The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1154: Enemy of the Girl

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Just when Aoki interrogated that middle-aged person in a different space.

The woman in white, who was slowly drinking coffee in a cafe in a corner of the Guandu area, suddenly stopped and just picked up the coffee.

Sitting opposite her, a young man in a black tuxedo with a pair of eyes and very graceful gesture, also stopped the coffee cup in his hand.

They looked at each other.

Just a look at each other, you know that the other person feels the same as himself.

"It seems to have been caught." The woman in white said slowly.

The sound sounded a little waxy, as if it was not full, and a little lazy.

The young man in the tuxedo took a sip of coffee slowly, pouted his mouth and tasted the bitter coffee taste in his mouth, "I really don't understand why you like to drink these things? It's bitter, but it's not good at all.

Although he said so, he was drinking with great interest.

The woman in white did not expose him.

"You have one less person in the black group, remember to add." After that, I also sipped the coffee in the cup.

It tastes better than Baiyinshan.

"The point is not the taste, but the atmosphere. In such a quiet place, it is much better than those cluttered places you often like to go to." At the same time, it explains why you like coffee.

The young man in the tuxedo put down the coffee cup, and the coffee in it was completely empty.

"I will add people, but this time because of your task, remember to say hello to the head." Then, the young man stood up.

"By the way, if we are caught by the other party, it means that we may have something exposed. We should give up what we should give up. It is not yet when we appear."

After that, he strode toward the door.

At this moment, it was raining heavily, and the young man walked into the rain leisurely, but the rain fell on him without leaving any traces.

Or it should be said that he did not fall on him at all, but was blocked by a thin film when he was about to touch his body.

As soon as he walked out of the cafe, the young man flipped the palm of his hand and a bottle of wine appeared. He didn't know what brand it was and blew it directly on the bottle.

At the same time, the other palm was flipped, and a black card appeared in his hand.

Just throw it behind him.

"Well, it's still delicious. After completing this task, you will be promoted." After that, the whole person disappeared into the heavy rain out of thin air.

Before the card landed, a hand suddenly appeared from the shadow.

A man in a black suit came out of the corner, caught the card, and said with deep excitement in his eyes, respectfully, "Yes! Lord Black Messenger!"


Aoki after solving the middle-aged man in black.

Thinking of something, he slowly returned to the playing field.

At this point, the match between Du and Kona has ended.

Even the match between Aju and his opponent is over.

Although Ah Ju is not good at fighting directly, it does not mean that he is weak.

But after all, Aju's age is a little bit older.

But if you really want to say age, Wu Neng is definitely the oldest player in this challenge.

At this point, Du already appeared by their side.

Now a few girls, headed by Hibiscus, took Girona, Caruna and Doracena to cry over Kharna's inhumane behavior.

Although most of Furong was talking, when the three of them were looking at Xiangdu, their eyes were not right.

how to say...

It ’s like watching ... a single dog?

Or a single dog of a lifetime?

But soon their controversy over Du was interrupted by the arrival of Aoki.

Furong, who was speaking violently, saw Aoki, and her eyes brightened.

"Brother Aoki, why have you been there for so long? You haven't seen how miserable Sister Kona was just at the end. I have never seen Sister Kona showing such an expression. Finally ... finally ... almost I'm going to cry, so big tears are rolling in my eyes. "Speaking of tears, Furong also exaggerated with his hand.

Du's face had a bitter smile.

I finally knew what it was like to be hostile to a girl.

Until finally, after winning Kona himself, seeing Kona's expression, Du reacted.

I seem to be a little too aggressive.

To a girl, it seems that it is really a bit excessive.

But at the beginning it was indeed over, and too late to regret it.

Originally, I wanted to apologize to Kona when the two players shook hands. How could I know that after the battle, Kona just picked up the elves and ran.

There is no other way.

After coming here, Furong took three people to criticize him.

He is almost described as a bad guy who destroys the world.

Toward Aoki's expression of help.

Aoki was helpless.

Brother, you did it yourself ...

Do you think today is over? Your dark future has waved at you again.

"Cough, Furong, almost." Aoki coughed.

Hearing that, Furong glanced across with some angry eyes.

You don't have to listen to other people's words, but Aoki can still listen to Hibiscus.

After leaving the mountain, Furong only listened to two and a half people.

Adams is one, and the other is Aoki, as for half a person ...

Ogo is a half-person.

"But ..." Aoki said again.

"Du, you are indeed a little too much, I can't stand it anymore. You'd better go to Kona to apologize. It's all people in Guandu area, maybe you will look down and see you later." Aoki said Got some glee.

Du nodded.

He thinks so too.

Based on Kona's potential, it is not difficult to become the Four Heavenly King in the future, I am afraid that in the future ...

Wat seems to understand the seriousness of the matter.

Ogo and Mikkeli were sitting next to each other, and they had nothing to do with their hung attitude.

It's better not to participate in this kind of thing.

So as not to catch fire.

Think about Furong's combat power before Aoki didn't come ...

Dawu still knows something about Furong's "combat power".

The two just stared straight into the field.

Wow, Aju is amazing!

This is very skillful, amazing ...


A Orange wins.

After that, there was not much suspense in the match of martial arts.

This time, Du, Aju and Wu Neng are at the same level.

In the end, Herba once again demonstrated his dark horse's ability ~ ~ and won.

But this time Aoki observed him intentionally.

When he found his elf, it was abnormal.

To put it simply, after the battle was over, there was some weakness.

It was the same after the last game, but the next day was still alive and well.

Explain that he must have obtained something from the hands of that god.

Aoki is ready to get in touch if he has a chance.

But now you still need the white card and the unopened book from the middle-aged person's storage space.


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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