The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1139: Uranus Challenge

one day later.

The four arrived at Baiyin Mountain in the Guandu area.

This four-day king challenge will be held at the Baiyinshan competition venue.

Although the main challenger is Du, it does not mean that there is no one else.

The format of the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge is for all people who want to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings. They need to play several rounds first, assign a place and determine the winner before they can challenge the Four Heavenly Kings.

Du is just one of those people with a high success rate.

Immediately after arriving at Silver Mountain, the staff arranged their reception in several houses in the Silver Mountain Alliance building.

Waiting for the official start of the contest.

To challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, you can choose to secretly or lightly, as long as both parties agree.

In order to show the alliance's strength at this time, the Guandu area chose to open.

All the new generations in various regions were invited, as well as some heirs of large families, or senior officials of alliances in various regions.

The status and free people all rushed towards Baiyin Mountain.

Aoki and Hibiscus represent the Fengyuan Alliance, Ogo represents the Zvolch family, and Mikkeli represents the Coordinator Association.

In addition to the four of them, many other people in Fengyuan also came over.

This can be regarded as another prosperous after the Olympic Games.

Because the person has great representative significance.

The younger generation of the Alliance began to formally take over the power of the Alliance.

Guandu League's four kings at this time, some of them are a bit older.

Some people want to retire, so this four-day king challenge appears.

The four Aoki gathered in his room, holding a few lists in their hands, with a brief introduction to the participants of the challenge and their information.

"Brother Du is ranked first. It seems that the hope of success this time is very high." Furong took the list and looked at the avatar and information displayed on the first page above.

Aoki looked at the information in his hand.

This information was distributed by the staff of the Guandu Union. Everyone invited to watch the game has a copy on hand.

The information on the first page is indeed Du.

Yulongdu, the heir to the Yulong family, the chief search officer of the alliance, is good at using dragon spirits.

Here are the tasks he performed and completed ...

When he saw that he was good at using dragon spirits, Aoki emphasized it.

This is the key point. The test is to be taken. Students who do not know may think it is a flight department, but in fact it is not. The dragon department is the correct answer.

Du Cong has long been the target of the alliance. It seems that everyone in the Uranus Challenge has a chance, but in fact, it is Du's personal performance show, and others are accompanying.

In addition to crossing, there are several people Aoki knew.

The owner of the Dahong Pavilion, the trainer of the poisonous elves, Aju.

When he saw the name, Aoki was still stunned.

Is Aju also going to compete for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings?

But unfortunately, what he is best at is assassination. This kind of positive fighting method is not what A Ju is good at.

At least not what A Ju is good at now.

As a Taoist trainer is more than enough, but as a four-day king, there are still some gaps.

"Wu Neng?" Seeing this name, Aoki appeared in his brain with a confident smile on his face, obsessed with cultivating Wu Neng.

Get to know Aoki while he is examining an intermediate breeder.

At that time, Wu Neng also invited Aoki to play in the dark gray city. I did not expect that Wu Neng also came to participate in the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge.

But think about the strength of military power, it seems that it is not impossible.

He may become an important enemy of Du.

Then there are a few people who participated in the God Olympics together with Aoki.

A tree, pear blossom and Kona.

They are more likely to just make fun, first familiarize themselves with the feeling of the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge.

Just like if Fengyuan starts the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge now, Aoki estimates that four of them will also participate. No matter whether they can successfully challenge in the end, it is always right to try to see the world.

Therefore, the ranking of the three is also relatively low.

But Aoki is very much looking forward to one of these games.

Cross to Cona.

I don't know what kind of spark the two of them can shoot.

At that time, Watana, who was selected as the first seed, was at the feet of Kona, and it was fun.

Will this make A Ju the four heavenly kings?

Not without this possibility ...

Finally, at this time, the four kings in the Guandu area are now in charge.

First and foremost is Orange, the ghostly king of the heavens. She is the first four kings of the Guandu alliance at this time.

It is said to have a profound relationship with Dr. Oki.

Then there is Shiba, King of Fighting, one who can use his body to fight against the existence of elves, which can be said to have developed his body to the extreme.

The third place surprised Aoki, but felt reasonable.

Liu Bo!

Liu Bo still retained the position of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Guandu area, which made Aoki unexpected.

However, with Liu Bo's strength, even if he is a champion, there is no chance, so he is not too surprised to be able to play the four heavenly kings.

It was just a pure accident that Liu Bo did not step down after serving for a period of time?

Why is it still famous?

Liu Bo's name, I believe many people are familiar with it, and no one should doubt his strength.

The last Uranus is the protagonist of this Uranus challenge.

Master Xiuyuan, the current chair of Bell Tower in Yuanzhu City, Chengdu District.

He was very old, much older than Liu Bo.

It was he who was going to resign from the position of Four Heavenly Kings, so this time the Heavenly Kings Challenge.

It is said to be ready to return to the Bell Tower and die, hoping to contribute the last strength to the next generation of the league.

He has been in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings for three or forty years, and he is diligent and diligent. He is the older generation respected by everyone in the Guandu Alliance.


Just when the four of Aoki were viewing the information.

Aoki suddenly felt something.

With a smile, he said, "Cao Cao is here."

After that, his superpowers surged, and the door was opened directly.

A figure appeared in front of the door, and his hand made a knock on the door, but he did not expect that the door would open directly.

The visitor stunned for a moment.

I glanced at Aoki who had just converged, and I immediately understood.

Striding in with a smile, the cloak behind him was automatic.

Here comes another more expressive.

Suddenly, the idea appeared in the hearts of Aoki, Ogo and Furong.

But when Miqueli looked at Xiang Du, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

not good! Here comes more than I can pretend!

"What? I thought it was Cao Cao ~ ~ I didn't expect it to be Brother Du." Furong took the lead in responding and murmured.

Hearing Furong's words, Du dumbfounded again, "Cao Cao? Who is it? What a strange name."

Aoki's mouth rose, "But a very powerful trainer in ancient times, who served as the president of the Elf League, ruled the elven world of that period."

It turns out that--

Hibiscus had a look of sudden realization.

It turned out to be a great trainer!

Of course, some of Ogo ’s who are familiar with history know that Aoki is in Husong, but they are more lazy.

Du also went out and sat down beside the four.


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