The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1094: Combination skills!

There are two characteristics of Koga Ninja Frogs. One is the characteristic of this one in front of the current, rapids.

The other is changeable.

If Aoki chooses it, it must be his changing nature that attracts more attention.

However, it cannot be said that the torrent characteristics are not good.

After all, the rapids feature can enable the water elf to trigger when its physical strength is below a certain limit, increasing the power of the elf skills by 50%.

This can be said to be a strong increase.

The rapids feature is only available to Yusanjia's water spirits.

It can even be said that when the Alliance selected Yusanjia Elves, the target chosen by the water elves was to see if this elves had the feature of rapids.

The change of this Jiahe Ninja frog originally thought that Aoki was going to be super-evolved, but only after thinking of commanding the flaming chicken to recede, even if it is to be super-evolved, at least a trainer must exist.

It turned out that it turned out not to be super-evolved, just something similar.

This is triggered by the rapids of the Koga Ninja frog.

But I don't know why, this Jiahe Ninja frog seems to have some control over the characteristics of the rapids, and the effects of his rapids are very good.

It is more than double the torrent that can be triggered by ordinary water spirits. It may be that he has done some special training.


A roar emerged from the water, and with the emergence of the roar, the water dispersed.

The Koga ninja frog hidden inside was revealed.

"Sure enough, the appearance hasn't changed, but the effect of this rapid current can not be underestimated." Aoki was slightly disappointed when he saw the appearance of Koga Ninja frog.

But take it for granted.

If the Koga Ninja Frog is really so prone to frustration, it is estimated that Xiaozhi's Kojia Ninja Frog will not become a unique existence.

"Flame chicken, keep fighting! Be careful of the opponent's attack, at this time he is not so easy to deal with." Aoki's electrocardiogram reminded.


The flame chicken roared, and his eyes were full of war.

This is decent! Such opponents are even more interesting!

Both legs began to bounce on the ground, carrying a special rhythm.

Increase in double sword dance!

Than attack, never fear.

What about the water system!


Koga Ninja Frog once again performed the same trick, using the shadow avatar skills.

But this skill has no effect on the Flaming Chicken.

Directly identified one of them and rushed straight.

The overwhelming water shuriken appeared again.

However, the appearance of the water shuriken this time is very different.

Aoki has almost once again been fused with the Flaming Chicken.

This time the water shuriken, the flame chicken felt a little pressure.

Can't resist hard.

In the mouth of the Flaming Chicken, several small flames sprang up.

This is an overwhelming phenomenon.

Looking at the water shurikens coming from the sky, the flame in the flame chicken's mouth sprayed towards these water shurikens.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Spitfire in contact with water shuriken.

This time, the Jiahe Ninja Frog didn't sit still, but canceled the shadow avatar himself. Two water shurikens appeared again in his hand, but he didn't throw them out, but squeezed in his hands to fight with the flame chicken.

The water mist scattered, and the Flaming Chicken and Koga Ninja Frog came into contact again in the water mist.

The water Shuriken pinched in his hand, and the attack range of Jiahe Ninja Frog suddenly increased a lot.

The Flaming Chicken couldn't get closer again, but could only use its long legs and the water shuriken of Koga Ninja Frog to collide.

Water mist is getting bigger.

It's not a way to go on like this.

Aoki and Flaming Chicken flashed a thought at the same time.

Think of it and act directly.

After the flame kick collided with the water shuriken again, the flame chicken did not retreat in accordance with the usual practice, but directly bullied itself.

The Koga Ninja frog noticed that it was wrong but retreated madly.

But it's too late, Super Flame Chicken is faster.

Immediately next to Jiahe Ninja Frog, he added two more water Shuriken in his hand and waved towards the Flaming Chicken.

It's now!

Yan returns!

Relying on the flexibility of Yan's return skills, the Flaming Chicken's body is close to the body of Jiahe Ninja Frog, a forward turn, and appears instantly behind him.

While turning the quota, the flame on the Flaming Chicken came into contact with the water on the body of the Jiahe Ninja Frog, making a hissing sound.

It worked!

Flame chicken and Aoki heart secretly.

The Koga Ninja Frog was also shocked. I did not expect that the opponent's control of the distance could actually achieve this level. Is this really a little exercise?

This is also the skill that the Flaming Chicken learned from the moving ape.

The moving apes can seize the opportunity in mid-air and pass through the dense spikes of Bangui La. They just rely on the turning speed of the swallowing ability to control the distance and come to the back of the Koga ninja frog.

Sky Fist!

The ribbon on the right hand of the Flaming Chicken was wrapped around the fist instantly, and then appeared behind the Koga Ninja Frog, already in a squatting state.

Huh! !! !!

A strong punch banged directly on the back of Koga Ninja Frog.

The power of Skyward Boxing is quite scary, especially when the opponent's hole is wide open and there is no defense.

Koga Ninja Frog was blown into the sky with a punch.

But this is not the end, but the beginning.

The Flaming Chicken's long legs kicked **** the ground, catching up with him faster than Jiahe Ninja Frogs flew up.

Combination skills, soaring fist and flying knee kick!

The Koga Ninja Frog that was bombed into the air must be a living target. There was no place to borrow it, not to mention that it did not slow down from the attack of Skyward Boxing.

The Flaming Chicken appeared in front of him.

The fright in Koga's ninja frog's eyes had not receded.

嘭 ——

The knee hit **** Koga Ninja frog.

嗖 ——

Whatever comes up, just go down!

Just faster!

boom! !! !!

Fall directly on the ground.

A large pit was smashed in the grass by the lake, and Kaga Ninja frog was lying in the air.

Lost fighting ability!

The Flaming Chicken slowly landed on the ground, and the super-evolutionary energy on its body flickered and returned to its original appearance.


Exhale a stale air.

Calm the breathing breath.

Aoki controlled the sand chair and slowly came to the side of Koga Ninja frog lying on the ground.

At this time, the Kaga Ninja frog had completely lost its combat ability, and there was not much threat.

A pity flashed in Aoki's eyes.

"Unfortunately, this guy's own fighting style has taken shape, and looking at his proud look just now, it is not so easy to be subdued." Aoki thought secretly.

I no longer spend time like the apes.

And at least the ape has not yet been fully formed, but this Jiahe Ninja frog has been formed both on the level and on the combat side.

However, I took out several therapeutic sprays from the storage space.

Treat both Flaming Chicken and Koga Ninja Frog for injuries.

Bangui La and Boscodora were very remorseful. UC Reading www.

Such a powerful opponent.

Why do you listen to the words of the flame chicken.

He said he was his opponent, so did he have to fight?

Who can prove that the finger target of Koga Ninja Frog just now is him?

The flame chicken embraced his chest with both hands and looked at the Jiahe Ninja Frog on the ground, with deep appreciation in his eyes.

The strength of this opponent is very strong!

For his own exercise, he did not drop, especially after the rapids triggered, the successive fierce offensives made him difficult to resist for a while.


Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass!

For a short time, the order was wrong, T﹏T

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