The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1079: Dragon's Inverse Scale

The evolving white light appeared on the baby dragon.

Originally, the baby dragon obeyed Aoki and kept suppressing himself.

After releasing the suppression at this time, the evolution began directly.

"Stud-tailed Scale Dragon! Hold the baby dragon, I have something to improve his body!" Aoki shouted at the tail-scaled Dragon.

I heard Aoki's words.

Studtail Scale Ankylosaurus stunned.

This unknown life knows its name?

Do you know what Elf is?

I almost rushed to ask directly, but when I saw the baby dragon that was about to be wrapped in white light, I still thought his evolution was more important.

With both hands holding the baby dragon, which is about to begin to evolve, he hurried toward Aoki.

Then Aoki reluctantly rushed out of the storage space to take out a prepared medicine.

Let the dumb king help the baby dragon eat.

As for the qualification potion, it can be said that none of Aoki's elves is strange.

This is what Aoki collected a lot of knowledge about the elven world, and then added the chip's self-analysis and computing power to create it.

After many previous attempts, the results are very good.

After watching the baby dragon ate the qualification potion, Aoki was slightly relieved.

During the sting, the scale-tailed dragon with a tail of a rod kept watching.

He didn't know what Aoki gave the baby dragon, but it should be something useful for the baby dragon.

After drinking the qualification potion, the baby dragon was completely wrapped in the evolved white light.

Aoki and the elves can only silently wait for the end of evolution.

But the scale-tailed armor dragon stood up.

Aoki looked at him in surprise.

He didn't care about other people's eyes, but danced a strange dance around the evolving baby dragon with a unique rhythm.

I was like celebrating the evolution of this baby dragon.

He also seemed to be dancing a morale-inspiring dance, some like in ancient times, before the warriors set out, the war dance around the bonfire gave the self and his companions more confidence.

噌 —— 噌 —— 噌 ——

With the beating of the scale-tailed dragon, the scales on his body collided and rubbed against each other, making such a sound again.

After listening for a while, Aoki found that the sound of his scales colliding and rubbing also had different rhythms, complementing each other with the war dance he danced.

Aoki understood that the scale-tailed dragon with a rod tail really regarded the baby dragon as a heart-scale treasure.

After Xinxinlinbao has evolved into a scaled dragon, he will go out to practice.

这个 At this time, the elders will dance for him, encouraging him to travel, and hope that he can triumph smoothly and return to their birthplace again.

The scepter-tailed scale dragon has no heart scale treasure to guard, so it puts this heart on the baby dragon.

This scale-tailed dragon can be the last one in this space, and because he is male, even if he is combined with other dragon spirits, no heart scale treasure can be born.

His parents may be the last pair of scale-tailed dragons in this space.

The quasi-god plus the dragon system, these two conditions, it is very unlikely that they will give birth to multiple offspring. Without artificial interference, a larger ethnic group is required.

It now seems that this rod-tailed scaled dragon was probably inspired by his parents ’last war dance before traveling, so his war dance was quite the same, but when he returned to his birthplace after evolution, Found that parents are no longer.

This has caused him to have seen no other heart scale treasure since his birth.

Huh! bass! bass!

The battle dance jumped to the most critical moment, and the movement and sound gradually increased.

till the end!

The scale-tailed dragon with a staunch tail spread his arms and hit his tail hard against the huge and hard scales behind him, making a dull noise.


End with a roar.

The battle dance is over!

I don't know why, Aoki felt that the momentum on the scale-tailed dragon was actually changed again.

After scanning the chip, I found that his level actually increased by one level to 85!

Just like the gap between levels 65 and 64, there is also a large gap between levels 84 and 85, even larger than the gap between levels 64 and 65.

Now it is like I have completed my mind, the level has been improved, and the strength has become stronger!

But the next action of the scale-tailed dragon is to shock Aoki!

I saw that he was standing in front of the baby dragon, and was not pleased by the improvement of strength, but left his neck and the thick scale armor with his left hand.

The salamander exposed relatively small scales below.

Reverse scale!

The Dragon's Inverse Scale! Touch it soon!

Unless this dragon spirit is willing, only you will die!

After the scale-armed dragon with his left hand lifted the scale-arm from his left hand, his face was determined, and what decision was made?

This is to unplug the inverse scale yourself!

Although there is not only one inverse scale, it is definitely not many.

For a dragon spirit, it is to pull out one piece less.

And more importantly, judging from the fact that the level of the scale-tailed dragon has just increased, pulling out an inverse scale is enough to make his newly upgraded level backward.

All the effort was lost.

It will be much more difficult to reach the 85 level again!

"You are crazy ?! Unplug this inverse scale, you may never reach the level you are now." Aoki could not help but shouted at the scaled dragon.

Hearing Aoki's words, the scepter-tailed scaled dragon looked at him deeply.

呲 ——

The scales leave the sound of flesh!

A golden-yellow scale exuding a lavender halo appeared in the hands of the scale-tailed dragon.

龙 This dragon scale looks much better than the one that Aoki bought at the auction before.

This is a formal champion-scale scale-tailed dragon, giving up his level, and when his strength reaches its peak, the inverse scale removed from his body!

In the future, he may not reach this level even if he takes off the inverse scale again.

The strong energy of the dragon system can be seen even by a human like Aoki.

The purple halo is the symbol of the strong energy of the dragon system!

After pulling out this inverse scale ~ ~ The expression of the scale-tailed dragon with a rod-like tail is a bit painful.

I used to be prestigious when I was dancing the war dance, but now I am really down.

I wasn't the kind of lazy pretender. Even the data scanned by the chip this time can see that the various values ​​of his body began to decline after reaching the peak.

But the scale-tailed dragon with a tail of a rod had no time to think about it. The hand holding the inverse scale directly stretched into the white light evolved by the baby dragon and pressed the inverse scale tightly against his chest.

The scene where he pulled the inverse scale, the baby dragon also saw it, but because he couldn't move, he couldn't stop it.


He could hear his weakness from the voice of the scale-tailed dragon.

Come on! brat!

Aoki looked at the scale-tailed dragon with a complex look.

This guy ... is really taking baby dragon as his own child.


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The Scaly-tailed Scale Ankylosaurus should be regarded as one of the few races in the elven world that will cultivate future generations.

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