a living target.

But the moving ape gave Bangira a lesson about what is called skills.

It's true that the ape can't dodge, but he doesn't need to dodge again.

Every joint and part of the body can become a weapon of attack and defense.

Fists, feet, knees, elbows ...

He took advantage of all the places, and the sharp stone attack was attacked in these places, or the moving apes let the sharp stone attack here.

嘭 —— 嘭 ——

A crash sounded.

But none of the sharp stones attacked the real hitting body.

The flaming chicken looked at a series of actions of the moving ape, and his eyes flew inexplicably.

That's it!

This is the way he wants to fight!

Training every part of the body into a weapon, the best defense is offense.

Aoki showed a series of surprised expressions when he saw a series of movements of the moving ape. The moving ape surprised him again.

"Bangira, go on!"

Aoki wants to see how well the ape can do.

Even if Aoki didn't say that, Bangila had this idea, and now Aoki's order just hit his heart.

This is the tacit understanding between the trainer and the elves.

They can guess each other's skills.


Bangila slammed to the ground, and more rubble appeared beside him.

The number of sharp stone attacks has also increased a lot, and it is constantly bombarded towards the moving ape jumping in the air.

For such a long time, the moving ape is still in the air, not because of his strong ability to stay in the air, but because of the attack of Banguila that prevented him from falling.

Otherwise, the sharp-stone attacks from different angles of attack by Bangila will hit him.

But the moving ape also has its own method. With the help of flying stones, it is time and again to keep its body in the air without losing its balance.

Sharp stones draw different curves in the air, and each stone launches an attack under the control of Bangla.

From the side, it looks like there is an enemy in the air, and Banguila's stone is a crazy air-to-air missile.

But just can't break the opponent's defense. (Gundam ???)

The body seems to be dancing. As more and more stones are added by Bangla, the speed of the ape's body will also increase.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Uh ...

The sound of collision was endless.

This hyperactive ape is not only strong in body, but also understands every part of his body very clearly, and uses every muscle of his body in battle.

Aoki looked at the ape and thought silently.

At this time, the flaming chicken standing behind Aoki had completely stopped looking at the moving ape, and his body couldn't help moving.

He has imitated some movements and skills of the ape.

It is also impossible for the ape to stay in a passive defensive state.

After getting used to Bangjira's attack style and rhythm, he suddenly seized an opportunity, twisted his body into a very weird posture, attacked through several sharp stones, and bounced towards Bangjila.

The watch crooked, and he could see the sharp stone attack on his fist for so long before, it just made the fist of the moving ape break some skin.

This is Tekken!

Soon, the fist and the entire arm were wrapped in energy.

With the power of the shot, he waved his arms towards Bangla without hesitation.

Arm Hammer!

It seems that after a period of cricket attack, the moving ape can see the attributes of Bangla.

There was a gleam of light in Aoki's eyes.

This ape is a bit too clever.

"Bangira, split the tile!" Aoki said to Bangira.

Bangila looked at the moving ape rushing over without fear.

Outstretched his arm, entangled in the hand with the same energy as the moving ape.

嘭 ——


This time it was a collision between fists!

There is no barrier in the middle.

Banguila withstood the attack of the ape arm hammer!

But where he stood, the surrounding ground was sunken!

The high-level attack by the arm hammer actually caused the ground around Banghira to sink directly.

But the same, after colliding with Bangila's shattering tile, the moving ape was bombed into the air.

Fly backwards faster than the charge.

The balance ability of the hyperactive ape is still strong.

After a few laps in the air, it landed on the ground.

However, I still couldn't stand up all of a sudden,

After taking a few steps back again, I barely stood still.

With deep horror on his face.

This was the first time he had encountered an elf who beat him in strength. Although the big guy on the opposite side did not seem to be weak, it was too exaggerated.

You must know how much effort he has put into exercising his strength.

Among the entire ethnic group, even those leave kings who have evolved successfully are not stronger than him.

However, just now he had contact with the short soldiers of Bangui La, but found that his strength was completely at a disadvantage.

Although the arm hammer skills successfully attacked Bangila, and even sank his thoughtful ground, it was actually the collision of attack and attack that Bangjira suffered little damage.

But after Bangila took his attack, the tile-breaking skill hit him directly against his strength.

I stopped in the air for a long distance.

After landing, he couldn't stand still for a while.

After just fighting, the ape found that although Bangila is powerful, he must not have reached the Heavenly King level, which is what surprised him most.

Of course, it wasn't just him who was surprised, so was Bangila.

At this point, Bangila stood in the pit, frowning, shaking her right hand constantly.

Some hemps ~ ~ This moving ape is more powerful than the flame chicken, which is the idea in Bangila's mind.

The arm that naturally drew from the ape also shook slightly.

Both elves are too strong.

For the first time, there was no difference.


Fifth more! begging! Gain 11/11 for the fourth leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow!

Okay, finally, all the rewards of the lords are finally paid off.

Others say that hard-working authors are always rewarding, and hibiscus will continue to cheer!

Also, in the end, let ’s say that our role is too low, so I ask everyone to give Aoki a little heart every day, every day!

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