The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1131: Geng Geng

Night falls.

The streets of the town of Azot are lit with street lights.

These street lights are powered by the entire King City of Azot Machinery.

The action at night is very simple for experienced Aoki.

In addition, he has now reached the level of advanced superpowers, of course, it is even more no problem.

Fly wildly across houses in town.

Super powers wrapped himself, and no one could detect his existence.

And the speed has reached the extreme, and even more nobody can see him clearly.

Jarvis lives on the street not far from the central royal castle.

In a luxurious mansion.

This was a mansion left to him by his father, but he was stunned by many people because of his father's death.

It was just that he was afraid of the connections that his father had left in the royal family. He didn't dare to do it directly. His father also gave him some self-protection.

But the ridicule of Jarvis' research started with these people.

Soon, Aoki arrived at the mansion.

Because the location is simple and the house is chic, it is easy to find.

Without any hesitation, went directly into the courtyard of the mansion.

At such a large house, there is not much light at a glance.

The yard was also a bit rundown, with dead leaves on the ground, and the only big tree was withered at this time, and the bottom shirt was overgrown with weeds.

There is almost no water in the central pond. It is estimated that the water elves that were originally farmed can now run, and those who cannot run will die directly.

From this yard one can see the situation of Jarvis at this time.

The only brightly lit house in the whole house.

Aoki slowly approached.

At this time, you need to pay attention to some safety.

Geng Gui appeared beside Aoki.

Although Jarvis was in the Azot kingdom, he was regarded as a shet.

But it does not mean that he is really talented.

On the contrary, Aoki came to this place because of his talent.

Although the elf is not the object of Jarvis's main efforts and struggles, he still has some strength.

Aoki let Geng Gui dive in and take a look.

桀桀 ——

Geng Gui nodded, then immersed himself in the shadows.

After half a quarter of an hour, Geng Gui came out.

What surprised Aoki was that it was a little long inside.

But when Aoki learned why Geng Gui took so much time and found something in it, he came to understand it.

It still seems a bit capable.

Nodding his head and confirming something, Aoki covered his superpowers with both hands and pushed the door directly into it.

At the moment when the door was pushed open, a large amount of current was densely distributed throughout the door.

This is the first institution designed by Jarvis.

As long as an uninformed person pushes the door with such bare hands and enters, it will definitely be half dead before being entered.

I believe Jarvis also knows his situation at Azot at this time.

Only then will these institutions be designed.

However, Aoki's hands were covered with super powers, and there was no effect at will.


The moment Aoki pushed open the door, Jarvis found it.

Looking around, a man in a black robe was standing at the door, and the organ he had designed had not affected the other party in the morning.

Aoki also saw Jarvis.

The purple hair had a pale face, and it was estimated that he had kept himself in the room for a long time without going out.

The whole looks a little sly.

With a very small orange glasses, wearing a khaki coat.

Seeing Aoki at the door, he picked up the golden scepter set aside.

It is a little different from his later scepter. It is estimated that this is his current weapon.

Then an elven ball appeared in his hand.

Staring at Aoki tightly, he could not confirm his identity.

Geng Gui, who was next to Aoki, had a signature smile on his face.

Without any hesitation, walked straight in.

Seeing Aoki's feet cross the threshold, a faint expression of joy appeared on Jarvis's face.

Just before this joy really emerged, it turned into surprise.

Several arrows shot from all directions in the room stopped at a distance of no more than ten centimeters from Aoki.

These are the organs set by Jarvis.

But when Geng Gui entered before, he was all cleared by him.

Otherwise you don't have to delay so much time.

What made Jarvis even more surprised was that Aoki took a big step forward, but none of the institutions he designed worked.

He didn't respond until he came to Jarvis.

"Is this the mechanism you designed? Honestly, let me be a little disappointed." Aoki's voice appeared from under the black robe.

He looked up at Jarvis.

But Jarvis could only see Aoki's face completely covered by superpowers.

"Who the **** are you? Who sent you?" Jarvis had already crossed the elven ball in front of Aoki.

This is his last guarantee.

It was the only thing his father left him, the only thing that could guarantee his life safety.

A Geng ghost.

It was so coincident, like the elves around Aoki at this time, a ghost.

Looking at the elven ball in Jarvis's hand, Aoki didn't say anything.

Continued, "It seems that your current research on the mysterious science is just the same, then my plan will change."

Jarvis heard Aoki's words for a moment, but when he saw the elf around Aoki, he still felt that his safety was not guaranteed, so he threw the elf ball in his hand.

Another Geng ghost appeared in the room.

However, unlike Aoki's Geng Gui, this is because Geng Gui's color really looks very light.

Light gray Geng ghost!

Geng Geng!

"Now! I ask you again! Who the **** did you send ?! Never mind I'm going to shoot!" Jarvis shouted.

Aoki's mouth slightly raised.

Still a bit immature, but overall ...

not bad!

Pokemon: Flash Geng Gui (Teal)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 61

Attribute: Ghost + Poison

Feature: Cursed Body

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: mental wave, scare, ghost face, dark fog

Basic Skills: Shadow Fist, Hypnotism, Tongue Lick, Resentment, Black Eyes, Curse, Night Shadow, Strange Light, Assault, Tooth for Tooth, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Evil Wave, Same Life, Wrongdoing

Teaching skills: sleeping, shadow ball, strong mental thoughts, snoring, frozen boxing, lightning boxing

Skill Learner: Hold, Poisonous, Provocative, Poison Strike, Venom Shock

Flash Geng ghost ~ ~ Jarvis's signature wizard.

Heavenly King.

This is estimated to be the main reason that Jarvis can live in Azot under the circumstance of being surrounded by wolves.

After a brief investigation by the Flash team, I learned that there are not many Uranus-level trainers in the Azot Kingdom.

Therefore, a king-level elf poses a great threat.


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