The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1111: Good and evil

Aoki is not surprised that the league will be undercover in the lava team.

Surprisingly, this undercover can actually reach the level it is now.

The fourth cadre of the lava team was surprising.

I don't know if there will be such a person inside the Marines and Rockets?

Aoki's heart tightened slightly.

The surface asked indifferently, "Is there anything you've come to me?"

Tian Hao Yu was helpless, "It ’s time to report, but I ca n’t contact the old man. I remembered the old man who told me before that if I could n’t reach him, I would come to you and be trusted by the old man. People, there should be no problem. "

After hearing that, Aoki knew it.

That's it.

In order to ensure stability within the Fengyuan Alliance, the incident of Yuanzhi's injuries was not announced.

The iron spin injury has a very big impact on Fengyuan Alliance. If the news of Yuanji's injury is spread now, it is estimated that Fengyuan Alliance will really have a big mess.

At least, the prestige of Fengyuan Alliance will be minimized.

Tian Hao Yu in the lava team did not know, and it was normal.

"In a few days, you should be able to contact the King of Genji." Aoki said lightly.

Wen Yan, Tian Hao Yu Yi.

"Is there something tricky for the old man?" Tian Haoyu asked.

Aoki shook her head slowly, these things can't really be said.

"In short, in a few days you will be able to contact King Haruka, intelligence or whatever, you still have to tell him yourself." Aoki now really does not want to blend into the lava team's affairs.

It's better not to participate if you can't.

Hearing Aoki said that, Tian Hao Yu did not force it.

He was helpless to find Aoki.

Since Genji can be reached in a few days, it doesn't matter if you wait a few more days.

Tian Haoyu nodded and walked outside.

The laziness and smile on his face gradually disappeared.

As an undercover, although there is no mask like Aoki, in fact, this real mask is much better than those "masks" installed.

When I walked past Aoki, from the momentum alone, I felt completely changed.

Typical momentum of lava team cadres.

Tian Hao Yu paused for a moment.

The voice reached Aoki's ears. "Sometimes I have been with the lava team for a long time, and it is easy to forget my identity.

In the lava team, I also saw a lot of mistakes made by the league.

Aoki ... What are you doing in this world? "

The sound is very light, as if asking a question, and whispering softly.

Being able to hear it clearly showed that Tian Haoyu was telling him.

Aoki was in the same place and felt that the person behind her had disappeared.

But his words let Aoki fall into meditation.

"Struggling on the edge of good and evil, seeing evil in good, and good in evil?" Aoki looked complicated.

In fact, he is a bit like Aoki. Aoki is a cadre in the Rockets and a chief search officer in the league.

But Aoki was a little different from him.

Aoki has lived through a lifetime and has long understood the sinister world.

And he is slowly approaching good from evil, so he has no special aversion to the evil in the good, and does not touch much about the good in the evil.

But Tianhao Yu is different, he is close to evil from good.

As a member of the Miao Hong alliance, it must have been brainwashed by the alliance's thinking from the beginning.

Make the league good and the lava team evil.

But from the evil in the lava team, he found precious precious goodness.

This made him very surprised, and after further contact, he discovered the existence of evil from the good of the alliance.

In this way, he was shocked from an early age, and his firm will was shaken.

Although the lava team is an underground force, he has given many poor people who did not have the opportunity to become training plus, giving them the opportunity to turn around.

Although the Alliance is an organization that advertises justice, it views the social class as too important and ignores the struggle of the lowest people.

These are all seen by Tian Haoyu.

So now he is very confused, he doesn't know whether he is right or wrong, or even what he should do.

Aoki has experienced the worst and most evil things at the bottom of the elven world, and when approaching the alliance of justice, he can understand some of the relative evils hidden by them.

But Tian Hao Yu has always lived in the ideal utopian world, and suddenly came into contact with the darkness at the bottom of the elven world society, and was shocked in his heart, and suddenly lost.

"A poor man." Aoki sighed secretly.

Tian Haoyu must be struggling at this time.

"Would you like to talk to Genji Heavenly King?" Aoki's eyes flashed with some intentional light.

There is a certain operating space.

He took out the communicator and sent a message to Yuanzhi about how Tian Haoyu found himself.

As for the state of Tian Hao Yu, hesitated a little, Aoki deleted the content that had just been edited.

Then plug the communicator into your pocket.

"People who have experienced these things can understand something that some people will never perceive," murmured softly.

Aoki restored everything in the hall to its original state and slowly approached the backyard.

False alarm.

But this Tianhao Yu's strength is really not weak.

Aoki could feel the thick threat from him.


One thing just ended, but another communicator in Aoki's arms shook.

Take it out and take a look.

"It's really one wave after another." There was a hint of helplessness in his tone, but more were surprises.

Information comes from the Carlos area.

To be precise, Vladali from the Flash Flames.

When Qing went to the space of the Phoenix King, he asked him to send people to find a place in the Carlos area that was forgotten by humans, the Nibel Plateau.

I did not expect that in the past month and a half, the Flash Flames really found this place.

Aoki put the communicator away ~ ~ Niebel Plateau, if you remember correctly, where is the elf who lives in the Niebel Plateau now, "Aoki thought.

The Nibel Plateau is not clearly marked on the Carlos area map.

Because this is a place that humans have forgotten, and there are a lot of elves living there, all of them are far away from human beings.

And this Nibel Plateau has become a legendary elven, where Polkenien lives.

What interest Aoki is not this Polkenen, but the kingdom that brings mysterious science to the extreme, Azot!

And the highest crystallization of the mysterious science of the Azot Kingdom, that almost made the entire kingdom into a turbulent existence!


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