The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1083: Uncontrollable superpowers

Under the blend of super power and space energy, Dao Wang carefully controlled the fine needle.

Let the barriers that Aoki cannot shake.

The stingy pin of the stupid king went straight through.


Thousands of miles of embankment collapsed in the anthill.

Because of this tiny pinhole, the entire barrier that closed Aoki's superpowers was covered with cracks.

A lot of super powers escape from it.

The feeling of long absence was reappeared in Aoki's mind.

The super power that can be controlled by the arm generally is free.

The stupid king retreated with Qilulian's superpowers.

Aoki frowned and closed his eyes.

The stupid king left them silently.

The rest is left to Aoki himself.

At this time, Aoki's mind has caused a stir.

Crazy superpowers constantly hit that barrier.

Aoki can only do his best to control the super powers that he can master, and he has no idea that his super powers have suddenly been raised to this level.

Do my best to converge those superpowers that are colliding around.

It took me an hour to barely let the superpowers in my mind be completely settled.

呼 "Huh-what the **** !?" Aoki exhaled a long breath, and opened her eyes with deep surprise, and the flashing superpower fluctuation.

I did not expect that his super power broke through to the advanced level without his knowledge.

Advanced superpowers!

With his talent of garbage, there is a day when he can reach advanced super powers.

Aoki still remembers that when he just awakened superpowers, it took more than 70 years for the chip analysis to break through the primary superpowers, but how long has passed now and they have reached the level of advanced superpowers.

But now this super power is really not easy for Aoki to control.

If you say that Aoki's control of his superpowers has reached 85 percent, now his control of his superpowers has suddenly dropped to 50 percent.

Barely reached the control line.

Don't say that, although Aoki's superpowers have reached the peak of intermediate superpowers before, now they have only broken through a threshold and barely reached the level of high-level superpowers.

But the super powers and qualities are very different.

If the previous superpower amount and quality were base one, then the current superpower amount and quality is ten.

Ten times the gap.

It's no wonder that intermediate superpowers don't have much resistance in front of advanced superpowers.

But only after the breakthrough, Aoki fully understood how big the gap between him and Nazi.

Even if he has reached the level of advanced superpowers, he still does not have much resistance against Nazi.

It is no wonder that Nazzi's character will become like that.

Aoki feels that Nazi is really restrained now.

Anyone, before the mind is fully mature, has mastered the ability like God, only the elves can compete, then the ordinary person is not much different from the ant in front of her.

If not restrained, the superpowers that she freely releases can solve some of the weaker humans.

Moody's moodiness is also estimated to be much stronger than her ability to control the limits.

Aoki eases God,

I am finally able to control the super power again!

Although it is a bit difficult, it is no longer the way it was before.

I stared at a large tree in the distance, and stretched out his superpowers, as if it were a ribbon, which tied a branch of the tree.

There was no sound, the branches broke directly, and there were no signs of the branches sliding, as if they were walking through a space door and appeared suddenly in front of Aoki.

看着 looked thoughtfully at the extra branches in his hands.

Aoki became interested.

The previous space energy seemed to be completely absorbed by the superpower. Now it seems that his superpower carries part of the space ability.

Aoki suddenly felt that this seemed to be a very suitable ability for sneak attacks.

I just have to increase my control over superpowers.

Otherwise, they will be found by the opponent before they are close.

And from this situation, Aoki feels that he may have some ability to move instantly.

Thinking of this, Aoki stared tightly at the tent in the distance, remembering the kind of super power fluctuations and feelings when the dull king used instant movement.

"It's now!"

Seems to find the location of space folding in an instant.

I wrapped myself and disappeared in place.

The stupid king and Qilulian felt the spatial fluctuations when they moved instantly and looked towards Aoki.

He found him disappearing.

When Aoki appeared again, he was still in place.

"It really isn't that simple." Seeing that he didn't appear beside the tent in his imagination, he went back to his place.

I could not help but sigh.

But it ’s okay. Now it ’s not just because you have control of super powers. However, at the moment when you find space to fold, your super powers fluctuate, causing instant movement failure.

As long as the control of super power is increased, you can use instant movement to a certain extent.

For a moment, Aoki suddenly felt that he was no longer an ordinary human.

I am also the most special group of people in this world.

After the super power was restored, Aoki was no longer a waste.

Everything can be solved by using superpowers by yourself, and this can also exercise your own control of superpowers.

A long string of thought beads appeared in front of Aoki, constantly changing shape under his control.

The number of pupae was increasing, but Aoki did not feel any pressure.

"It seems that after breaking through to the advanced superpowers ~ ~ the meditation beads are not good for exercise." Aoki thought as he looked at the changing meditation beads.

"Crow head!" Aoki shouted into the sky.

I heard Aoki's voice, and a dark-looking elf appeared in front of him.

"Give the evil energy inside the Nianzhu a little more."

Aoki's idea is this way, increase the intensity of resistance, then exercise can be effective.

If anyone in Aoki's current elves has the strongest control over evil energy, it is definitely the head of a crow.

After the crow's head finished reforming the beads, the pressure on Aoki to control the beads suddenly came up.

After thanking the crow head, Aoki began a new round of exercise.

This exercise is the most motivated, as long as you can reach the control of intermediate super powers, you should be able to use instant movement.

Even then, even if there are no elves around, when they are in danger, they have a certain ability to protect themselves.

As a result, Aoki and the elves began their own training.


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