The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1081: Reappear

I saw this scene, Aoki's heart moved slightly.

Maybe, the trauma of the crustacean dragon's heart, this rod-tailed scale dragon can really help him recover.

In addition, the crustacean can also be a comfort in the heart of the rod-tailed scale dragon.

The point is, Crustaceans can learn a lot from the scale-tailed Ankylosaurus!

This is the top priority.

为什么 Why is Bangila so strong now?

The main reason is of course the large amount of resources that Aoki has invested in him, nurturing and training him from birth to evolution.

Zun Zun teaching.

But I have to say that in that rocky space, the bandila of the bandira, especially the leader of the bandira, taught a lot of experiences and fighting methods that are unique to the bandira.

Then if the crustacean can learn some skills from the rod-tail scale ankylosaurus, the hidden gains will be great.

After all, it seems that there is still some room for operation.

Aoki looked at the crustacean and rod-scale scale ankylosaurus and scanned the crustacean's data.

Pokemon: Crustacean (Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 32

Attribute: Dragon

Characteristics: Hard head

Carry item: Dragon Scale (Fast Dragon)

Genetic skills: Water Cannon, Dragon Dance, Flamefang, Dragon Dive

Basic skills: hold, anger, spark, stare, bite, dragon's breath, head hammer, gather gas, bite, dragon claw

Teaching Skills: Dragon Wave, Snoring, Inverse Scale

Skill Learner: None

The baby dragon successfully evolved into a crustacean, and with the help of Aoki's qualification potion and the freshest and strongest inverse scale of the rod-tailed scaled dragon, the evolved crustacean's qualification was directly promoted to blue.

This makes Aoki unexpected.

However, after all, it is the most precious inverse scale of the champion rod-scale scale dragon, and it can be considered reasonable to be able to exert such an effect.

Ask who else in the elven world can get such an inverse scale.

If you take it for auction, it is estimated to be ten times the value of the dragon scale carried by the crustacean at this time.

May not even be enough.

And because of the existence of this inverse scale, the crustacean learned the ability of inverse scale.

Wu Yuanzhi's best at Dragon Elves is the ability to control the inverse scale.

Aoki got the training method from him, but he hasn't trained yet. Now that the crustaceans have learned to reverse the scales, they can try it a little.

A few moments of communication between the cricket and the scale-tailed dragon, the crustacean replied that he had not shown it in front of Aoki.

Then four thighs, as thick as pillars, moved towards Aoki.

Gently rubbed on his leg.

He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, knowing that you have evolved, you still have to work harder in the future."

Wu Wenyan narrowed his eyes and nodded happily.

May be due to the effect of the inverse scale of the rod-tail scale and ankylosaurus, and the side effects of the qualification agent have not been reflected on the crustacean.

看着 But looking at the current environment, obviously it doesn't look like he can continue training.

Whether it is the three bees or the bee queen, it is estimated that after seeing the existence of the scale-tailed dragon with a rod tail, it will no longer be foolish to rush up.

Look at the appearance of the three tank skunks.

Before that, she stood in front of the sand chair of Aoki with a mighty fox and a fake tiger.

But after the appearance of the scale-tailed dragon, the staff only shivered, without even thinking of approaching.

Aoki may not know, but they do.

传说 There is a legend in this forest about this scale-tailed dragon.

Legend hears the sound of 噌 噌, hurry up, don't look back.

Now they are seeing the frightened existence of the elves in this large forest.

How can I not be afraid?

Seeing the harmony of Crustacean and Aoki, the scale-tailed armored dragon acknowledged that he was slightly reckless at first.

Alas, he soon thought of Aoki's name before shouting out.

Scepter-tailed Scale Ankylosaurus!

名字 The name, he only heard it when he was a child, when he was Xinlinbao, heard his parents communicate with each other.

I came to Aoki.

"Unknown creature, do you know me as an elf?"

This is the result of the dumb king's translation.

Aoki appeared a few black lines on his forehead.

Unknown creature?

Unknown creatures all day ...

"First of all, my name is Aoki, and they are the trainers of these elves. I hope you don't bark anymore in the future.

Then, what's wrong with knowing that you are a scale-tailed dragon? "Aoki looked a little serious.

It seems that his conjecture may be right.

This rod-tailed scale dragon is probably the last one left in this space. I haven't seen many members of the same race or even my own race.

I heard that Aoki knew she was such an elf, and didn't care that Aoki's tone was not friendly at first.

"That unknown ... green ... wood, where did you know? Have you seen other scale-tailed dragons?" He asked quickly.

Aoki shook his head directly.

"Haven't seen it."

Xu Wenyan said that the scale-tailed dragon with a staff tail showed a disappointed expression.

"However, I know where it may be, and I know you because of your race, but it has been discovered long ago." Aoki said with a vow.

I was indeed discovered long ago.

Just how many people know it is open to question.

What a special twist.

But the scale-tailed armor dragon no longer cares.


Aoki showed a distressed expression.

"Not here, you may not know, the place you live in now is just a small space, there is a larger world outside, your race is in a huge world called the elven world, but The legendary elf, the world created by Artus. "Slowly spoke.

The Scaly-tailed Scale Ankylosaurus has become aware of the existence of the same race, and has become an undergraduate student.

Aoki said that he nodded from time to time, showing a thoughtful expression.

I even encountered some questions that I couldn't understand.

He was just rejected by Aoki, indicating that these common sense questions were to be explained to the crustacean later.

The other elves turned their attention to Aoki and listened to him quietly.

I was the only dumb king, slap in the palm of his head.

不 I haven't seen Aoki in a long time, and thought that his skill had been forgotten ~ ~ But now it seems ...

冠军 The champion-scale scale-tailed dragon, who just made them fearful, stood obediently in front of Aoki.

Look like a good student.

I want another elven to be caught by Aoki.

Suddenly Wang was very grateful for his wisdom.

There is a sense of superiority in which everyone is drunk.

However, Aoki, who was explaining to the rod-tailed scale dragon at this time, glanced briefly at the dull king, revealing a meaningful smile.

Suddenly, a stunned king immediately added to the queue of the scale-tailed dragon.

When you should nod your head, nod your head, when you should reveal your awakening, make a conscious look, and when you should think, think.

Seeing the appearance of the dumb king, Aoki nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the other elves, all with the same expression.

Not bad.

That's about it.


First more! Ask for a monthly pass! It's really cold today. Everyone should keep warm. Don't study hibiscus to hang water.

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