The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1109: I want to be the 4th King

Genji was awakened.

However, because the coma was a little long, after she proved the innocence of Aoki, she soon fell asleep.

Genji expressed surprise that they suspected Aoki.

It was really unexpected that they would associate the whole thing to Aoki.

However, although it was proved that it was not made by Aoki, Genji could not confirm who it was.

Because the other person's body is very well hidden, he is obviously a master who specializes in doing this kind of thing.

It's not surprising that this talent can be found in the Hunter Guild or the Rockets.

The Hunters' Guild in Fengyuan was uprooted, and the lava and ocean squads, which were clamored by the wind, now dare not show up.

Let Yuan Zhi take a good rest and strive for an early recovery.

Adams left with everyone.

Back in his office again.

Liu Shenggang felt exasperated.

Not only because the suspicions of his disciples have been washed away, but also because of Aoki's demonstrated capabilities and methods, they are completely comparable to advanced breeders.

He once asked Aoki that he must reach the level of a senior nurturer within a certain period of time, otherwise he would give up the direction of a trainer.

Unexpectedly, only one year had passed, and Aoki was finished.

As for why they did not participate in the assessment, Liu Shenggang and Adams had already completed their own brain supplements.

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng.

High-profile is good, but too high-profile is not necessarily all good.

"Aoki, I did not do well this time. In order to apologize, you can ask me for a request within my ability." Adams said to Aoki with a smile on the chair.

After hearing that, Aoki was lost in thought.

I want to be the Four Heavenly Kings, I wonder if you give them?

Of course, Aoki's most wanted thing to do now is to become the Four Heavenly Kings, but if you don't count the super evolution and the existence of the scale-tailed dragon, you still have a lot of gaps.

Obviously becoming the Four Heavenly Kings is also unrealistic.

However, this incident also gave Aoki a wake-up call.

Who said that no one in the Rockets believed anything except Sakagi?

Although I don't know who this cadre was arrested this time, why do I know that he exists.

But the words of a cadre-level member are still a bit heavy.

Otherwise, the League will not send someone to investigate itself.

After this incident, it is estimated that it will not happen again for a long time.

But no one can guarantee the future.

Aoki can only improve his strength faster, and has responded to emergencies ever since.

In addition, there is also the need to improve their status as soon as possible, to an extent that the league cannot doubt.

For example, become the four kings of a region.

The future orange is his own example.

If the Rockets cadres can pull a four-day king into the water, it is estimated that Sakagi would be happy to do it.

To be a four-day king is to get a talisman.

Even Sakagi could not easily leverage the identity of the Four Heavenly Kings, let alone the cadres of the Rockets.

Even the weakest Four Heavenly Kings doesn't matter.

Aoki never had such a desire for the position of Four Heavenly Kings.

Really not ... Junsha family, Joey family can also consider it ...

But for the sake of life freedom, this can only be used as an alternative.

The last choice.

"Master, can I enter the alliance's general data room? There are a lot of questions and questions that I want to get answers from." Aoki said after thinking a little.

At the request of Aoki, Adams froze.

Is this also a requirement?

Even if there was no such thing, Adams would have nodded in agreement if Aoki made the request.

"Are you sure?" Adams confirmed.

Aoki nodded.

Now I have no shortage of resources for the time being, sweeping the Rockets' resource exchange office, and the resources I get are enough for half a year. Only one and a half months have passed, and there is still a lot of inventory.

The number of your own elves is also enough, and you don't need to take them back in a short time.

Aoki still hopes that his elves are fine and not many.

Then it is only to expand its own chip database, which is the biggest help at present.

Last time, a lot of information about the Elves was downloaded from the Rockets database.

But the Rockets are the Rockets after all, and most of their data are partial.

For example, how to quickly improve the power of the wizard, but the price is the potential of the wizard.

How to improve the qualifications of the wizard, the price is the life of the wizard.

Rocket scientists are really powerful, but these things are unnecessary means, Aoki has not yet reached such an urgent time.

Some of these methods can refer to integration, but cannot be used directly.

As for the normal training of elves, it must be the most comprehensive data of the alliance.

Bangui La, Flaming Chicken, Bosco Dora and so on will not talk about him, Leo Lu, Chillulian, Sea Spike Dragon, these elven Aoki are the first training.

If we can get the experience of our predecessors, we can definitely take a lot less detours in the future.

Seeing Aoki without hesitation, Adams did not reluctantly.

The pen in his hand quickly wrote on the paper and handed it to Aoki.

"This is an hour of reading for the library, you can go by yourself."

Taking the note, Aoki saw Adams' signature and seal above.

An hour, if it is a data-filtered download, is enough.

Holding the note Aoki and the two gestured, and left.

Adams looked at the left Aoki and said to Liu Shenggang, "Xiao Gang, have we done too much before? The request made by Aoki really made me feel ashamed."

Liu Sheng just glared at him, "Don't get involved with me, you are too much."

However, a complex look quickly appeared.

"Rest assured, this little guy is not an ordinary person. His thinking is more mature than his peers. He doesn't care about your attitude at all. The actual benefits may be more attractive to him."

At the words of Liu Shenggang, Adams sighed helplessly.

In the future, we still have to find a way to compensate him. An opportunity to consult the information is not a problem at all.

Looking at Elgas, who was still sitting aside at this time.

Don't beat up in one place.

It's all this guy, and he vowed to go to ~ and brought the investigation order of the Federation.

Yes, it's all him!

Adams seemed to find the best vent for himself.

Feeling that Adams's gaze was sullen.

I have kept silent as much as possible to not show my sense of existence, but did not expect to be noticed by Adams.

Aoki cleared his suspicions, which made the whole thing fall into the unknown mystery again.

But now he doesn't have time to think about this. How to calm down the anger of Adams and Liu Shenggang is the key.

Although they do not belong to them, if they go to the General Union to sue, with the energy of the two, it is estimated that they will be prepared to wander in the outside area for a long time.


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