The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1135: Diamond lie

Due to the arrival of Aoki, Zijing City was completely confused.

But in fact these things are not directly related to him.

His arrival only added confidence and backing to Rose and others.

Did not even show up.

He stayed in the training ground specially provided by the Purple Sky team.

Although not as spacious and as large as his backyard in Fuye Town, just training is enough.

After reaching the Heavenly King level, it can be clearly felt that the improvement of the power of the elves is much more difficult.

One of the main reasons is that there are no suitable opponents to fight, and only a little improvement can be achieved through long training and fighting with each other.

Fortunately, there is nothing, and you don't need to participate in any special battle in a short time, but it can settle down.

Whether it's the daddy king of the first echelon, the head of the crow, the bandila of the second echelon, the boscodora, or the crustaceans and sea spike dragons, they can calm down and train slowly.

One more thing, the small broken diamond successfully became Tianxi, plus the Maji Yana subdued by Aoki.

The conquest of these two elves had a great impact on all the elves of Aoki.

Aoki tried with Diane's Super Evolution Stone.

Without unexpectedly being unable to carry out the super-evolution directly, the relationship and fetters between one person and one elf are still worse.

Therefore, Tianxi can not make eternal crystal diamonds, the birth of the small broken diamond kingdom needs to be delayed for some time.

However, although Tianxi can not make a huge eternal crystal diamond, but it is just an ordinary pink diamond, there are not many problems.

These pink diamonds are the legacy of Tiance's attempts to make eternal diamonds.

These pink diamonds have become the rations of Bangila and Boscodora. The energy contained in them is much richer than the diamonds made by the small broken diamonds.

Of course, with their appetite, Tianxi couldn't feed them, but if you mixed some ore and ordinary diamonds from the Rocket Resource Exchange, it would be fine.

Not much weaker than eating pure diamonds.

Even because of their strong energy, Bangui La and Boscodora have grown much faster.

And making these diamonds is also a training for Tiance.

In the principle of not wasting, it was used to feed Bangila and Boscodora.

Aoki also tried to get Rose to find someone to sell these pink diamonds.

Not much is taken out.

After all, things are scarce and expensive, and sometimes a large quantity does not mean that the price is high.

I would rather have the excess eaten by Bangila and Boscodora, and Aoki would not let pink diamonds circulate in the elven world in large quantities.

There used to be so-called diamond lies on the earth.

Even if the last lie is revealed, but because the diamond is so popular, people still choose to buy it.

Elven World hasn't said that yet, but Aoki doesn't mind being the pioneer of this.

"A diamond lasts forever, and one forever!"

Let Rose break this banner.

Of course, it is only for pink diamonds, because there are not many diamond mines and small diamonds in this world. Although ordinary diamonds are also of high value, in the eyes of others, they are just a type of ore.

But pink diamonds are different.

As long as Aoki controls the amount of circulation, it can completely become a sought-after object in the entire world.

As far as she knows, only pink diamonds can be created by Pink Diamond, and how many diamonds are there in this world?

Aoki's hands may be the total amount of circulation in the world.

After understanding the meaning of Aoki, Rose was immediately amazed by the amazing idea of ​​Aoki.

Business Wizards!

If this step can really be achieved, let alone the big one, as long as Aoki can really create pink diamonds continuously, the world's top 100 rich man will definitely have his place.

This is one of Tianxi's values.

Rose put all pink diamonds from Aoki into the largest auction venues in various regions.

Then I will arrange my own staff to buy all these diamonds at a very high value.

The share drawn by the auction will be negligible relative to the value that can be generated in the future.

This is the simplest and rude hype.

No matter how much money goes in, there is only one purpose, which is to fry the price of pink diamonds, and then they can slowly make money from it.

Fist-sized pink diamonds were frantically fired to a price of more than 100 million alliance coins.

All pink diamonds in circulation are not lower than this price.

For a moment, pink diamonds became the object of people's pursuit.

Especially for the ladies and husbands of the big family, diamonds are already very beautiful, but compared with pink diamonds, they are just like ordinary glass balls.

The value of pink diamonds has soared.

At the suggestion of Rosa, Aoki held the amount of circulation deadly.

I'd rather earn a little less at once, but also put a long line and a long stream.

Sky team's financial flow suddenly became big.

At the same time, with the benefits and gimmicks brought by pink diamonds, Rose also opened a sky auction house in the black market of Zijing City.

Heading with a pink diamond will suddenly open the sky auction house.

The Sky team has another big financial account.

And in the town of Aoki, the sky team swallowed the **** city in the stomach.

Now the entire city of Violet is already the site of the sky!

The white area of ​​the city of Iris is in charge of the Alliance and the city of Iris, but all the black areas are managed by the Sky team.

Aoki became the underground emperor of Zijing City without even knowing it.

Uncrowned King!

For the mysterious Sky Team leader, with the exception of a few high-level teams of the Sky Team, the others do not know much.

I only know that this leader of the sky team is very mysterious and powerful, and can only be reached after becoming a cadre.

Especially after the Sky Team swallowed the Purple City, the sudden expansion of the staff even made Aoki more mysterious.

The Sky Team, which occupies an entire city, has officially entered the eyes of the league.

Just because the sky team is under the care of Aoki, it is very peaceful.

Under the management of the Sky Team, the dark side of Zijing City, the crime rate has been reduced a lot, and the overall public order has increased.

That's why the Alliance opened its eyes and closed its eyes without much interference.

If all the underground forces are like the Sky team, it is estimated that the senior executives of the league will wake up with a smile.

The Sky team also needs time to digest this big cake in Zijing City.

Temporarily choose to rest and rest for a long time to come.

All this happened during the time Aoki stayed in Zijing.

However, his client,, didn't pay much attention. It was only after a while that Rose and others came to report the situation to him.

All I can say is that he is really comfortable with this shopkeeper.

With the current size of the sky team, most of the resources that Aoki needs can be obtained by the sky team.

I have to say that I have invested so much resources, manpower and financial resources in the early stage, and now it is finally starting to pay off.

With the support of the Sky team, Aoki's development and strength improvement will become more and more stable.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! To pass by ~ pass ~ ~ for the rewards of the big brothers!

Thank you for your reward during this time.

And remember to give hibiscus a praise, love you, (?? ′ ?? ‵ ??) L ??????????????

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