The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1146: White messenger

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Is it the Rockets' shot?

Sakaki sent someone lurking in?

What is the purpose?

Four Heavenly Kings?

However, under the premise that the Rockets chose to shrink, it is obviously unlikely.

And with Sakaki's character, he will not choose to shoot at this time.

It is estimated that Ah Ju had to come because he received the invitation.

So who on this side is this Herba?

Although Dawu and others didn't like the attitude of Heba slightly, they didn't think as carefully as Aoki.

After all, they had not experienced what Aoki had experienced.

Aoki extended his superpowers and wanted to see if there was anything unusual in the entire venue.

Scanned roughly and found nothing.

But the more so, the more weird I feel.

From Dr. Oki's face, Aoki knew that he felt a bit wrong too.

However, Dr. Oki has long put down the affairs of the alliance and put down the matter of fighting.

I didn't bring a few elves this time out, obviously I didn't expect any special situation in this kind of league games.

But Aoki calmed down.

Now that Dr. Oki has also discovered it, it is estimated that the senior officials of the Guandu Alliance will soon take it seriously.

The rest is best if he doesn't step in.

at the same time.

In the commercial street of Baiyinshan, the bustling street with people coming and going.

In a remote cafe.

A noble lady in a white dress with a white hat on her head was sitting alone by the window of a cafe with coffee in her hand and slowly savouring.

Take a look at the precious white watch on your wrist from time to time.

Except for her, there was no one else in this remote cafe.

Not long after, a person in Chuanze's black coat pushed in the door and walked in, glanced around the cafe, saw the woman sitting by the window, and trot immediately walked past.

Sit down in the position in front of her.

The White Messenger called, and then saw a cup of coffee before his seat.

Without hesitation, it was like drinking water and pouring the whole cup of coffee into the mouth with one sip.

The lady in white frowned frowning subconsciously, but soon relaxed again.

Looking at the watch on his wrist, he said, "This time you came here on time."

The comer chuckled, secretly voicing in his heart

Knowing that this time you came, who dares to be late, life is important.

"How is it going this time?" Asked the woman in white.

The middle-aged man in black nodded again and again, "We are assured that we are doing things, but this time it is obviously a major event for the alliance. Will we be involved in this to expose our existence too soon?"

"This is not what your identity needs to care about, as long as you complete this task well, a corresponding reward will be sent to you." The white woman said lightly.

On hearing that, a flash of excitement flashed on the middle-aged man in black, "Yes!"

"But there are some changes in the mission this time, this is the mission card." After that, the woman in white got up directly from the chair and slowly walked towards the door.

The middle-aged man in black looked at the back of the woman in white slowly walking towards the door, took over the task card, and a hint of vague anger and murderous intention flashed in his eyes?

But just when he was about to converge this mind, he found that his body could not move.

The body is surrounded by a layer of white energy.


If Aoki is here, you might be able to discover that this is superpower.

Apparently, the middle-aged man in black also knew what this was. Suddenly, a frightened expression appeared on his face and his eyes widened.

Can't speak.

Mrs. White came to the door and slowly turned around, at this time her eyes had completely turned white, and her superpowers were surging.

He said coldly, "Pay attention to your humble identity, and next time let me notice that look, then you don't have to look at the sunset tomorrow."

Heard that middle-aged men in black appeared begging for mercy.

I can't move my body and can't open my mouth, otherwise I'm probably already kneeling on the ground.

"This is the punishment for you." The woman in white said the last sentence lightly and disappeared directly at the door.


The middle-aged man in black twisted his arms into a very weird angle.

Suddenly, a lot of fine sweat appeared on his forehead, but he didn't yell, clenched his teeth, and a lot of blue tendons appeared on his neck.

Apparently the pain of the broken arm made him a little unbearable.

At the same time, the super power control was released, and he fell directly from the air to the ground.

At this moment, he never dared to show any disrespectful look.

The other hand grabbed the task card on the table and stumbled out.

Quickly disappeared into the crowd

At the moment the woman in white disappeared.

Aoki, who was sitting in the venue watching the game, frowned.

"Is that just a space fluctuation?" Aoki thought secretly.

Originally, Aoki had some confusion, but the unknown totems on his wrist told him that his perception was correct.

At this time, there were nine unknown totems on Aoki's wrist, all of which had reached one third of the total number of unknown totems.

Such dense quantities, of course, are not wrong with their perception of space energy.

"Is it moving instantly? I don't know if it has anything to do with this Uranus trial."

The first thought that came to mind was this idea.

I thought it was a comedy and a distracting mission, but I didn't expect that something uncontrollable and unknown appeared.

This gives Aoki, who originally had an information advantage, the feeling of being in control of everything and feeling very uncomfortable.

It was as if a layer of fog appeared in front of Aoki's eyes, making things that could be seen very clearly gradually become blurred.

The game ends in the morning.

Du, who had finished playing at the beginning, was already sitting with everyone at this time, watching the game below.

I have to say that Aoki's prediction is quite accurate. After watching the match between Aju, Wuneng and Kona, Du felt a little pressure.

Everyone was going to leave for lunch.

"Aoki." A body affected.


Not others, it is Dr. Oki who is sitting behind Aoki watching the game.

Everyone looked at Dr. Oki.

Dr. Oki said with a smile, "You go to eat first, and I have a few words with Aoki."

Hearing the words, the crowd said nothing and walked towards the outside together.

After everyone left.

Only Dr. Oki and Aoki remain ~ ~ Do you feel it? Asked Dr. Oki.

"Is Heba?" Aoki hesitated a little, still a little uncertain.

It's rare to see such a serious expression on Dr. Oki's face.

"Well, although I don't know what the situation is, the appearance of this person is indeed abnormal. With your ability, you should be able to see some nasty things," said Dr. Oki.

After all, Aoki is the chief search officer.

Except for Du, only Aoki was the chief search officer.

But Du was going to participate in the competition, so he couldn't get distracted.

Then in this matter, Aoki may need to take some care.

Ten more and sixth more! Guaranteed monthly pass! Add more for the amazing rewards of the magical cute guy!

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