The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1142: Have a mess

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The battle between Du and Ogo was originally for what to win.

It is to help him practice his tactics before crossing the challenge.

At the same time, let Ogo know how much is far from the minimum standard of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The two men's battle lasted a full 30 minutes, and ended with the giant gold monster losing its combat ability.

However, the injury was not serious, and it is also the headquarters of the Alliance. There is no need to worry about injury.

Aoki simply dealt with the giant gold monster, and it recovered.

After fighting with Du is Hibiscus.

Hibiscus is weaker than Ogo.

Without transition, I didn't use all my strength, but I also played with Hibiscus and tempered my tactics.

Twenty minutes to end the fight.

Then there was Mikkeli.

Aoki will play as the finale.

Mikkeli sent out his ace elf Minas directly.

Du sent his Tyrannosaurus.

Two water spirits collided with each other.

Aoki had the kind of battle that Tyrannosaurus and Minas had seen on Trial Island.

However, at that time, Minas and Tyrannosaurus were not as powerful as Du and Mikkeli.

It didn't differ much from the previous one, except that Micoli persisted for a little longer.

Twenty-five minutes after the two men fought, the fight ended.

Du has won three games in a row.

Although Aoki and others didn't care, Xiaozhi behind him kept cheering on them.

However, they can only be regarded as laymen and see the excitement.

Dr. Aoki and Dr. Oki watched it with interest.

From the real strength point of view, Du is indeed much stronger than their strength.

But again, Du's age is much older than them, and he can still see the outstanding talents of Dawu, Furong and Mikkeli.

From time to time, Dr. Oki lamented Adams' luck.

In the end it was Aoki.

Aoki did not quit, and took off his coat and put it on the chair.

"Brother Aoki, come on!" Xiaozhi and Xiaomao cheered Aoki together.

Aoki nodded with a smile.

He walked to the place opposite Du and said, "How about?"

He heard that Du's expression was a little serious, and he nodded, "Strong!"

What they said was, of course, the three of them.

Before fighting with the three men, Ogo, Furong and Mikkeli, they sent fire-breathing dragons, fossil pterosaurs and tyrannosaurus.

To Aoki's knowledge, Watari also has one of his ace elf fast dragons.

The remaining two were never seen before.

"Let's go together," Du said, and took out an elf ball and threw it.

Aoki has long thought about what elves to use.

Just throw it out.

"Hey roar"

A pure blue elf appeared in the field.

King of Assassins!

And Aoki sent Mrs. Huajie!

To deal with dragon spirits, of course, Mrs. Huajie has a greater advantage.

Aoki believes that Mrs. Huajie has the ability to fight for a period of time, even if the dragon is dispatched by Dudu.

As for winning, the level difference is too big and almost impossible.

But if it's the King of Assassins, that's not necessarily the case.

"Is the Elf of the Royal Dragon Family?" Aoki saw this thorn dragon king, and the thought appeared in his heart.

Du's cousin Xiaochun's ace elf is the Assassin Dragon King, and Aoki also played against him at the God Olympics.

The thorn dragon king who crossed it is very likely to have been cultivated only recently.

Maybe it was the Yulong family.

When he was given it, he was on the edge of the evolution of the Mohair Horse, and after a little training, he could evolve into a sea spinosaurus.

The most important thing about the Royal Dragon family is the scale of the dragon. As long as it is cultivated, it can evolve into the thorn dragon king.

A timely combat power for Du, soon formed.

And there will be no sequelae, which can be cultivated a little bit better in the future.

This way is the means for these large families to cultivate their own members of the line.

Especially after scanning the information of this thorn dragon king, Aoki confirmed this guess.

Pokemon: Assassin King (Light Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 73

Attribute: Water + Dragon

Feature: Sniper

Carry Item: Dragon Scale

Genetic skills: Aurora Beam, Dragon's Wrath, Dragon System, Turbid Flow

Basic skills: water cannon, yawn, foam, smoke screen, stare, water cannon, tornado, bubble light, gas gathering, salt water, high-speed movement, wave of dragon, dance of dragon, water cannon

Teaching skills: meteor cluster, sharpening, bouncing, iron head, inverse scale, freezing wind, wave of water, hiccup

Skill learner: hold, freeze beam, blizzard, destroy light, pray for rain, shadow clone, hot water, dream talk, waterfall climbing

But to be honest, there may be nothing else, but envy is really envy.

It's just envy.

You see, after the sea thorn dragon evolved into the thorn dragon king, there are still extra dragon scales that can be matched.

Aoki's only source of dragon scales is the scale-tailed armored dragon, now lying on the island.

But wanting to remove another piece of inverse scale from him, it is estimated that Aoki is a long suspect.

The characteristics of the sniper, the light blue qualification, and then look at the transfer skills, this is simply the thorn dragon king growing up in the dragon's nest.

Can you do whatever you want with a dragon nest?

The Royal Dragon Family will tell you

It is not good to have a dragon nest, and a dragon cave can really do whatever you want.

However, this thorn dragon king was obtained after crossing.

Although it has the strong support of the Yulong family, it cannot break through the quasi-champion in such a short time.

At this level, it is estimated that the Yulong family did not know how much resources were consumed.

It can be seen that the crossing in the Royal Dragon family is really taken seriously.

"This thorn dragon king is," Aoki didn't say directly, but there was a communication between the eyes of the two.

Du nodded calmly, "Yes, thank you for your last call and help."

"Simple, wait for us to have dinner." Aoki waved his hand.

After hearing the words, Du also smiled and nodded.

The three Ogo who were sitting aside looked at the eye contact between Aoki and To

"It's catty" Hibiscus whispered.

Ogo and Mikkeli nodded again and again, as if they were looking for the roots of feline.

"Let me see how restrained the fairies are," Du said.

Aoki was smiling but not speaking.

Mrs. Huajie is not a pure fairy.

If the ferry dispatch is fast dragon, then there is really no chance at all.

But sending the Dragon King of the water system and dragon system, it really is not necessarily.

Moreover, unlike the previous ones, they have broken through to the level of quasi-championship. This thorn dragon king still stays at the senior heavenly king level.

Although the rank is higher than Mrs. Huajie, the advantage of the rank is not as big as the attribute.

The only thing to be careful of is the sniper character of the Assassin Dragon King.

At this time, the strength of Mrs. Aoki's Huajie was not weak.

Pokemon: Madam Huajie (Teal)

Gender: Female

Level: 70

Attribute: Leprechaun

Features: Flower curtain

Carrying Props: Seeds of Miracles

Genetic skills: imitate, seduce, protect, tearful

Basic Skills: Impact, Rattan Whip, Fairy Wind, Lucky Spell, Flying Leaf Knife, Prayer, Magic Leaf, Grass Field, Fallen Fun, Aroma Healing, Voice of Charm, Flower Defense, Knotting, Misty Field, Moon Power, Petal Dance

Teaching Skills: Worry Seeds, Photosynthesis, Healing Ringtones, You First, Seed Bombs, Ultimate Drain

Skill learner: hold, energy ball, grass knot, mysterious guardian, spiritual strong mind,

"Ms. Huajie ~ ~ Misty venue!"

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