The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1113: Bricalon and the Fiery Red Fox

one day later.

The fringe of Carlos.

The Nibel Plateau is also called the Forgotten Plateau.

Not many people know the Nibel Plateau.

Even if some people know it, they don't want to say more because it is regarded as a gathering place of shame by many people.

Aoki rode in the desert dragonfly for a day and night before barely seeing the shadow of the Nibel Plateau.

If it weren't for the coordinates provided by Flashflame, it wouldn't be sure that this place was the legendary Nibel Plateau.

Sitting on the back of the desert dragonfly and looking away.

The scenery here is really nice.

The morning sun slowly rises from the other side of the plateau. The mist in the forest and the clouds in the sky seem to be connected in series. Under the illumination of the early morning sun, it is dipped in gold.

"It's actually a good place. Why should it become a place to forget?" Aoki sighed secretly.

It is a pity to mention that such a beautiful scene was forgotten, but also sorry for the elves living here.

Any elf, if abandoned by his own trainer, will be a huge blow to this elf.

Because the spirit of the elf is very simple, you become his trainer, and he will treat you wholeheartedly. He will not betray anything until he is absolutely disappointed.

If, in this case, the trainer abandons the elf, it is tantamount to the parents abandoning the children.

"Living here together, you don't feel lonely, you don't feel like you are a special being ..."

Patted the back of the desert dragonfly and landed slowly on the ground.

The way back, we have to go a little bit by ourselves.

Throw two elven **** to summon the crow's head and Madara.

The elf here may have a high degree of hostility towards humans, but it is better to walk down a little low-key.

Crow's head and Matara are not usually able to fight because of Aoki's identity. In the space of the Phoenix King, Aoki mainly trains Bangira, so it is good to summon them now.

The two elves are more flexible, smaller in size, and much smaller in motion.

Walk towards the Nibel Plateau on foot.

A string of rosary beads appeared in his hand.

These are reinforced by the crow's head with evil energy, so the effect of blocking superpowers is better. Aoki has now developed this good habit of exercising superpowers anytime, anywhere.

Strive to increase the level of control of your superpowers at an early date, and use instant movement at an early date.

It may be because the area is relatively remote, but just from the edge of the Nibel Plateau, the level of wild elves is higher.

Originally in other fields, many gentle tempered elves did not need to be prepared for, but it was not possible here.

Maybe here will encounter a very hostile elf, see Aoki must not take the initiative to attack.

As a result, Aoki encountered many elves in the process of approaching the center of the Nibel Plateau, regardless of the strength of the crow's head and Madara's strength, and launched an attack directly.

Fortunately, although these elves have higher levels than wild elves elsewhere, they are still somewhat inconspicuous compared to the crow's head and Magdalene.

Aoki also expressed regret for the elves here, so they didn't let the crow heads kill them, but just stunned them and stopped them.

But with the approach towards the center, the number of elves around them increased, and the strength of the elves gradually became stronger.

The noise was getting louder and louder, and it was impossible to approach quietly.

No way, Aoki thought for a moment, summoned Bangila and Flame Chicken.

Then you can only hit it!

Anyway, today is the center of the Nibel Plateau, he is going to fix it!

After Bangui La and Flaming Chicken came out, the speed of advancement increased again.

On the whole, the Nebel Plateau is relatively large.

It's just that its big concept is that it is relatively long in the horizontal direction, but normal in the vertical direction. Aoki just walks from the vertical direction to the inside, so he doesn't need to go a lot.

But here the elves are blocking more and more.




With the emergence of these two voices, the elves who originally intended to besiege Aoki stopped indignantly.

A pair of eyes stared at Aoki with hateful eyes.

Aoki's expression remained unchanged and indifferent.

If it wasn't for the rosary beads in his hands that kept turning, he would have thought that it was a dummy.

Originally, there was still a lot of compassion for the elves here, but later Aoki slowly discovered that the spirit of the elves had become extreme.

It seems as if any human being appears to be abandoning their trainer.

The look of desperate fighting made him feel a bit chilling.

Two green and one red elves appeared.

Finally, there were some changes on Aoki's face.

Bricalon and the Demon Red Fox!

Two of the three royal families in the Carlos area.

Another water system is the Koga Ninja frog that Aoki encountered in the space of the Phoenix King.

Bricalon in the grass system and red fox in the fire system.

From their appearance, let all the elves here stop, the prestige of these two elves here should be good.

Maybe it was the elf head abandoned by the trainer.

Aoki thought quietly.

"Karon! Karon!"

The two elves walked through the elven group, looked at the four elves beside Aoki, and Aoki stood in the middle of his face lightly and called twice.

Aoki was a little surprised that the attack was not launched directly.

Demon fire red fox has super power attributes, using ECG induction directly, let Aoki understand what he meant.

"Human, what are you doing here? You are not welcome here! Please leave immediately!"

The flaming red fox on the side also echoed.

Aoki activated the chip.

Pokemon: Brickalon (cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 63

Attribute: Grass + Fighting

Features: lush

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: photosynthesis, fast defense, sparing, enhanced boxing

Basic Skills: Spike Defense, Spike Arm, Arm Hammer, Tapping, Abdominal Drum, Impact, Scream, Rattan Whip, Rolling, Biting, Parasitic Seed, Missile Pin, Ramming, Seed Bomb, Mud Shot, Bodybuilding, Taishan Press Share the pain

Teaching Skills: Crazy Plants, Snoring, Iron Wall, Lame, Brutal, Iron Tail, Brute Force, Lightning Fist, Help, Ultimate Drain, True Qi Fist

Skill Learner: Hold, Earthquake

Seeing this material of Bricalon ~ ~ Aoki's eyes flashed a strange color.

Such an excellent grass-based Yusanjia Elf, would anyone still abandon it?

The cyan qualification has reached the level of Heavenly King in the wild, and it can be seen that its talent is not weak at all.

If Aoki could have such an elf as the initial elf in the beginning, he would probably wake up with a smile.

All I can say is that some people really do n’t know how to be blessed?

There are skills in the skill learner, and it is determined that this Brickalon is also an elf abandoned by the trainer.


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